SEND Provision

Ms Becky Clack is the Trust’s Lead SENCo and works across all four of our academies.

Becky joined us in 2017 and has a wealth of experience working with children with special educational needs.

If you wish to get in touch with Ms Clack or the Inclusion team, please email or call 01603 307 820.

For more information about SEND at our Trust, please see our SEND newsletters and guides for parents:

Lingwood Primary Academy SEND Policy

SEND Newsletters

Trust Policies

SEND resources

In addition, here are some useful websites to help support you and your child if you are worried about any of these areas: Mental Health and Wellbeing, Behaviour, Speech Language and Communication. The sites are free to access and will offer advice, support or signpost you to additional services. For any other concerns please contact the school’s parent line or email the SENCO.

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