Miss Laycock
Year Group News
This week in nursery we have continued learning about aeroplanes, while also finding out more about rockets! We have enjoyed learning about where rockets travel to and how they fly, while making our own rockets using junk modelling at the creative table. We have supported children with maths language around shapes as they make their own 2D and 3D flying machines, and children took these ideas into their own construction of buildings such as farms!
This week Reception read the story 'The Dark' by Lemony Snicket. We looked at the vocabulary 'basement, dared, afraid, distant, spread, gazing and bothered. We talked about how we feel in the dark and the difference between night and day. In maths we have continued developing our understanding of number and the composition of numbers. We have used counting objects to practise splitting numbers into different parts as well as exploring the bonds of various numbers up to 10. The children also enjoyed visiting their new Year 1 classroom and particularly enjoyed making clay squirrels.
Year 1
This week we have been finishing our science work on plants, considering the differences between wild and garden plants. In English we have been discussing the moral of 'The Hare and the Tortoise' and writing adverts arguing the reasons why a monkey would make a good pet. In maths we have been recapping our fractions learning and writing our own problem solving questions for our friends to solve.
Year 2
Year two enjoyed their transition morning, meeting their new teacher, and they are now feeling really ready to start their journey into year 3. We have still been busy working hard this week, revisiting fractions in maths and collecting data about different leaf shapes around the school in science.
Year 3
This week, Year 3 has been learning about road, water and rail safety in preparation for our local walk next week. We have enjoyed making posters to share our learning. In Maths we have been learning about bar charts. In English we have started to plan our instructions about how to make our favourite sandwiches. Well done for all of your hard work this week Year 3 - keep it up.
Year 4
This week some of our year 4s have had the fantastic opportunity of performing at the Maddermarket. Their behaviour and confidence was absolutely outstanding - they made us very proud! So far this term the children have been revisiting and recapping the areas they found tricky on their test paper so we have been revising fractions this week. In Computing, the children have made their own online games as well as animating their names! We have finished Wind in the Willows and have moved onto Lewis Carroll's poem, Raven.
Year 5
This week, Year 5 finished their writing unit of writing a balanced argument. They carefully considered using a formal tone throughout, as well as additional and oppositional adverbials. In maths, we have finished our unit of converting measurements - the children have worked really hard on problem solving. We discussed the important skills of answering problem solving questions and strategies to support us such as highlighting key vocabulary. In PSHE, the children discussed scientific vocabulary and labelled parts of the female and male body. In addition to this, we explored the impact that puberty has on our bodies as we grow and develop into adulthood.
Year 6
After an amazing residential last week, this week Year 6 have visited their new High Schools which they were excited about and they reported that they really enjoyed the opportunity to find out more about their new school. We are full-swing into our play rehearsals now, which they are also full of enthusiasm for and they are looking forwards to being able to share it with their parents on 17th July. In bushcraft this week they learnt new skills using tools - axes and saws to cut firewood for their fire and marshmallows treat next week.
This week, Launchpad have each made a worry catcher, to catch any worries they might have about their upcoming transition. They then wrote a set of instructions explaining how they made their worry catcher. In Musical Keys this week, Launchpad finished making their song which they have been working on all year. They have worked very hard to complete their song and we are looking forward to listening to it as a class. In Bushcraft this week, we practiced our fire lighting skills. Launchpad has spent a lot of time this week preparing for transitions, with some of the class meeting their new teachers as well as some visiting new schools.
Rabbit Class - Malakai, for fantastic contributions to our maths carpet sessions on the composition of number.
Squirrel Class –
Hares Class – Emma, for answering questions about Fantastic Mr Fox in lots of detail.
Fawns Class – Max, for working hard and persevering in maths this week.
Otter Class – Amelie, Rose, Freya and Darcy for their cooperation and team working skills in a group whilst designing their own theme parks. .
Badger Class – Sophie for working hard with your spellings and for remembering spelling strategies - well done!
Fox Class – Two Star pupils this week: See below :)
Launchpad - Finley for an excellent swimming lesson this week. Listening, following instructions and going under the water. Well done Finley!
Rabbit Class - Isabelle for always being a helpful and supportive member of the class.
Squirrel Class –
Hares Class – Florence, for always working so hard and making the most of her time in year 2.
Fawns Class - Benjamin, for showing resilience throughout the week.
Otter Class – George K for his fantastic behaviour and confidence on the performing arts trip
Badger Class – Luca for working hard in all lessons and for working well with your learning partner - well done!
Fox Class – Two Star pupils this week: Chelsey - for being an absolute star doing the music for the play - completely focussed and everything plays at exactly the right time! Marshall - Developing self-confidence to sing in front of peers - I can hear your voice ringing out - well done!
Launchpad - Mason W for having an amazing attitude towards transition and welcoming his new teachers when they came to visit him in Launchpad this week.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance
Our whole school attendance this week was 94.5%. In first place is Year 5 with 95.5%, then in joint second place is Year 2 with 95.3% and in third place is Year 3 with 95.1%. Well done to all the children arriving at school on time, ready to learn!
Please note that the DFE are making changes from August 2024 with regards to term-time holidays and fixed penalty notices. See link below for further information.
Fines for parents for taking children out of school: What you need to know
Remember that every day counts!
Premier Sports Performing Arts
MadderMarket Performance
This term, a group of children signed up for the Premier Sports Performing Arts Club. Each week, with Sarah-Beth they have been practising a dance routine which on Monday evening they performed on stage at the Maddermarket Theatre in Norwich.
This was the first event with Premier Sports we have done, which led to a performance outside school, and as it was so fantastic it will not be the last. On Monday afternoon, Miss Coley and Miss Walker went with the children so they could take part in their dress rehearsals. We were blown away by the maturity, respect and efforts of these children. As well as being fantastic pupils, we watched their confidence grow right through to the evening performances.
A massive thank you to the parents who attended and supported their children in taking part in this fantastic opportunity. Today, the children were given a special certificate in celebration assembly for their efforts.
We are so proud of you all.
Reminder - Friday 12th July
This afternoon, we have our school fete, we have lots of stalls and games.
With over £1000 worth of prizes. Please don't forget to buy your square on the raffle boards. £1 each. These are available from the school office and the spa (local shop).
Please pop in before this afternoon with your cake donations.
We are looking forward to it! There will be lots of fun to be had.