Headteacher's Update
Dear parents and carers,
Firstly, I would like to apologise that you received last week’s newsletter so late. We are having a few IT issues, but I am hopeful they have been resolved.
It has been lovely to see the sun shining and the children continue to enjoy using the play equipment at lunch. It was also wonderful to see the effort put into World Book Day costumes.
Last week I met three wonderful members of FOLPA (Friends of Lingwood Primary Academy). FOLPA is our PTA, and they help raise much needed and appreciated money for our school. This includes holding discos, non-uniform days and fetes. They are keen for more parents to join and help out. They are keen to stress that any help is welcome, and by signing up, you are not signing your life away! The next meeting is on 25th March at 7.15pm at the village hall.
We are having a big push on reading at Lingwood this term. We are asking to children to read at home. Please support your child and the school by signing their reading logs and even better by listening to them read. We expect all children to be reading at home at least three times a week.
Our weekly attendance is a cracking is 97.2% with the highest attending class being year 1 with a whopping 99.3%.
Have a great weekend
Mr Jeffery
Interim Headteacher
Lingwood Primary Academy
Year Group News
In Bishy’s class this week we have carried on learning lots of amazing animal facts, some from our book ‘Do Baby Elephants Suck Their Trunks’ and some that we have found out from other books we borrowed from the library van. Children have been answering the question ‘if you could be any other kind of animal, what would you choose to be?’ and then painted a picture of the animal to display in our classroom.
This week, Reception have been reading ‘Mr Wolf’s Pancakes’. They have really enjoyed role playing making pancakes and practising their flipping skills! In maths we have been thinking about the numbers nine and ten. The children had fun working in pairs to find the composition of each number and have been looking out for these numbers around our classroom.
Year 1
This week we have been continuing our work on the book ‘Here We Are’ in our Reading sessions. We have begun writing stories in familiar settings in Writing and have finished our numbers to 50 unit in Maths.
We had a fantastic time on World Book Day, listening to Mc Grammar rap about some of our favourite books in his videos and also sharing extracts from our favourite books – fantastic reading year 1!
Year 2
This week, Year 2 started writing their own cultural story based in Kenya. We have worked very hard to write the beginning and middle of our stories. We have also been practising how to edit our writing for impact. In History, we learned about historical buildings in Norwich and learned that the Norwich Cathedral has the second tallest spire in England. We also learned that the Normans brought stone from France to build castles and churches all around the country.
Year 3
This week, Year 3 started their new unit on Advanced Instructional Writing and have worked hard to discuss the features of instructions. In Maths we are continuing to learn about fractions, this week we have been ordering and comparing fractions and have begun to look at fractions which are equivalent to one half. We have also enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day and sharing our favourite stories with the rest of the class.
Year 4
Year 4 used persuasive features learnt last week into their persuasive writing this week. In maths, we continued to work on decimals, specifically drawing place value counters and partitioning using place value grids. The children loved dressing up for World Book Day – Harry Potter is a firm favourite in Year 4!
Year 5
Year 5 have worked hard using subjunctive verb form, as well as thinking carefully about topic sentences at the start of paragraphs. In DT this week, we have created a beeswax wrap for our lunches using different materials and designs.
Year 6
Year 6 have worked very hard this week in assessments. They are also doing a great job in their English and writing their disaster story.
For World Book Day, there were some really good costumes as well!
Rabbit Class - Beren, for being brilliant in singing assembly.
Squirrel Class – Michaela – for fantastic work on numbers in Maths.
Hares Class – Avery- great understanding of length and height
Fawns Class – Mason Guest for counting in fractions on a number line confidently and accurately.
Otter Class - Eveyln – great improvement on her MTC score! Keep going, aim high!
Badger Class – Kayden – for being precise with details in your writing. Well done!
Fox Class - Sienna for a great editing this week with Miss Gillard.
Rabbit Class - Lexi, for being a brilliant role model and always trying her best to follow the Lingwood Way.
Squirrel Class – Eddie – for being kind and caring to others.
Hares Class – Sami- for being ready to learn at all times
Fawns Class - Charlie Page for having the confidence to ask for help and listening/ responding well to feedback.
Otter Class – Travis – always being a great friend, role model and following the Lingwood Way
Badger Class – Tamzin – for being helpful and supportive when sewing. Well done!
Fox Class – Noah for a really good effort with his assessments this week.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance
A reminder that Kara Stock is at Lingwood every Tuesday, if you need any further support and guidance with attendance and appointments are available this Tuesday during parents' evening week, please sign up at the office.
Please note, class teachers will be communicating with any parents of children whose attendance drops below 95% to offer additional support.
Well done to all the children arriving at school on time, ready to learn lets see if we can again increase our attendance next week!
A reminder that the school gates will continue to be open from 8.30 am and closed at 8.40am. Registration is at 8.40 am and school finishes at 3.25 pm.
Fines for parents for taking children out of school: What you need to know
Remember that every day counts and we are in every day next week!
Parents' Evening Week
Please remember to sign up to your parents' evening slot this week. This will be an opportunity for you to discuss your child's current progress and look at their books.
Sign up sheets are outside the classroom doors.
Additional Appointments
This term, you will also be able to schedule a meeting with:
These will be available on Tuesday 11th March.
- OM Wellbeing Consultancy
These will be available on Thursday 13th March.
We still have a few slots left!
Please book for these at the school office. For further information see letter.
World Book Day 2025
Thursday 6th March
A massive well done to every child and parent who took part and got involved with World Book Day 2025!
As always, we were so impressed with your effort and designs! Well done team Lingwood!