Miss Laycock
Year Group News
This week we have been learning more about aeroplanes, which has linked to our understanding of the world as we talk about other countries. Our book of the week is 'Emma Jane's Aeroplane', in which Emma Jane goes on an adventure to many different cities across the globe, including London, Paris, and Sydney. We have then learnt a bit about the cities she visits, while sharing our own photos and stories of favourite trips we've been on, whether big or small!
There's a Snake in My School!!! Only joking! We read the story 'There's a Snake in My School' by David Walliams and talked about what pets we would most like in our school. In English we then wrote letters to Miss Laycock asking for a school pet, I don't think she would like a school snake though. We looked at the vocabulary crammed, menace, encouraged, announced and mischievous and talked about their meanings. In Maths we refreshed our learning on the number bonds that add up to 5, using double sided counters, numicon and five frames to help our learning. We have continued singing our daily songs and this week learned the poem 'Five Little Peas'.
Year 1
This week year 1 have been practising their under and over arm throwing in our PE lessons. In reading we have been reading and discussing the story of The Hare and the Tortoise and in maths we have been recapping on place value and our understanding of numbers. In Geography we have been drawing our own maps and in Science we have been recapping our learning on plants, designing seed packets for garden plants.
Year 2
Year 2 really enjoyed their trip to Banham Zoo on Wednesday. They took part in a workshop all about the rainforest where they thought about what it might be like to go there, what animals they might see and even got to touch a giant stick insect! They had a very close up encounter with the tigers and saw lots of other amazing animals, we were very proud of how well everyone behaved.
Year 3
This week Year 3 have enjoyed exploring how to use sponges to create stamps in art, they have worked together to create repeating patterns. In Maths we have been learning about the importance of a clear key when creating pictograms and have all had a go at creating their own pictograms. In English we have been exploring the features of advanced instructional writing and are looking forward to planning and writing our own instructions.
Year 4
This week, whilst some of the children were at the UEA athletics tournament, the rest of year 4 had the pleasure of taking part in an hour long music session with their drumming teacher. They have finished writing their news reports about the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb as well as nearing the end of Wind in the Willows! In History, we continue to learn about the Shang Dynasty but looked specifically this week at the Yellow River and how the civilisation benefited from the river. In PSHE, we celebrated mental health awareness by creating our ideal day out if we could do anything we wanted! The children presented their ideas at the end.
Year 5
In Year 5 this week, we have continued to write a balanced argument debating whether we should ban all vehicles powered by fossil fuels. The children have used ambitious vocabulary within their writing, which has really impressed me! In DT, we started our new unit of mechanisms. We explored what we remembered about gears and pulleys and the children constructed their own gears, where they labelled the driver gear and driven gear. In addition to this, they also constructed a pulley. In PE, Year 5 enjoyed playing rounders. They worked extremely hard on their fielding technique, well done!
Year 6
After an amazing residential last week, this week Year 6 have visited their new High Schools which they were excited about and they reported that they really enjoyed the opportunity to find out more about their new school. We are full-swing into our play rehearsals now, which they are also full of enthusiasm for and they are looking forwards to being able to share it with their parents on 17th July. In bushcraft this week they learnt new skills using tools - axes and saws to cut firewood for their fire and marshmallows treat next week.
This week in Launchpad we have continued with our instruction writing by writing instructions for making pizza. To be able to write our instructions, we first had to make the pizza. This included lots of measuring which links to our current maths topic. We also enjoyed eating the pizza we had made. In art, we made collages with a range of materials. We looked at staying safe around the swimming pool and thought about why we have these rules and what could happen without them.
Rabbit Class - Mollie Hadley, for her perseverance and growing confidence in phonics.
Squirrel Class – Amelia for supporting her partner to play a place value game in maths.
Hares Class – Ella, for always completing all of her work to a high standard.
Fawns Class – Jessica B, for overcoming her nerves during the sports events this week. Evie for writing an excellent rhyming stanza for her emotion poem.
Otter Class – Louis - For their fantastic news report on Howard Carter's discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb. It was formal and packed full of journalistic language.
Badger Class – Arthur for being accurate in your batting whilst playing rounders.
Fox Class – This week we had two star pupils.
Launchpad - Sebastian for pushing himself out of his comfort zone and being a great team player during the year 6 residential.
Rabbit Class - Esmae Cater and Lewie Stones. For showcasing great sportsmanship at the athletics tournament. They both were so independent, caring and kind. The staff were very proud of them both.
Squirrel Class – Oliver - for being positive and supportive to others with their learning.
Hares Class – Harley, for listening so carefully to instructions and being a credit to Lingwood primary while we were on our trip.
Fawns Class - Zamira, for working hard to be a team player this week.
Otter Class – Freya - For their continuous positive behaviour in Miss Walker's absence. You are a role model to others!
Badger Class – Hollie for being an amazing and resilient runner at the athletics competition.
Fox Class –Daisy - for being so brave at the athletics competition - carrying on running even though you had a bad injury. Isaac - for being so selfless - passing your medal onto your brother and for being such an encouraging teammate.
Launchpad - Charlie for ALWAYS being a superstar and for also helping Mr B.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance
Our whole school attendance this week was 94.6%. In first place is Year 2 with 95.4%, then in joint second place is Year 3 and Year 5 with 95.3% and in third place is Year 1 with 94.8%. Well done to all the children arriving at school on time, ready to learn!
Please note that the DFE are making changes from August 2024 with regards to term-time holidays and fixed penalty notices. See link below for further information.
Fines for parents for taking children out of school: What you need to know
Remember that every day counts!
Cluster Athletics
This week, a group of children from reception to year 6 visited the University of East Anglia. On campus, they utilised the sports park where they took part in a range of athletic track and field events.
Despite the competition being fierce across the cluster, they encouraged and supported one another throughout the trip. It was wonderful to watch the different year groups working together and showing immense sportsmanship.
During the ceremony awards we walked away with lots of bronze and silver medals and we even managed two gold!
We are so proud of you all.
Thank you to the staff who made the event successful and the parent supporters who managed to attend with such short notice.
Come join us on Friday 12th July
Next Friday, we have our school fete, and we look forward to meeting you all.
With over £1000 worth of prizes. Please don't forget to buy your square on the raffle boards. £1 each. These are available from the school office and the spa (local shop).
FOLPA has also asked if anyone can make/contribute cakes for the fete they would be gratefully received. Please bring on the day.
We are looking forward to it! There will be lots of fun to be had.