Headteacher's Update
Dear parents / carers,
It has been really useful speaking to children, staff and parents about how we can improve our behaviour systems and communication at our lovely school. I believe it is so important to praise, recognise and reward excellent effort and behaviour.
At Lingwood, we award ‘dojos’ when a child has worked hard and/or demonstrated one of the values of the school. We would like parents to see this recognition and therefore we need you to be set up on class dojo. Today, your child should have come home with a login sheet with simple instructions on how to set this up. If you have not received this, please speak to the class teacher or Mrs Tubby.
We are resetting children’s dojo scores at half term. When they earn 100 dojos, they will receive a silver badge to wear on their school jumper. This will be celebrated and awarded on a Friday assembly. If a child reaches 200 dojos they will be given a gold badge.
Some schools use class dojo to communicate between the teacher and parents. For now, we are not going to use this facility. To speak to the teacher, please do one of the following:
We will continue to send out our weekly newsletter on a Monday with an update from me and your class teacher as I know this is appreciated. However, this week, we will send the final newsletter for the half term out Friday.
Ben Jeffery
Interim Headteacher
Lingwood Primary Academy
Year Group News
This week in Bishy's class we have started reading the traditional tale 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. Children have quickly picked up language and phrases from the book, and have loved acting out parts of the tale while at the small world tray or outside when dressing as characters from the story. Our sensory tray has allowed children to investigate the texture of porridge oats and what happens when we add water. Everyone has also had a go at using dots in their artwork when painting pictures of the faces of the Three Bears, and the finished pictures will be displayed proudly in our classroom!
This week, Reception have been reading ‘Martha Maps it Out’. They have really enjoyed looking at maps and trying to find where they live on Google Earth. They have been busy making maps for each other to follow and drawing some of the things they can spot around Lingwood. They have also enjoyed making some digital artwork as part of the CUSP Art Festival.
Year 1
Year 1 have really enjoyed taking part in the CUSP Art Festival this week! We have been creating under the sea scenes, colour mixing adding white to one colour and adding collage and mark making to the piece. We also created our own jellyfish. We learnt that a group of jellyfish is called a smack.
In Maths we have been working on subtraction, counting back, finding the difference and representing using number sentences. In Reading we have finished our unit on Look Up. We loved retrieving facts and making inferences from the story.
Year 2
Year 2 have finished their writing unit on formal invitations. Everyone has worked hard and shown great organisation skills when writing an invitation. Well done Hares Class!
We have also done a great job participating in our CUSP Art Festival. We have finished drawing and painting our fish with a creative background. In addition, we have learned what digital art is and have done our own piece of digital art.
Year 3
Year 3 has had an exciting week. We have celebrated Art Festival week by taking part in some speedy sketching and using different painting techniques to create an underwater scene of starfish. We have also taken part in a RSPB activity - we welcomed a visitor who taught us about local birds and showed us how to make fat balls to help feed them.
We have also worked really hard to complete our PiXl tests this week - Great Work Fawns!
Year 4
This week, the children have shown great resilience and determination with their Pixl tests - well done! We have also celebrated Art Festival week by creating some monochrome artwork. The children created fish sketches using oil pastels, charcoal and sketching pencils. We also took part in a RSPB activity - the children enjoyed creating their own fat balls to put into their gardens at home. Finally, the last highlight was the children this week enjoyed creating their own personality islands for Children's Mental Health Week.
Year 5
This week, the children have shown great resilience and determination with their Pixl tests - well done! For art week, year 5 created a diving portrait, where they accurately chose colours to reflect different shades and texture. For Children’s Mental Health Week, we discussed how we support ourselves and complemented our learning partners to make ourselves feel good.
Year 6
Year 6 had a great time during the art festival this week painting tentacles. Also, they have made a really good start with their explanatory text on either how a volcano erupts or earthquake happens. In maths, the class have made a great start in understanding and calculating percentages.
Rabbit Class - Chester, for working hard to try new things and achieve them independently.
Squirrel Class – Jakob - for fantastic subtraction work in maths.
Hares Class – Sami- Amazing artwork during our Art Festival.
Fawns Class – Harry - for pushing himself to try new things at swimming.
Otter Class - Ivy - for always challenging her ability in lessons.
Badger Class – Tye - for being an outstanding Romeo when hot seating. You carefully considered how he was feeling at particular points in the plot. Well done!
Fox Class - Ben for very precise vocabulary in his explanation text on earthquakes
Rabbit Class - Betsy, for always trying to be a great role model to her friends and following all our golden rules.
Squirrel Class – Adona - being brave and having a go at answering questions on the carpet.
Hares Class – Brody- working hard,being positive and having a go at everything without giving up.
Fawns Class - Maggie - for great partner work and supporting others this week
Otter Class – Jessica - for showing resilience and outstanding knowledge in our conservation workshop.
Badger Class – Freya - for being a kind and honest friend.
Fox Class – Luca for really trying in class to focus and not distract others.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance
Fantastic attendance Year 3! A reminder that Kara Stock is at Lingwood every Tuesday, if you need any further support and guidance with attendance.
Well done to all the children arriving at school on time, ready to learn lets see if we can again increase our attendance next week!
A reminder that the school gates will continue to be open from 8.30 am and closed at 8.40am. Registration is at 8.40 am and school finishes at 3.25 pm.
Fines for parents for taking children out of school: What you need to know
Remember that every day counts and we are in every day next week!
CUSP Art Festival
This week, the children have taken part in the CUSP Art Festival and have raised awareness for Children's Mental Health Week. This year’s CUSP Art Festival theme was Celebrating Belonging through Art.
Each class had the opportunities to develop their art skills, take part in workshops and explore digital exhibitions.

This was the first subject festival Lingwood has joined in with since joining the Unity family. The children loved creating and seeing their work alongside other childrens in a virtual gallery via the dedicated CUSP Art Festival Padlet. We are certainly looking forward to taking part in the next festival.
Conservation Workshops
Last Thursday, Robert Norman came in to deliver conservation workshops with Years 3 and 4. The children really enjoyed learning about the local birds, the importance of looking after our wildlife and making fat balls.