It has been wonderful to see the children return to school after the half term break with enthusiasm and focus on their learning.
We welcomed a professional cricket coach into school this week who will be teaching children in Years three and four some exciting new skills over the next six weeks. The children had a fantastic time and are looking forward to their next lesson!
Next week will see the commencement of parents evening appointments. Please speak to your child's class teacher to book an appointment or contact the school office.
Thank you for your continuing support and we look forward to seeing you next week.
Miss Laycock
Year Group News
Our new topic for this half term is 'Light and Dark', linking well to all the different celebrations which take place over the weeks ahead. At the start of this week we were talking about Halloween - we carved and scooped out pumpkins, describing the textures we could feel, while sharing photos and stories of what we did to celebrate. We are also talking about fireworks and Bonfire Night, using junk modelling to make our own firework rockets!
This week Reception started their new topic, Let’s Celebrate! Which is all about festivals and celebrations from around the world. In English we have read two stories, The Roll Away Pumpkin and the story of Guy Fawkes. We wrote about new places the giant pumpkin could have rolled to in our very own village of Lingwood! We also thought of and wrote some fireworks rhyming words. We have learnt about firework safety and wrote a list of our top tips. In Maths we have learnt the names of 2D shapes, their properties, created shape pictures and went on a shape hunt! Finally, we attended our first ever, Celebration assembly and the Reception Rabbits were fabulous!
Year 1
Year 1 have got off to a flying start with their learning this half term! We have learnt the names of the 4 countries of the UK in Geography, been painting with primary colours in art and using part whole models to find out about subtraction in maths. In PE we have started practising ball skills and in English we have begun reading The Storm Whale.
Year 2
This week we went on a trip to Stranger's Hall and took part in different activities related to The Great Fire of London. We looked at objects from the past that could be a fire hazard, acted out some important moments from The Great Fire and walked around the museum looking for more fire hazards. In PE we started a new unit, Team Building and practised our listening and communication skills while playing different games.
Year 3
Year 3 have had an active week, learning cricket from a cricket coach and starting Bush Craft! In maths, they are now confident in adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers and in science year 3 have looked at food and interpreted food labels. Year 3 have also learned about both coordinating and subordinating conjunctions and have used them to persuade the government to not shorten the holidays. Well done year 3!
Year 4
This week year 4 have started their unit on critical analysis of poetry. We are looking at Lewis Carroll poems. We are continuing our unit of addition and subtraction. We have begun our new history topic which is Vikings! The children have already been discovering the life of a Viking and their culture. We made pizzas on Friday as part of D.T. this term - we will be making bread rolls and soup in the next 2 weeks - year 4 are very excited about this. We are continuing to read, Young, Gifted and Black in reading.
Year 5
Year 5 Badgers Class have come back to school raring to go for this new half term. They have impressed me with their work ethic across all subjects. The class have begun writing their own mythical stories in English, we are now reading Secrets of a Sun King, and we are about to complete our Maths unit on Multiplying and Dividing. Well done Badgers, you’re doing so well!
Year 6
This week, Year 6 have been exploring themes and conventions of poems that create images. They have finished reading Rooftoppers, summarising key points, using evidence to justify inferences and describing impact. In maths, they have learnt that following the correct order of operations can have a significant impact on calculations. In science, they have been learning about the circulatory system, describing what happens at each stage of the process. Meanwhile, in geography, they have been learning about how tectonic plates move and what happens when they meet. They have also discovered why many people may choose to live near volcanoes. In art, they have explored the skills used in Cubism, using different tints and shades to create their own pieces.
Launchpad have had an exciting first week back. They have been busy learning about playscripts and their features. In Topic we are going to be learning about the Victorians and have started to order a timeline. In PE we began our gymnastics topic and making a range of shapes with our bodies.
Squirrel Class – Charlie for super subtraction in maths!
Hares Class – Autumn for great maths this week when we were adding two digit numbers.
Fawns Class – Mason for having a brilliant attitude to his learning.
Otter Class – Rose for always striving to do her best in her maths. She never gives up and is always willing to ask questions and give it a go first!
Badger Class – Holly for improving her spellings scores with Miss Clack.
Fox Class – Gina for excellent work on the circulatory system in science.
Launchpad – Aoife for having super listening skills and great participation in gymnastics.
Squirrel Class – Aurora for being super kind to a year 6 pupil and tying his shoelaces for him!
Hares Class – Jack, for being so engaged in our learning about The Great Fire of London and asking so many great questions on our trip to Strangers Hall, he was a credit to our school.
Fawns Class - Erin for always making sure her friends are okay and helping them.
Otter Class – Freya for her continuous kind and amazing behaviour inside the class and outside on the playground. A fantastic role model!
Badger Class – Alicia for always working diligently, helping others and improving her TTRS score too!
Fox Class –Travis for an excellent week and consistently working hard and staying on task.
Launchpad – Evelyn for being kind to her peers and being helpful around the classroom.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Anti-Bullying Week 2023: Make a noise about Bullying
During the week of the 13th November we will be celebrating the theme of Make A Noise About Bullying for Anti-Bullying Week 2023. This theme was chosen by the campaign to empower children to do something positive to counter the harm and hurt that bullying can cause. At Lingwood Primary we will be encouraging our pupils to consider what bullying means to us, how banter can turn into something more hurtful, and what we can do to stop bullying.
The week will be kicked off with Odd Socks Day on Monday 13th November, where we will be asking children and adults to wear odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique! Add a colourful scarf too to support the SCARF curriculum and values that we model in school.
Ask your child what SCARF stand for!
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance 94.9%
Our whole school attendance this week was 94.9%. In first place is Year 3 with 97.8%, second place is Year 1 with 96.3% and in third place was Year 5 with 95.8 %
. Children at the end of term with 100% attendance will be awarded with a certificate. This will reset at the beginning of every half term
Remember that every moment counts!
Children in Need - Friday 17th November 2023
On Friday 17th November we will be joining schools across the UK by fundraising for BBC Children in Need. We will be having a spotacular non-school uniform day and asking for a £1 donation. The school council are organising other activities for the children to enjoy throughout the day - details to follow!
Our after-school clubs have commenced this week with the children thoroughly enjoying these activities.
A reminder that these clubs will run for 6 weeks.
There are still a few available spaces in the sign language club - if you are interested please contact the school office.