
Hello, Lingwood families!

My name is Kara Stock, and I’m the Family Support & Attendance Officer for Unity Schools Partnership and Lingwood Primary Academy.

I want to reassure you that I am here to support you with any challenges you may face—whether related to your child’s school attendance or other family needs.

Starting this December, I’ll be at Lingwood primary every Tuesday and will be available for drop-in sessions from 8:30 to 9:15 am.

These sessions are an opportunity for you to chat with me about anything on your mind, from attendance concerns to other areas where your family might need help. I can provide advice, connect you with resources, explore your family network for support, and assist with referrals to other services, or other support networks.

We all know how important regular attendance is for your child’s learning and their sense of belonging at school. As we approach the end of the term, I’ll be sending out letters to some families to offer extra support. These letters are not meant to worry you but to identify challenges early and work together to prevent further dips in attendance.

If you receive one of these letters and have any questions, or if you’d simply like to chat, please don’t hesitate to drop by during my Tuesday sessions or contact me at

I’m here to support you and your family in any way I can, and I look forward to working together to help your child thrive.

Tuesday Drop-in Support Sessions

I am here to provide support for any challenges your family may be facing, not just related to attendance. Whether you need advice, a listening ear, or help navigating referrals to other services, or other support networks, I’m here to assist.

Drop by for a friendly chat every Tuesday from 8:30 to 9:15 am

I look forward to supporting you and your family.

Absence and illness

If you know your child is going to be absent from school for a clinic visit or dental/medical appointment, please inform the school office and bring a copy of the appointment card. Wherever possible, appointments should be made outside school hours unless it is an emergency.

If your child is going to be off sick, please call the school office (01603 742969 – option 1) before 9.00am on the first day of absence. Please ensure that you provide the reason for the absence and when you expect the child to return.

When reporting an absence, please avoid using general terms like "unwell" or "feeling sick." Instead, provide specific details about the symptoms. This information helps us accurately record attendance and ensures proper documentation.

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