It has been fantastic to see so many parents and carers visiting school to meet with their child's teacher this week. We have received some wonderful feedback and I hope you enjoyed sharing in your child's learning so far this year.
Children are thoroughly enjoying the after-school clubs - especially the sign language club as they are learning a special song for Christmas. It has been wonderful to see the children so engaged in this extra-curriculum learning.
As we look towards the coming weeks, please keep an eye on the 'dates for the diary' so you do not miss any of the festivities coming up!
Thank you for your continuing support.
Miss Laycock
Year Group News
We started the week by making our own fireworks paintings, using a range of effects and lots of bright colours! We talked about fireworks displays that children attended over the weekend, asking how fireworks make them feel. We then learnt about how people celebrate Diwali. We have been making Rangoli patterns, listened to traditional music linked to the celebration, and will be making diva lamps
In Reception we have been learning all about the festival of Diwali. Diwali is known as the festival of lights and we created our own diya lamps, which we made out of clay and then decorated with sequence and glitter. We have also acknowledged Remembrance Sunday and used red and green loose parts to create poppies. In maths we have been counting backwards and also used a tens frame to help us work out one more and one less than a number within 10. Well done Reception Rabbits, it has been a super week!
Year 1
This week Year 1 have continued working on stories with familiar settings in English. We have written a plan for our own stories and will write them next week. In maths we have been continuing our work on subtraction, representing our work in fact families and on number lines. We have enjoyed practising our under-arm throwing in PE and have been talking about Christmas traditions for Christians in RE.
Year 2
Year 2 have worked really hard in maths this week. They have been learning how to subtract a two digit number from another two digit number and used lots of practical equipment to help them with this. In Art they have been inspired by the artist Kandinsky, tracing 2D shapes and using primary colours
Year 3
Year 3 have had a brilliant week starting lots of new topics! They have learned about the skeleton and conducted their own investigation to see if there is a link between height and shoe size. They finished their topic of adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers and managed to solve tricky word problems using these skills. In PE, year 3 continued to practice their batting and fielding skills and have also learned some batting footwork. Keep up the super work!
Year 4
This week year 4 have been continuing to learn about the Vikings and their raid on Britain. Year 4 have started their maths unit on area and will continue with this for the next 2 weeks. We continued with our core text, Young, Gifted and Black. We began to write out critical analysis’ on Lewis Carroll’s poem, Brother and Sister - they produced some fantastic pieces of writing using the point, evidence, explain structure. Your second week back has been another great one Year 4 - I am very proud of all of the work you are producing - keep it up!
Year 5
This week, Year 5 have been writing their own myths and legends stories based on Ancient Greece. They have done such a fantastic job! The children are learning more and more every day and should all be proud of their wonderful parents evenings
Year 6
This week, Year 6 have been exploring stories that have a moral. They have started reading a new text, Pig Heart Boy by Malorie Blackman, retrieving information from the text and making comparisons. In maths, they have been learning about mental methods of calculation and how it can be useful to use known facts to reason. In science, they have continued to learn about the circulatory system, making models to show how blood moves round the body. They have begun to look at the heart in more detail, including its different sections. Meanwhile, in history, they have been learning about evacuations during World War 2. In art, they have continued to explore the skills used in Cubism, superimposing repeating tissue paper shapes to create striking pieces.
In Launchpad we read the story of Elmer and discussed what the word unique means and what made Elmer unique. We then wrote our own ideas onto coloured squares. Then we thought about what made us unique. These were also added to coloured squares and added to our Elmer the elephant as a display. We then made our own kindness cloud. We were each given five rainbow strands with different names on and we wrote what makes that person special.
Rabbit Class - Edward S for working so hard to improve your handwriting! We are so proud of you!
Squirrel Class – Lily for a fantastic story plan.
Hares Class – Gene for trying so hard in art and producing a great piece of work.
Fawns Class – Brooke for challenging herself in all subjects.
Otter Class – Esme for working extra hard in sharing her thoughts and ideas with the class and putting in great amounts of effort into her poetry critical analysis.
Badger Class – Noah for writing a fantastic Ancient Greek Myth. Your writing has been creative and detailed. Well done for working hard and trying your best.
Fox Class – Harry for thinking hard in history.
Launchpad – Sebastian for brilliant reading this week.
Rabbit Class - Freya for always being ready to answer questions on the carpet and for asking interesting questions herself! Well done!
Squirrel Class – Sami for being a super, kind and hardworking member of our class.
Hares Class – Ella for listening really hard to feedback to improve her learning.
Fawns Class - Jessica S for persevering with her cricket skills.
Otter Class – George K for his continuous acts of kindness he shows his partner and other classmates. He’s always offering his help to others!
Badger Class – Luca for trying your best with your learning this week. You have remained engaged in lessons and have been proud of your work. Well done!
Fox Class –Henry for consistently staying on task and always being one of the first to show that they are ready to learn.
Launchpad – Finley for consistently working hard and staying focused in all of your lessons.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Anti-Bullying Week 2023: Make a noise about Bullying
A reminder that next week, the week of the 13th November, we will be celebrating the theme of Make A Noise About Bullying for Anti-Bullying Week 2023.
At Lingwood Primary we will be encouraging our pupils to consider what bullying means to us, how banter can turn into something more hurtful, and what we can do to stop bullying.
The week will be kicked off with Odd Socks Day on Monday 13th November, where we will be asking children and adults to wear odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique! Add a colourful scarf too to support the SCARF curriculum and values that we model in school.
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance 94.9%
Our whole school attendance this week was
. In first place is Year 3 with 97.4%, second place is Year 1 with 95.2% and in third place was Year 2 with 94.5%
. Children at the end of term with 100% attendance will be awarded with a certificate. This will reset at the beginning of every half term
Remember that every day counts!
Eco Council Update
Visit from Energy Sparks
Lingwood had a visit from James from Energy Sparks. James gave an assembly showing how and when the school was using energy. James then showed the Eco council different tasks they could do to help improve the school’s energy use.
Finally, Eco council used a thermal camera to see where heat was escaping in the school!
Children in Need - Friday 17th November 2023
On Friday 17th November we will be joining schools across the UK by fundraising for BBC Children in Need. We will be having a spotacular non-school uniform/pyjama day and are asking for a £1 donation.
The school council are organising other activities for the children to enjoy such as a Pudsey colouring competition -50p entry and Penny Pudsey -please bring in any spare pennies.
It's going to be a spotacular day!
We would love to invite parents and carers of Lingwood Primary Academy pupils to join our FOLPA group.
We have our first meeting of the school year on Friday 24th November at 2.30pm in the school library.
It would be wonderful to see you there - old and new members!