Headteacher's Update
Dear parents and carers,
I hope you all had a wonderful half-term break. The children have come back to school with brilliant attitudes to learning. It is always great to see their enthusiasm for school when I open the gate in the mornings.
We have had out write up from our attendance review. Here is part of the summary written by someone from the DfE:
Overall, Lingwood has developed excellent, relationship-based practice, tight daily follow up processes and good monitoring and tracking processes in place in a short period of time. There is strong leadership and significant change in a short period of time since the school moved across to USP.
This is a real team effort.
Currently our school attendance stands at 95.3% and our current overall winners are Year 3 with 96.3%.
One of the actions was to clear up what time the register is taken. The school gate will continue to open at 8.30am. The register will be taken at 8.40am.
Please can I remind you not to use the car park at the front of school. We are fortunate to have access to the Village Hall car park.
Have a lovely week.
Ben Jeffery
Interim Headteacher
Lingwood Primary Academy
Year Group News
This week in Bishy’s we have been learning some fun facts about animals! Our book is called ‘Do Baby Elephants Suck Their Trunks’, which has helped us appreciate how animals may differ from humans in lots of ways, but there are also some similarities in the things they do as they grow up. We have been playing lots with sea creatures in the water tray, African animals in the small world area, and building farms for the farm animals in the construction area. In phonics we are building our skills with blending simple words that have been broken down into their individual sounds, and in maths we are playing games linked to early subtraction and addition.
This week we have been reading ‘The Three Little Pigs’. The children have been experimenting with different materials and building techniques to construct their own houses and retelling the story using ‘time’ words like first and next. In maths we have been learning about time and seeing what we can do in one minute, we have also been learning the days of the week and the months of the year.
Year 1
Year 1 have loved starting to learn about David Attenborough in our History lessons this week. We have been finding out about why he is a significant person in our lives and watched some of his documentary work, which we were fascinated by! In Science we are revisiting our Animals topic, remembering what types of animal there are and their features. In Maths we have been securing our place value knowledge and enjoyed quizzing each other on the composition of numbers. A busy first week back!
Year 2
We have had a really good start to the term! This week we started learning about cultural stories in English and started planning our own story based in Kenya. We learned about the third person and how to use personal pronouns to write our cultural story. In addition, we finished our multiplication and division Maths unit and have shown great understanding of the relationship between the five and ten times table.
Year 3
This week Year 3 have been working hard. In English we have been learning about different sentence types and word classes. We have also started reading our new text: Operation Gadgetman in our reading lessons. In Maths we have started our unit on fractions. The pupils have shown an excellent understanding of unit and non-unit fractions. Well done Year 3, keep up the hard work.
Year 4
This week, Year 4 have had a great start to the term! In English, we have been learning about different features which are found in persuasive writing. The children have enjoyed creating slogans, and being entrepreneurs writing persuasive pitches in a dragons den style. In reading, we have began our new core text, 'The boy at the back of the class,' and we have had some grown up discussions around refugees. The pupils had excellent conversations in DT whilst they were learning about mechanisms in hinges. A busy, but very productive first week back.
Year 5
This week, year 5 have been writing a synopsis for A Midsummer Night’s Dream, where they have been selecting precise and ambitious vocabulary. In Maths, they have been learning about decimals, focusing on tenths, hundredths and thousandths writing them as fractions as well as decimals. In PE, we started gymnastics, and the children were amazing at performing to their peers.
Year 6
Year 6 have had a really good start to the new half-term and begun their maths unit on angles and shapes. They have also started their science unit on light and have learned about how light travels.
Rabbit Class - Bethany, for doing some great writing during independent learning.
Squirrel Class – Grace – for using adjectives and ‘and’ in her sentence writing.
Hares Class – Jenson- planning a great cultural story.
Fawns Class – Annabelle – For excellent explanations of how you know an answer in maths.
Otter Class - Erin – For fantastic knowledge and effort so far in our persuasive text unit.
Badger Class – Erin for improving her reading age by 1 year and 1 month – well done!
Fox Class - Bailey for really good improvements in his multiplication work in maths.
Rabbit Class - Otis, for constructing an amazing house for the three little pigs.
Squirrel Class – Edward S – for persevering with challenges in Maths.
Hares Class – Harriet- for a having a great start to the term and joining in our carpet sessions.
Fawns Class - Harley – for working hard this week and persevering when finding things tricky.
Otter Class – Stanley – Improving his stamina and presentation. Well done!
Badger Class – Chloe for overcoming challenges and being brave – well done! I am proud of you.
Fox Class – Evie for always showing that she is ready to learn
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance
A reminder that Kara Stock is at Lingwood every Tuesday, if you need any further support and guidance with attendance.
Please note, class teachers will be communicating with any parents of children whose attendance drops below 95% to offer additional support.
Well done to all the children arriving at school on time, ready to learn lets see if we can again increase our attendance next week!
A reminder that the school gates will continue to be open from 8.30 am and closed at 8.40am. Registration is at 8.40 am and school finishes at 3.25 pm.
Fines for parents for taking children out of school: What you need to know
Remember that every day counts and we are in every day next week!
Parents' Evening Week
Please remember to sign up to your parents' evening slot. This will be an opportunity for you to discuss your child's current progress and look at their books.
Sign up sheets are outside the classroom doors.
Additional Appointments
This term, you will also be able to schedule a meeting with:
These will be available on Tuesday 11th March.
- OM Wellbeing Consultancy
These will be available on Thursday 13th March.
Please book for these at the school office. For further information see letter.
World Book Day 2025
Thursday 6th March
Before the end of term, we sent a letter with information about World Book Day 2025 and each child recieved their token to exchange for a free book.
We are really excited to see the creative ideas you have this year! Every year, the costumes are inventive and with new books coming out each year we love to see new book characters your children want to be.
Don't forget to use your voucher for a free book!