Headteacher's Update
Dear parents,
It was great to see such a good turnout for parents evening last week. If you didn’t manage to come your child’s class teacher will be in touch because we think it is important you know how they are getting on.
Mrs Brighton is running the London Marathon on Sunday 27th April and raising money for Neuroendocrine Cancer UK in memory of her mum. To help with the fundraising we will be holding a CAKE SALE!
When: Wednesday 2nd April
Where: School playground
Time: From 3.25pm
All items will be 50p
If you are able to donate any baked goods, homemade or shop bought (and importantly nut free!) then please drop these off on the morning of the cake sale.
If you would like to sponsor Mrs Brighton directly, please visit:
Thank you for your support :-)
I have had a few eagle-eyed parents who have pointed at that it said underneath my newsletter that children return to school after the Easter holiday on Monday 21st April. This is a mistake and is in fact Easter Monday. Children and staff return on Tuesday 22nd April.
Another reminder to please not use the staff car park but to use the one at the Village Hall.
A solid week with attendance. Well-done to year 3 for 100% attendance.
Have a lovely week ahead.
Mr Jeffery
Interim Headteacher
Lingwood Primary Academy
Year Group News
In Bishy Barney Bees class we have been enjoying being artists this week! Our book is 'The Dot', which is about a girl who thinks she can't draw but her teacher helps her believe she can. We have experimented with using small world animals to make footprint patterns with paint, used a range of tools to mark-make in the sensory tray, explored colour-mixing, and tried to express different emotions in our drawings of people.
This week, Reception have been learning about the festival of Holi. They have been learning some new vocabulary, words like legend, festival and forgive and thinking about their favourite colour and how it makes them feel. In maths they have been learning number bonds to ten and practising finding these special pairs using counters and cubes.
Year 1
This week year one have been continuing our work on the Christian story of Easter and thinking about why the cross is important to Christians. In History we have continued to learn about David Attenborough and his impact on our world today. Our Maths has been focused on measuring and comparing mass and capacity. In our writing lessons we finished writing our stories with familiar settings – our writing is coming on leaps and bounds!
Year 2
This week we have been learning about how to write a personal recount. We lave learned how to use time words and phrases and adverbs to write a recount of something that has happened in the past.
We have also started to learn about rainforests. We learned that you can find rainforests in South America, Africa, and some parts of Asia and Australia. We enjoyed learning about the wildlife in rainforests and are looking forward to our trip to the Amazona Zoo to deepen our learning!
Year 3
This week Year three have finished writing their instructions – they have worked hard to use imperative verbs and adverbs. In maths we have started our new unit on measures and have been learning how to read scales. Year three showed how mature they were when engaging with our OM workshop for PSHE this week – Well done.
Year 4
This week, Year 4 have started a new writing unit on third-person stories, whilst continuing to enjoy their core text ‘Boy at the back of the classroom.’ The children have had some really grown up discussions around refugee children. In DT the children enjoyed creating their own butt hinges in preparation to make treasure chests next week. Year 4 engaged well with their OM Wellbeing workshop – being mature when naming intimate body parts.
Year 5
In Year 5, we have been writing our formal letters to Dragons Den persuading them to invest in our lunch bags that we are making in DT. The class have worked hard thinking about how to use fronted adverbials, flattery and the rule of three. In maths, we have started a new unit on Perimeter and Area.
Year 6
Year 6 finished their disaster narrative this week and edited it; they were impressive. In maths, the class have learned how to calculate the area of a triangle and in computing began to create tables on a spreadsheet. In science, they studied the colour spectrum and Isaac Newton’s role in it.
Rabbit Class - Hunter, for always trying his best during phonics.
Squirrel Class – Mia – for fantastic written work about David Attenborough
Hares Class –
Fawns Class – Autumn – for excellent participation in our PSHE workshop this week
Otter Class - Finlay for his dedication to reading at home and progress in school. Outstanding scores – well done!
Badger Class – Sam for being ambitious and creative with your vocabulary. Well done!
Fox Class - Zoey for great perseverance when calculating with money this week
Rabbit Class - Ruby, for always trying her best to follow the Lingwood Way and being a great role model to her friends.
Squirrel Class – Evie L – for showing great care and compassion to others during class discussion.
Hares Class –
Fawns Class - Harry – for being an excellent role model of the Lingwood Way
Otter Class – Thea for consistently working hard in lessons, following the Lingwood way and improved attendance.
Badger Class – Kelsey for being accurate and precise with letter and number formation. Well done – I am very proud of you!
Fox Class – Arthur for really good work in his arithmetic paper this week.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance
A reminder that Kara Stock is at Lingwood every Tuesday, if you need any further support and guidance with attendance.
Please note, class teachers will be communicating with any parents of children whose attendance drops below 95% to offer additional support.
A reminder that the school gates will continue to be open from 8.30 am and closed at 8.40am. Registration is at 8.40 am and school finishes at 3.25 pm.
Fines for parents for taking children out of school: What you need to know
Remember that every day counts and we are in every day next week!
OM Wellbeing Workshops
Last Thursday, we had Sue from OM Wellbeing in school to deliver some more PSHE workshops. These sessions were tailored specifically for our KS2 students, and I am pleased to report that all the children were actively engaged throughout the entirety of the workshops.
The primary focus of these sessions was to enhance the children's understanding of safety measures. Additionally, our Year 6 students received valuable tips on maintaining their mental wellbeing as they prepare for their upcoming SATs. This support is vital in helping them navigate this important period in their education.
We are grateful for the expertise that OM Wellbeing brings to our school community and look forward to their return in the summer term for further workshops to our KS1 pupils. Their contributions have proven to be beneficial in fostering a safe and supportive learning environment for our students.
Parental Permissions
Dear parents and carers,
On Wednesday afternoon one of parent governors is coming into school to make a promotional video of Lingwood Primary Academy. We are so proud of what is happening each day at the school so we want to spread the word.
I have just looked at Bromcom and there are so many children who don't have consent to be filmed and be on social media. Potentially, this will make filming very tricky. I suspect that several children don't have permission because of the complicated nature of Bromcom (we have plans to move to a different system in September).
Please can you have a look at the parental consent page on Bromcom to check your choices are correct. I understand there are important safeguarding reasons why some children can't be filmed but would hate for children to miss out on appearing in this video by mistake.
The link is below:
Thank you for your support
Mr Jeffery