We offer a selection of afterschool clubs for all our pupils.
To find out more and to book your place, please contact the main office.
After School Club
We offer a extensive afterschool service for children from Nursery to Year 6.
The after school club runs between 3:15pm and 5pm. The children share a small snack, enjoy some fun activities and storytime. Cost is £6 per session and £7 for
nursery children.
Bookings must be made in advance by MCAS by the Thursday before the week the clubs are needed, bookings are non refundable.
We also have the following afterschool clubs throughout the week:
Premier sport deliver some of our sports afterschool provision which change termly to allow all children to participate.
For example other clubs offered throught the year are:
Football, Basketball, Fustalbal, Cheerleading and Gymnastics.