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By ashley.coley March 31, 2025
Headteacher's Update Dear parents and carers, I hope you had a lovely week. We are nearly at the end of the Spring Term but still have a busy few days to go. On Friday we are heading to St Peter’s Church in the morning for our celebration service. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help. Your child’s class teacher will let you know if we need you to help walk down. As much as we would like to have everyone there, please don’t turn up at the church as there is not room. We are keen to have share what happened at Lingwood on social media and have brought the Lingwood Primary Academy Facebook page back to life. Please click on this ling to follow us. (1) ‪#‎lingwoodprimary‬ – Explore | Facebook FOLPA met last Tuesday. I am pleased to let you know about some important dates: We have two non-uniform days in the summer term. Children can bring in £1 or tombola donations. Dates will be 16th May and 26th June. This is to raise money for our summer fete which be held on 11th July at 3.30pm. There is a quiz on 16th May at the Village Hall. Once again, our attendance is above the national average for Primary schools. A big well done to year 5 and Nursey for 100%. Have a great week.
By ashley.coley March 25, 2025
Headteacher's Update Dear parents and carers, It has been quite a week at Lingwood. We celebrated and raised money for Comic Relief on Friday including lots of exercises in assembly. The year sixes have been on their residential trip for three days. I am writing this having just experienced kayaking in March. Thank goodness for the sunshine. On Wednesday, we filmed our promotional video of the school. Once we have checked it through we will put this on our website. Many of you have been asking how Mrs Laycock is. It was lovely to see her visit the school on Wednesday. Please see an update from Dr Tim Coulson (CEO Unity SP). Mrs Laycock has successfully had surgery and has recovered well. She is now moving onto the next phase of her treatment plan. Once she has fully recovered from this, she is looking forward to returning. It has been agreed that Mr Jeffery will continue as interim Headteacher until her return. Please see this week’s attendance below. Well done to year 3 again for getting 100%! Have a lovely week. Mr Jeffery Interim Headteacher Lingwood Primary Academy
By ashley.coley March 17, 2025
Headteacher's Update Dear parents, It was great to see such a good turnout for parents evening last week. If you didn’t manage to come your child’s class teacher will be in touch because we think it is important you know how they are getting on. Mrs Brighton is running the London Marathon on Sunday 27th April and raising money for Neuroendocrine Cancer UK in memory of her mum. To help with the fundraising we will be holding a CAKE SALE! When: Wednesday 2nd April Where: School playground Time: From 3.25pm All items will be 50p If you are able to donate any baked goods, homemade or shop bought (and importantly nut free!) then please drop these off on the morning of the cake sale. If you would like to sponsor Mrs Brighton directly, please visit: Thank you for your support :-) I have had a few eagle-eyed parents who have pointed at that it said underneath my newsletter that children return to school after the Easter holiday on Monday 21st April. This is a mistake and is in fact Easter Monday. Children and staff return on Tuesday 22nd April. Another reminder to please not use the staff car park but to use the one at the Village Hall. A solid week with attendance. Well-done to year 3 for 100% attendance. Have a lovely week ahead. Mr Jeffery Interim Headteacher Lingwood Primary Academy
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By Richard Nobes May 4, 2023
This will be the perfect opportunity to meet our staff, other parents, plus other children too.
By Richard Nobes May 4, 2023
We are pleased to invite all new families to out Reception Welcome event on Wednesday 7th June at 10am.
Meet Norfolk Wildlife Trust
By Richard Nobes March 1, 2023
Meet Norfolk WIldlife Trust Tuesday 14th March at 3pm
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