Headteachers Update
The children have been working exceptionally hard this week, across the curriculum.
We welcomed Sue in from OM health and wellbeing. She visited and delivered different workshops to Year 1 - 6. These were focused around topics like: being safe, resilience, understanding emotions and puberty. We look forward to her delivering more workshops next term.
Next week, we are looking forward to our Christmas performances and events. We look forward to welcoming you all.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Miss Laycock and the Lingwood Team
Year Group News
In Bishy Barney Bees class we have continued to enjoy the focus book ‘You Choose’, building our understanding of different jobs people have, different homes people live in, and different foods people might eat (including insects!) Children chose to experiment with fake snow in the sensory tray, and we were all surprised when it proved to be just as slippery as ice! And some of the boys in the class were very keen to have a train station set up in the small world tray, which was then enjoyed by boys and girls alike!
Children have also been doing really well with practising our Christmas songs - we are all very excited for the performance next Wednesday.
This week's Reception has been learning about different celebrations around the world. They have enjoyed finding out how children in other countries get ready for Christmas and comparing it to their own traditions. They have also been making flags, spotting different countries on the globe and writing letters to children in other places around the world. We have been doing lots of practising for our Christmas show and are very proud of how hard they have been working on learning all the songs.
Year 1
Year 1 really enjoyed our first gymnastics session on Monday, and have also been working hard on our Christmas play. We can’t wait to perform it!
In RE we have been planning questions to ask 2 special visitors who will be coming to talk to us about a Christian Christmas. In English we have been reading poems and learning about alliteration, rhyme and synonyms and how they are used in poetry. On Wednesday we enjoyed meeting Sue, our school nurse, who taught us about ways to keep safe.
Year 2
In History this week, we learned about different sources of evidence that helped us understand what happened in The Great Fire of London. We learned about Samuel Pepys and his diary, artefacts, and the Great Fire of London monument in London.
We also did some fantastic learning in Maths and learned how to use related facts to find number bonds 100. In addition, we started Decembar and have been practising how to use bar modelling to solve problems.
Year 3
In PE this week, Year 3 have enjoyed starting our unit on gymnastics, they have been learning how to perform 3 different types of jumps and how to land them safely. In maths they have been working hard on their 4 and 8 times tables and have begun learning their multiplication and division facts for these tables.
Year 4
In Writing this week, Year 4 have started their 3rd person adventure story - we have got some wonderful imagination going on in the class with stories involving monkeys, elves and super heroes! In Science, the children continue to delve into States of Matter - looking predominantly this week at the changing state of a liquid into a gas. We have even conducted an experiment which we will review next week!
Year 5
In English this week, Year 5 have started their new writing unit of balanced arguments. The children have really immersed themselves in this unit and have carefully considered arguments for and against, alongside adverbials that they are able to use to introduce these points. We were also joined by a nurse to provide a mental health workshop. This was engaging and explored ways the children can support their emotions as their hormones change.
Year 6
Year 6 began a new unit in DT on gears, levers and pulleys this week and did a really good job in creating a block and tackle pulley. They are still working on their newspaper article and learning how to calculate fractions.
Rabbit Class - Albie, for showing great listening and taking part in our phonics sessions.
Squirrel Class – Stanley - for his explanation of a synonym and how words can be linked, in English.
Hares Class – Oliver - for his improvement in his handwriting session, really taking his time.
Fawns Class – Maggie - for her improvement in accuracy when using the landing position after a jump.
Otter Class – Erin - for your fantastic History work with Miss Coley. You successfully completed the challenge in great depth!
Badger Class – Arthur - for working hard with your handwriting. Well done!
Fox Class - Sophie for always explaining her answers in reading with evidence.
Rabbit Class - Lois, for working so hard to learn all the words and actions to go with our Christmas songs.
Squirrel Class –Xander - for taking his role as narrator in his stride and learning all of his lines beautifully.
Hares Class – Rufus - for being a good friend and being kind to others.
Fawns Class - Esme - for always being ready to listen and learn.
Otter Class – Finlay - for being mature and making all of the right choices throughout the whole day!
Badger Class – Amelie - for being mature and making the right choices. Well done!
Fox Class – Kye, for trying to make the right choices and do his best in lessons.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance
Our whole school attendance this week was 95.5% . In first place is Year 1 with 96.3%, in second place is Year 3 with 96.2% and in joint third place is Year 6 with 95.9%. Well done to all the children arriving at school on time, ready to learn lets see if we can increase our attendance next week!
A reminder that the school gates will continue to be open from 8.30 am. Registration is at 8.40 am and school finishes at 3.25 pm.
Please note that the DFE are making changes from August 2024 with regards to term-time holidays and fixed penalty notices. See link below for further information.
Fines for parents for taking children out of school: What you need to know
Remember that every day counts and we are in every day next week!
A big thank you, the final total raised for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal was £63.65
FOLPA Christmas Raffle
If you would like to buy a square to win the Christmas raffle please visit the school office.
Squares are £1 each.
The winner will be drawn on Wednesday 18th December.
Thanks everyone.