Headteacher's Update
Dear parents and carers,
We seem to have had four seasons of weather in one week at Lingwood, but our children are hardy souls and don’t seem to be bothered by a bit of wind or rain.
We had our first school council meeting of 2025 on Tuesday. It is always good to hear from our pupils. They were particularly keen to get some more equipment to use outside and had interesting ideas about our reward systems.
As a staff, we have been working on having tight routines, so children are able to be ‘ready, respectful and safe’. We are striving for consistency and our focus for next week is the start and end of the day. Except for our Nursery pupils, children will be dismissed at the end of the day when they are sat down at their desk or on their carpet space. The teacher will call them up one at a time. Please be patient next week as this may take a bit of time to get right.
In the winter months, the grassy areas around our paths and playgrounds become muddy and slippery. Please try and keep to the paved and concreted areas for your own safety.
Please can you take a few minutes to complete the SEND survey for Norfolk County Council as this will give you a voice in SEND provision in Norfolk. Please follow this link.
SEND survey 2025 - Norfolk County Council - Citizen Space
Have a great week
Ben Jeffery
Interim Headteacher
Lingwood Primary Academy
*Please note, a letter for Spring 2 afterschool clubs went home on Friday. 
Year Group News
This week in Bishy’s class we have continued to enjoy the book ‘Astro Girl’ and learn more about space. We have been enjoying lots of junk modelling, using cardboard boxes, tubes and various other everyday items to create our own rockets. In our outdoor area we have been pretending to be astronauts on our own space missions, acting out what it’s like to move in near-zero gravity just like in the story.
This week, Reception have been reading a book called Shu Lin’s Grandpa. They have been learning about different paints and brush strokes and looking at some Chinese artwork. They have also been finding out about Chinese New Year and making some colourful lanterns. In maths they have been looking at the numbers 6, 7 and 8 and learning how to find one more and 1 less than a number.
Year 1
This week year 1 have been making doubles and near doubles in Maths and writing letters in English. In reading we finished our work on Peter Rabbit with a debate to answer the question ‘ Is it ever okay to steal?’ In RE we completed our work on Shabbat, finding out how Jewish people celebrate each week and why.
Year 2
In Year 2, we started a new writing unit on Formal Invitations. We learned how to use a formal tone in our writing and language that will interest the reader.
Next week is our CUSP Art Festival! We have been working very hard by using our painting and drawing skills to create an amazing art piece for the Art Festival.
Year 3
This week in Year 3 we have finished writing our animal stories, the children have worked hard to write in the third person and use the past tense. In Maths we have been learning about measures and have begun to identify equivalent measures. We also started our DT unit Food and Nutrition and enjoyed making our own fruit yoghurts.
Year 4
Year 4 has had a fantastic week exploring lots of new concepts of learning. In writing, they have learnt about subject-specific vocabulary, adverbs, pronouns and conjunctions. They will use these skills to write their own exploratory text about digestion next week. In maths, they have continued their focus on fractions. The children have enjoyed reading their brand new accelerated reading books. Miss Coley has also been impressed with the amount of home reading in their reading records!
Year 5
Year 5 have finished their narrative and have focused carefully on selecting precise and accurate vocabulary. In maths, they have been multiplying fractions by integers, which they have been amazing at - well done! In music, the class have been singing Don't Stop Believin' by Journey.
Year 6
Year 6 have started their new unit in English and will be creating an explanatory text on either how a volcano erupts or an earthquake happens. In maths, they have been converting decimals and fractions and did really well in their weekly arithmetic paper this week. In RE, the class have been learning about Humanism.
Rabbit Class - Penny, for great participation during phonics.
Squirrel Class – Bobby - for fantastic focus and effort in your writing.
Hares Class – Grace- great understanding and use of cool and warm colours and creating an amazing background for her art festival art piece.
Fawns Class – Sienna, for working hard to write a third person narrative.
Otter Class - Alfie - outstanding thinking in maths, great fraction work!
Badger Class – Darcy for working incredibly hard on your writing and carefully selecting vocabulary - well done!
Fox Class - Esme for really good progress in mathematics over the last few weeks - she has really improved.
Rabbit Class - Benny, for always trying hard to be a good role model to his friends.
Squirrel Class – Joshua - for always being keen to offer his thoughts and suggestions.
Hares Class – Josh- showing fantastic throwing skills during our cricket session this week.
Fawns Class - Tallulah - for helping to tidy away after cooking.
Otter Class – Brooke - always being ready, respectful and safe.
Badger Class – Freddie for always showing that you’re ready and respectful. You are a fantastic role model to your peers - well done!
Fox Class – Sophie for always writing in depth and creatively in English - she uses adverbs, conjunctions and prepositions very effectively.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance
It was super close this week! Well done to all.
Well done to all the children arriving at school on time, ready to learn lets see if we can again increase our attendance next week!
A reminder that the school gates will continue to be open from 8.30 am. Registration is at 8.40 am and school finishes at 3.25 pm.
Fines for parents for taking children out of school: What you need to know
Remember that every day counts and we are in every day next week!
Norfolk County Council
SEND Survey
We kindly ask that our parents take a moment to have their voices heard around the support and services for children with young people and SEND.
A reminder that if you have any concerns around your child please schedule a meeting with your child's class teacher who can communicate with our school SENcO Becky Clack.
Thank you for your support.
Accelerated Reader
A letter went home on Friday to parents of Years 3-6 regarding our new reading programme Accelerated Reader (AR).
AR is used to motivate pupils to increase their reading and vocabulary comprehension and to guide them to independent reading. It is a popular programme used in thousands of schools and will replace our use of Oxford Reading Buddy.
The main difference is that the children will now have a book at their assessed reading level, rather than accessing texts online.
We are really looking forward to seeing the children engaging with our new books and making fantastic progress with their reading!
Miss Long - Reading Lead