Parents are always welcome at Lingwood Primary Academy.
We see the link between home and school as a very important aspect of our pupils’ education. Parents have various opportunities across the week to speak with staff about their child.
The Head Teacher/Deputy Headteacher are available in the playground every morning to speak with parents; staff are also about to deal with day to day issues at the start, but also at the end of the day.
If you have something of a more urgent or lengthy nature, we would ask that you contact the school for a specific appointment. Whilst these will be prioritised it is not always possible for longer meetings to happen during the school day, but will be accommodated as soon as is possible for both parties.
Parents receive regular updates through our reporting system, as well as a round up of fortnightly news in the School Newsletter. Parents are also kept informed by letters (usually regarding trips, visits and events). Two noticeboards – one at the entrance to the school, and one in the playground on the Reception classroom wall are always kept up to date with current information.
We also ask that parents support pupils with their homework. Homework can become an issue at high school if children have not got into the habit of regularly doing it at primary school. Our children will always have something to do – even if they say otherwise! We use an online platform the Google Classrooms where all class work and homework is added where children can access and submit online.
Reading, Times tables and spellings are always good to do – especially reading which should be for at least 10 – 15 minutes a day at home.
Most of all though, we want to ensure that parents play a major role in their child’s development. If there are any ways you feel these can be improved, please let us know!
Attendance is the singularly most important aspect of a child’s education. If a child does not attend school – for whatever reason – they are not learning as well as they might be if they were in school. Regular attendance for children to be able to make progress is the key, and the best thing a Parent can do in supporting the school and getting involved with their child’s education, is to make sure that they are able to attend school each day, with everything they need to learn. This we ask above all else.
We understand that children are ill, or have other issues which might stop them attending. But we ask that if you are in doubt over this, to contact the school in the first instance and we will talk it through with you.
Holidays in term time are not allowed, and there are very few ‘exceptional circumstances’ where the Head Teacher will grant permission for these. Non-emergency appointments for the dentist or doctors should now be made outside of school time. We do understand that hospital appointments are not changeable.
Above all, if a child is in school, we will ensure that they have the best environment to learn and succeed.
If your child is unable to attend school due to illness please notify the school as soon as possible on 01603 712 295.
If your child is ill during the day and it is felt they can no longer remain in school we contact you to collect them. For this purpose please make sure that all emergency contact details are up-to-date with the school office.
If children return to school after illness, but still need to complete a course of medicine, we must have written permission from the parents/guardians on our school Medical Administration Form. Staff are not permitted to administer medication unless authorised by the Headteacher.
Long term medication such as inhalers should be kept in the school and parents/guardians must fill in an Asthma Record Care Plan. Inhalers should be replaced when they are out of date.
At Lingwood, we pride ourselves on having high expectations of behaviour.
All classes have a class charter which they produce each year and these rules adhere to our clear, robust behaviour policy.
We aim to promote good behaviour through positive and clear expectations, using a traffic light approach. This approach begins in Reception.
Each child starts on the green light, if they do not follow the class/school rules they receive a verbal warning. If they break the rules again, they receive another warning and move down to the amber light. If they continue misbehaving, they move to the red warning. However, if they still continue, they will receive a ‘Time Out’.
During a ‘Time Out’, the child will go to the Pastoral room and have
some thinking time to reflect on their behaviour. If they get three
‘Time Outs’ they will have a missed break, and after three missed
breaks they will have a detention. Please be assured that if there
are any issues with your child’s behaviour, the school will speak
with you directly.
Complaints procedure
If you are unhappy about any aspect of your child’s education or experience at school you should initially discuss it with your child’s class teacher.
If you feel the issue has not been resolved, please contact the Headteacher or a member of the Leadership Team.
In either event, full details of how to complain can be found in our Trust Complaints Policy
available here.
Ofsted Parent View
Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about your child’s school, from the quality of teaching to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour.
The survey can be completed at any time; you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected.