It has been a fantastic half term at Lingwood Primary Academy and I am so proud of the focus and pride that the children are showing in their learning and work.
On our return to school we look forward to welcoming parents and carers into school for parents evening the week commencing the 6th November - please sign up for an appointment with your child's class teacher or email the school office.
I wish you a safe and relaxing half term and we look forward to seeing you on Monday 30th.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Miss Laycock
Year Group News
Our topic of senses has moved on to taste, which has meant lots of fun with cooking! We have been reading the story 'Oliver's Vegetables', and linked to this we made our own vegetable soup. Children worked on their fine motor skills as they had a go at chopping vegetables, while talking about how the vegetables looked and felt. Linking to Black History Month, we then had a try at making South African mielie bread - children loved stirring and kneading the mixture, describing how it changed. Lots of the class enjoyed second helpings of both!
Reception have had another super week! We have enjoyed reading, Oliver's Vegetables and discussing which vegetables we like and dislike and then we wrote a list of vegetables for a 'vegetable soup'. In maths we have focussed on the composition of numbers 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. We have looked at different ways to make the numbers and used tens frames and our finger prints to do this. Finally, we learnt about the artist and teacher, Alma Thomas and re-created some of her vibrant artwork. What a fantastic half term you have had, Reception Rabbits! Keep shining!
Year 1
In year one this week we created our own Hindu shrine for Puja worship and have enjoyed using it to learn more about the Hindu religion. We have been continuing our work on adding in maths, reading Where the Wild Things are in English and have been learning about mechanisms in DT
Year 2
This week Year 2 have continued to show perseverance and resilience in DT whilst tackling the tricky task of sewing. They have learnt about predators, prey and producers in Science and have been retelling the story of The Goose that laid the Golden Eggs' in English. We are proud of how hard they have worked this half term and hope they have a lovely break
Year 3
This week, year 3 have carried out a science experiment to identify chalk or limestone in a group of rocks. They added an acid (vinegar) to these rocks and watched to see if there was a reaction. Year 3 have also continued their very hard work adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers and writing a non-chronological report about fossils. Year 3 have also learned about computer networks and how digital devices connect to other devices.
Year 4
This week year 4 have rounded off their topic of living things in science looking at classification and the grouping of animals and other living things. They have finished their first person diaries in writing and we are working on creating a display of our writing. We continue to read, 'Young, Gifted and Black' in reading where we are learning more and more about influential black people such as Usain Bolt and Rosa Parks. In Maths we continue in the unit of subtraction and addition looking at the estimating of numbers. We celebrated Black History Month this week too and made carnival masks and headpieces inspired by the Notting Hill Carnival. The children made them extremely colourful and even used feathers and sequins to give them more of a Caribbean feel to them!
Year 5
Badgers Class enjoyed their final Bush Craft session where they ate a roasted marshmallow over the fire pit. Thank you Mr Price for these educational and enjoyable outdoor learning experiences. We have also completed our Science unit all about materials and their properties. Thank you Class for a lovely first half term, you’ve all really impressed me! We say goodbye to a member of our Class and wish him all the best at a new school. Have a wonderful break everyone.
Year 6
This week, Year 6 have been finalising and sharing their discussion texts. They have continued to read Rooftoppers, retrieving evidence from the text to draw conclusions. In maths, they have been working hard and persevering to learn long division methods. Meanwhile, in computing, they have been challenged to work as a team without communicating in person! In DT, they have continued to learn about street foods, finishing the half term my making samosas.
Launchpad have had a great week. They have been roasting marshmallows in Bush Craft. They have been making and trying smoothies in DT. They have completed their own fantasy stories. Well done Launchpad for a great half term. You have all worked really hard and we are really proud of you.
Squirrel Class – Violet for fantastic art work during our lesson on Black History Month.
Hares Class – Austin for great writing in English this week and for working hard across all subjects.
Fawns Class – Freddie for working really hard on his non-chronological report this week.
Otter Class – Arthur for his efforts in his diary entry.
Badger Class – Ziggie for amazing contributions in all lessons this week, especially Maths.
Fox Class – Tyler for being consistently being ready to learn.
Launchpad – Fahren K. for his fantastic fantasy story. He wrote some amazing sentences.
Squirrel Class – Brody for being a kind and thoughtful member of the class.
Hares Class – Harry for being a great role model for always following our class rules, listening carefully and trying his best.
Fawns Class - Travis for being a team player in PE yesterday, encouraging and celebrating others.
Otter Class – Esme for being an excellent role model to all.
Badger Class – Alicia for helping her peers, always listening attentively and trying her best.
Fox Class – Maisie for persevering with long division this week.
Launchpad – Mason G. for being kind to his peer when they hurt themselves.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Just One Tree Day - Friday 13th October
After raising awareness for this great charitable organisation last week, the Eco Council were very excited to receive a special certificate congratulating the school on their donation of £136.25 which led to Lingwood Primary Academy planting an amazing 140 trees!
Thank you for your kind donations.
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance 95.3%
Our whole school attendance this week was . In first place is Year 3 with 98%, second place is Year 5 with 96.6% and in third place was Year 1 with 96.4%
. Children at the end of term with 100% attendance will be awarded with a certificate. This will reset at the beginning of every half term
Remember that every moment counts!
Harvest Festival - Wednesday 18th October
On Wednesday we held a wonderful Harvest Festival celebration assembly where we were visited by Lorna Clark from Lingwood Church and the children learnt about why we collected donations in school and what crops were grown in the harvest. The items were collected for Norwich Food Bank and Mr B then kindly delivered these items to them, of which they were very appreciative. Thank for your kind and generous support.
Letters have been sent home to the children that have been given a place at our after-school clubs:
Tuesday's - Sign language and Gymnastics clubs
Wednesday's - Bush Craft and Dodgeball.
These clubs will commence on the week commencing 30th October and run for 6 weeks.
There are still a few available spaces in the sign language club - if you are interested please contact the school office.