It has been a fun non-school uniform day supporting Just One Tree Day raising an amazing £136.25p for this fantastic charitable organisation. The charity run a global initiative focusing on reducing CO2 from the atmosphere through global reforestation. For every pound the children donated, a tree will be planted. Last year as a Trust, we were responsible for over 500 new trees being planted!
This week we wore yellow on Tuesday to raise awareness for World Mental Health Awareness Day. The children learnt about what mental health is and where they can get help if they or someone they know needs support.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Miss Laycock
Year Group News
In nursery we are continuing to explore our senses, this week with a focus on sense of smell. Children have been guessing familiar foods from smell alone, chopping different foods and herbs, then exploring the smells of herbs more as they make their own perfumes and potions in the sensory tray.
This week Reception we have enjoyed learning all about the season, autumn. We have read and explored non-fiction autumn themed books, worked together to create autumn posters and wrote descriptive autumn words. We also learnt our weekly, Poetry Basket poem, Autumn Leaves are Falling and you can see us perform this on our Google classrooms page. We have worked really hard in maths to consolidate our knowledge and understanding of numbers to 10. Well done Reception super stars!
Year 1
This week year 1 have continued finding out about Hinduism in RE. We learnt about the items that Hindus use for Puja; their daily worship. In maths we have been working on finding missing numbers in addition number sentences. It was lovely to welcome lots of our adults to our reading session on Thursday morning. We hope to see lots of you again next week.
Year 2
Year 2 have been busy this week. They wrote their own poems in English using rhyme and all agreed that they really enjoyed listening to and having a go at their own poetry. They had a lovely time reading to their grown ups on Thursday morning, it was great to have so many parents able to come. They have been continuing their learning about animals and plants in science by looking at food chains and thinking about which direction the energy travels.
Year 3
Year 3 have learned lots this week. They have started to add and subtract 2 3-digit numbers using column method in maths and are writing non-chronological reports about fossils in English. In DT, they finished making their different fabric boxes and have evaluated their work. They have also learned about how a network is made up in computing. Well done year 3!
Year 4
This week Year 4 have started their new novel in Reading, ‘Young, Gifted and Black’. We are looking at first person diaries in Writing linking to our core text. With this, the children are delving into the discrimination which famous historical figures faced as they rose in their field such as Mary Seacole, Barack Obama and Malorie Blackman.
In Science, we continue our topic of Living Things and have looked at classification of animals and plants and how to group them into categories. In P.E. we have continued with football and are loving it! The children now have great skills in dribbling with the ball and are understanding the rules of football more. Lastly, in PSHE we are looking at stereotypes in the world and why they exist as well as is there a way to change our perception of stereotypes?
Year 5
Year 5 have been working hard throughout all their lessons. We are trying to level-up with our Oxford Reading Buddy levels to become more secure with our reading comprehension. We had Hello Yellow Day for Mental Health Day and joined a Zoom session for this. We also enjoyed some Cool Cats Yoga.
Year 6
This week, Year 6 have been planning and drafting their discussion texts. They have continued to read Rooftoppers, using evidence from the text to draw conclusions. In maths, they have been exploring multiplication and division methods, applying them alongside reasoning to solve problems. Meanwhile, in history, they have developed their understanding of the Battle of Britain, focusing on the reasons that rationing was introduced. In DT, they have continued to learn about street foods, making pittas to enjoy with houmous.
In Launchpad this week we have been planning our own fantasy stories. On Wednesday we started with describing our created characters. We will continue to write our stories next week. In PSHCE this week we have been thinking about our future and what jobs we would like to do. We spoke about the skills and qualities that we would need.
Squirrel Class – Robin for completing reasoning challenges in maths.
Hares Class – Charlie (Brian) Elvin for doing some amazing poetry writing in English.
Fawns Class – Ramona for working super hard in her maths this week.
Otter Class – George K for super artwork this week creating a detailed sketch of a sunflower.
Badger Class –Sophie for working hard in all her work, especially with her writing.
Fox Class – Daisy for progress with division in maths.
Launchpad – Oliver M. for an amazing attitude in your Maths lessons. He is always trying really hard to solve tasks independently.
Squirrel Class – Freddie for working hard in all lessons.
Hares Class – Emily for always following our class rules, listening carefully and setting a great example to her classmates.
Fawns Class - Benjamin for being polite and kind to everyone in school.
Otter Class – Georgia for such a fantastic week - listening well and putting a great effort into ever.
Badger Class – Ellie-Rose King for working hard to impress and always producing her best work.
Fox Class – Layla for being super helpful in class.
Launchpad – Charlie K. for always being kind and encouraging your friends to keep going in lessons.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Hot Chocolate Friday for Star Award Pupils
We have commenced an exciting new award for our Star Award pupils. Those pupils who have been recognised by their class teacher for going above and beyond in the classroom will join Miss Laycock on a Friday afternoon for a delicious mug of hot chocolate or squash (made by Mrs Tubby!). Last week was the first time this celebration was held and it was a great success and enjoyed by all!
Well done Star Pupil Award winners!
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance 95.8%
Our whole school attendance this week was 95.8%. In first place is Year 3 with 98.3%, second place is Year 1 with 97.6% and in third place was Year 5 with 97.1%. Children at the end of term with 100% attendance will be awarded with a certificate. This will reset at the beginning of every half term
Remember that every moment counts!
Shared Reading Mornings Every Thursday
Year 1 and 2
We held our first open reading morning this week in Year 1 and 2 and it was wonderful seeing so many parents and carers sharing a book with their child. As a school, we are developing the children's love of reading at every opportunity and we could see the children's enjoyment at having their special adults reading with and to them. We look forward to seeing you next week!
Please can we remind parents to log onto the MCAS site and go onto the dashboard to update your child's parental consents.
Thank you for your ongoing support.