Headteacher's Update
Happy new year. The Christmas holidays already feel a long way away, but we have got back into the swing of things and have had a good week at Lingwood. Pupils have quickly got back into good learning routines and have coped well with some disruption to staffing. We had several staff off ill last week and also staff on really important training. Whenever we use supply teachers, we always try to make sure we have staff that know the children and have high expectations. As parents of year 4 children already know, Mrs Walker has started her maternity leave, we wish her all the very best. Mr Wills (an experienced teacher) will be teaching this class this week before Miss Coley takes charge the week after.
This week, we welcome a cricket coach into school and the year sixes are doing a week of sats getting ready for May. In my assembly we talked about New Years Resolutions and making pledges to be the best version of yourselves. It has been interesting hearing the resolutions children have made but the real test for all of us is keeping them!
Ben Jeffery
Interim Headteacher
Year Group News
This week in Bishy's class we have welcomed four new children into the class - they have loved exploring their new surroundings, and older children have been great at welcoming them as they play together. The class has enjoyed the chilly weather, looking for various signs of winter in our outdoor area and finding ways to break down huge blocks of ice! We have been enjoying a new book called 'The Good Egg'; it is helping us learn that there are ways to help our friends make good choices, but also that we will all make mistakes sometimes and that is ok.
In Reception this week, we have been reading a story called ‘The Invisible’ about helping others. We have learnt lots of new vocabulary including words like ‘vibrant’ and ‘visible’ and thinking about who helps us and how we can help others. In maths we have been subitising numbers to 5, the children are experts at it! We have also really enjoyed hearing about everyone's Christmas holidays and seeing some photos on Google classroom.
Year 1
This week year 1 have been preparing to write a recount in the past tense in English and have begun reading Peter Rabbit in our Reading sessions. In Science we have started a new topic on Materials and in History we began learning about Mary Anning, an important person in British History! What a busy first week back!
Year 2
In Year 2 this week we have been working hard recognising and counting money. We have also been learning about the Quangle Wangle and his hat in an old poem written by Edward Lear that uses some archaic language! We have had to be detectives to retrieve information to answer questions.
We have also been working hard counting beats of 8 during our PE lesson whilst creating a dance based on the idea of a secret garden…we even did a waggle dance! The children ended the week by using potatoes to create a print and identified the positive and negative space.
Year 3
Year 3 has had a brilliant start to the term. We have enjoyed starting our new reading book: Sam Wu is not afraid of the dark. In Writing we have been practicing our punctuation and sentence formation, everyone has been working very hard with this. In Maths we have continued with our multiplication unit. Keep up the hard work.
Year 4
Year 4 have shown incredible resilience this week and we are really proud of them. We have started a new unit in English learning about stories from another culture and the children have written some brilliant similes metaphors in their writing. In History, the children started learning about the ancient civilisations: Ancient Sumer and Indus, we are looking forward to learning more about them. In Maths, we started our new topic on Length and Perimeter, this week we have been learning about working out the perimeter of a rectangle.
Year 5
This week, Year 5 have started multiplication and division in maths. We have been practising the area model, as well as the expanded column method. Well done to everybody for being so resilient! In writing, we have been writing haiku and cinquain poems - the children have been amazing at identifying syllable patterns.
Year 6
Year 6 have had a great first week back - they have finished off their history and science units and are learning decimals in maths. In English they are starting a narrative and have written lots of dialogue and speech.
Rabbit Class - Bethany - for settling into her new class so well.
Squirrel Class – Matthew - for fantastic phonics!
Hares Class – Benjamin - for brilliant effort and perseverance in maths when counting and recognising money.
Fawns Class – Charlie Bri - for his focus in writing this week.
Otter Class - Ivy - for being engaged in every lesson and being a kind and considerate role model in class.
Jessica B- for carefully presenting her Maths and for listening to instructions; carrying them out exactly.
Badger Class – George L - for excellent reading. Keep it up!
Fox Class - Ziggie for very good work in history this week - he was very knowledgeable
Rabbit Class - Luca - for being such a good friend and being so kind and helpful to others.
Squirrel Class – Mollie - for always trying her best.
Hares Class – Aurora - for being friendly, helpful and welcoming to me as someone new to both the class and the school. Mrs Tibble.
Fawns Class - Ella - for always offering to help and support her classmates and adults.
Otter Class – Max - for your excellent work in English this week and fantastic behaviour in class.
Ivy - for being enthusiastic about her learning and for volunteering to come forward and play the role of teacher.
Badger Class – Teddy - for always working hard and for being resilient.
Fox Class – Alicia for working very well with her new partner in lessons, showing maturity and diligence.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance
Well done to all the children arriving at school on time, ready to learn lets see if we can increase our attendance next week!
A reminder that the school gates will continue to be open from 8.30 am. Registration is at 8.40 am and school finishes at 3.25 pm.
Fines for parents for taking children out of school: What you need to know
Remember that every day counts and we are in every day next week!
Attendance Meetings
Dear parents,
This spring term, I will be in every Tuesday morning between 8.30 - 9am to discuss any attendance concerns you may wish to discuss.
I look forward to meeting you all and supporting where possible.
Kara Stock
Uniform Reminder
Please ensure your child comes to school every day wearing the correct uniform, including ties and shoes.
On PE days, your child should be wearing school PE Kit (black/navy shorts/tracksuit and yellow polo shirt).
Many thanks for your ongoing support.