The term has officially begun! Over the last two weeks, each year group have begun their journey into new topics of learning. There has been a real buzz around the school with children talking about their new learning.
We would also like to welcome Richard to our Trust team who has been appointed to be Head of Communications and Marketing. Richard will be visiting us weekly to capture and showcase the children’s learning and our visitors so please watch out for this on our school website and social media.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mr Walker and Miss Coley
Last week, Years 5 and 6 took part in their Bikeability courses. Bikeability is the government’s national cycle training programme. It helps children learn practical skills and understand how to cycle on today’s roads.
Our children persevered through the cold conditions and listened carefully to their instructors earning themselves level 1 and 2 certificates.
We are very proud of all the achievements and confidence they made with their instructors.
On Monday, Happy Smiles visited children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 to prepare every child to grow up with the skills and knowledge to keep their teeth free from tooth decay.
The children really enjoyed having Chloe in and have not stopped talking about brushing their teeth since!
Big thank you to Chloe at the Happy Smiles Team.
Norwich Liberal Jewish Community Visit
This term for Year 1, the RE topic is titled, ‘What do Jewish people remember on Shabbat?’
So far, they have learnt the Jewish creation story, their visitor spent time introducing the children to Shabbat, this is how Jewish people celebrate it and how it relates to the seventh day of Creation, ‘day of rest’.
This week, the children were visited by Jenny from the Strumpshaw Fen who works on behalf of
the RSPB Wildlife Charity. They came to launch the Big Garden Birdwatch long weekend and it
is here! There's still time to sign-up and take part. Just spend one hour between Friday 27 and
Sunday 29 January counting the birds, and help monitor how birds are faring. It's free, fun and
a great way to keep an eye on your local wildlife. Wherever you are, whatever you see, it counts!