It has been a wonderful day of Pudsey celebrations today - children and staff have look great in their spotacular outfits.
Next Friday we will be supporting the Layer Up Power Down Day - an Energy Sparks initiate to save energy in our school and support the local environment. We are proud of our Eco-council representatives for organising and supporting this great cause.
We are holding our first FOLPA - Friends Of Lingwood Primary Academy meeting next Friday at 2.30pm in the school library. All parents and carers are welcome
Thank you for your continuing support.
Miss Laycock
Year Group News
We have been continuing our topic of Light and Dark by looking at animals that come out at night, and learning at the same time about animal habitats and hibernation. We have been using autumn leaves to make hedgehog pictures, and clay to make both model hedgehogs and diva lamps as we continued to learn about Diwali. In maths we have been focusing on time, talking about night and day and how we sequence orders to activities (e.g. the steps to brushing our teeth). In phonics we are played games to help hear rhyme in groups of words, and using instruments to make rhythmic sounds.
What a wonderful week it has been in Rabbit class- we have all thoroughly enjoyed taking part in National Nursery Rhyme Week! We have sung a new nursery rhyme everyday, used sign language and matched rhyming words. In maths we have been looking at number bonds to 5. These are pairs of numbers that add up to the given number, in this case, 5. We celebrated Children in Need Day and worked together to create a large Pudsey Bear with all things ‘yellow’ and a ‘spotty eye patch’. Well done Reception superstars!
Year 1
This week, year 1 have been learning about 2d and 3d shapes in maths, maybe you could find some examples at home? In RE we have been learning about the Muslim festival of Eid and comparing it to a Christian Christmas. In art we finished our painting unit by creating a painting inspired by the work of Piet Mondrian, using primary colours. We also enjoyed a nature walk for our recognition board reward.
Year 2
Year 2 have continued their learning about animals in science. Last week they looked at life cycles of chickens, frogs and butterflies and this week they learnt about the different stages that humans go through as they grow and mature. They have been writing invitations in English and thinking about how to make events sound interesting and exciting using adjectives.
Year 3
Year 3 have had a brilliant week. In Bush Craft, children have learned lots about the Stone Age and have made and taken home some accurate Stone Age spears! Children enjoyed playing along and singing to When the Saints go Marching In and have started multiplication and division in maths. In reading children have carried on learning about Leon and the Place Between and other mysterious magicians. Well done year 3!
Year 4
This week year 4 have been continuing to read Young, Gifted and Black in their reading sessions - most texts have been non-fiction but we read a short fictional text this week about a young girl who wanted to play cricket but was discriminated against. In writing, the children are super excited to have started this unit - we are writing 3rd person adventure narratives about a viking in battle - this links with our history unit at the moment which is Vikings! So far, we have been using speech and fronted adverbials. In science, we watched different materials melting and discussed how some melt faster or slower than others. As part of anti-bullying week, year 4 made colourful odd socks which are going up on the washing line display! In music, we played the glockenspiels as we entered stage 3 of learning the keys and how to form a tune. This week the children weren't able to make their soup due to a timetable change. But, they will become chefs again next week!
Year 5
This week in Year 5, Badgers Class have been working so hard to complete their myths and legends fictional narratives. Their writing has been creative and independent and they are proud of their efforts! We have also finished a unit all about fractions in maths and completed our printing unit in art, where the class produced some lovely work!
Year 6
This week in Year 6 we have continued to read Pig Heart Boy, a story about a boy who is waiting for a top-secret heart transplant. In maths, we have looked at mixed number fractions which has been very challenging. In our French lesson this week, we have learnt about different parts of houses - it was great fun - tres bien! It has been a busy week!
In Topic the classroom was turned into a Victorian classroom. We learnt about the rules and the daily routines. We compared this to our school routines now. We practiced our handwriting using chalk. In RE we recapped our last lesson and remembered what we had previously learnt about Diwali, knowing this was also known as the festival of light. We revisited the story of Rama and Sita from the last lesson and recalled the story. In pairs, we used small pieces of tissue paper to fill our Rangoli template and create a pattern. We then each folded and decorated our own Diya lamp card with patterns.
Rabbit Class - Harry for listening carefully and working hard during phonics lessons. Well done!
Squirrel Class – Freya for her shape work in maths.
Hares Class – Summer for working hard in maths and really getting the hang of addition and subtraction.
Fawns Class – Scarlett for working super hard with her reading comprehension and reaching the challenge more often.
Otter Class – Sam for his continuous effort in all of his subjects. He is always willing to try something new and will even challenge himself to do the best he can! We are so proud of you!
Badger Class – Kody for working hard to correct his handwriting and always keen to learn.
Fox Class – Tom for showing great determination and sportsmanship in our PE lesson this week.
Launchpad – George Steele-for amazing building skills. He created a fantastic animal train out of duplo.
Rabbit Class - Esmae for always working hard to keep our classroom super tidy! Thank you, Esmae!
Squirrel Class – Oliver for always being willing to share resources with others.
Hares Class – Sienna for always thinking hard and having a great attitude to her learning.
Fawns Class - Jessica B for being extremely supportive towards her friends.
Otter Class – George S for always helping others in the classroom and out on the playground. He is a role model to his peers for positive behaviour and shows kindness to everyone in the school. Keep up the fantastic work!
Badger Class – Bailey for remaining resilient, working hard and trying your best, especially in maths.
Fox Class –Tyler S. for being helpful and respectful in class.
Launchpad – Seth for demonstrating excellent team work when creating your Rangoli pattern.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance 94.8%
Our whole school attendance this week was 94.8%. In first place is Year 3 with 97.2%
and in joint
second place is Years 1 and 5 with 96%. Children at the end of term with 100% attendance will be awarded with a certificate. This will reset at the beginning of every half term
Remember that every day counts!
Eco Council - Layer Up Power Down Day
Friday 24th November
We will be turning down the heating on Friday 24th November. Please make sure your child has got an extra layer under their school uniform. The reason for this is to try and reduce CO2 and carbon dioxide which will help the environment.
Children in Need - Friday 17th November 2023
Today, we celebrated Children in Need at Lingwood Primary Academy. The children and staff looked brilliant in their spotacular outfits.
The school council ran the Pudsey colouring competition and Miss Long chose the winners of the colouring competition:
Esmae Cater in Reception
Evie Head in Year 5
We will announce the final amount donated to this amazing cause next week.
We would love to invite parents and carers of Lingwood Primary Academy pupils to join our FOLPA group.
We have our first meeting of the school year next Friday 24th November at 2.30pm in the school library.
It would be wonderful to see you there - old and new members!