It has been another busy week within the school and the children are continuing to work really hard.
The children are embracing their new curriculum with great enthusiasm and focus. We are really excited about continuing this learning journey, it has been so lovely dropping into lessons, listening to our pupil's voice and looking at books which evidently show fantastic work being produced.
It has been wonderful to see the children sharing their learning that they are proud of in our 'Golden Work' book. This is being displayed in the school library.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Miss Laycock
Community Event - Saturday 7th October Autumn Fayre at Lingwood Village Hall in aid of St Edmunds Church South Burlingham
Year Group News
We have been exploring our sense of hearing in class this week! This has involved going on listening walks, and playing a range of games where children had to identify the instrument or object making a sound, and using walkie talkies and talking tins to have conversations. We've also been enjoying the books 'What the Ladybird Heard' and 'Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you Hear?
Reception have been working incredibly hard this week. In maths we have enjoyed playing a game called, “Race to ten” which uses a tens frame, some counters and a dice. We decorated our own tens frames and took them home so we can play the game with our families. In English we read the story, Elmer and then shared what makes us special and unique. We decorated our own Elmer’s to show how we are all different- great work Reception Rabbits!
Year 1
Another busy week in year 1! In maths we have been writing number sentences and learning a new song to help us remember our number bonds to 10. We have been learning the names of the 5 oceans of the world in Geography (with another catchy song of course) and asking questions about Hindu shrines in RE. We are doing fantastically with writing and have been working especially hard on our letter formation!
Year 2
This week, year 2 have enjoyed sewing in DT. They got the hang of using a needle and thread and persevered even when they found it tricky. We went outside, looking for minibeasts in different microhabitats around the playground and spotted worms, woodlice, spiders and ants. In music we are using xylophones to play along with the song we have been learning, perhaps your child can sing it to you?!
Year 3
Year 3 has had another fab week. In maths they have moved on to adding and subtracting a 3 digit and 1 digit number and in English they have learned how to write a non-chronological report. In DT, they have drawn a box net using a template, made a box and covered it in fabric. In science, they learned what was in soil by going outside and sieving some soil. Well done year 3!.
Year 4
This week it has been very busy in Year 4. We have continued to look at diary entries in our writing lessons, thinking about the content and how we can portray our feelings and emotions. In our geography lesson we looked at rivers and the different features that can be seen. We have continued to develop our football skills in our PE lessons, following instructions whilst showing a great team spirit!
Year 5
This week, Badgers Class have created maps of the school using natural resources during Bushcraft. We have also learned lots of new French words, as well as some British Sign Language! The class have been working hard to improve their independence and are taking greater care with the presentation of their work. Keep up the good work Year 5!
Year 6
This week, Year 6 have begun to explore discursive writing, exploring emotive language, formality and elaboration. They have continued to read Rooftoppers, retrieving important information from the text and making predictions. In maths, they have been identifying factors and multiples, making links with prime, square and cube numbers. Meanwhile, in computing, they have discussed the importance of internet addresses and discussed how data is transferred across the internet. In DT, they have been learning about street foods, making delicious burritos.
It has been another busy week in Launchpad! We have created our very own topic display showing our knowledge of the layers of the rainforest, as well as the animals that live in the different areas. Launchpad used teamwork and were very supportive to their peers
Squirrel Class – Elsie for being super focused in her learning, particularly in maths!
Hares Class – Esme for working incredibly hard in DT this week and her sewing was amazing!
Fawns Class – Zac for working well with others in PE.
Otter Class – Freya for great focus in her reading this week.
Badger Class – Jack for completing challenges in every lesson and trying his best.
Fox Class – Travis for explaining his answers using evidence from the text during reading.
Launchpad – Jordan for his brilliant artistic skills. He drew an amazing hummingbird for our class topic display.
Squirrel Class – Max for always challenging himself to be the best he can be!
Hares Class – Florence for always working hard, trying her best and follows our class rules without fail.
Fawns Class – Willow for consistently trying her best and challenging herself.
Otter Class – Amelie for being super helpful and kind to all.
Badger Class – Evie L for participating consistently in class and remaining resilient.
Fox Class – Taylor B for putting amazing effort into his learning in class.
Launchpad – Oliver S for demonstrating fantastic sportsmanship by helping not just his team but the whole class.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance 96%
Term time absences - a reminder
Please note as a school, we are no longer allowed to authorise any requests for children to be taken out of school for a holiday during term time. Requests for leave can only be granted in exceptional circumstances, and a holiday would not be considered exceptional. Requests for leave must also be made to the school in advance. To do this please come into the school office to complete the necessary Leave in Term Time application.
Parents may receive a penalty notice if their child is absent from school without permission.
We appreciate the challenges that some parents face when booking holidays, particularly during the school holidays. However, regular attendance at school is vital in helping children and young people to achieve their full potential and get the best possible start in life.
Shared Reading Mornings Every Thursday
Year 1 and 2
We are excited to start shared reading mornings in Year 1 and Year 2 every Thursday. This will be an opportunity to share a book with your child at the beginning of the school day, from 8.30-8.45am.
These will commence on Thursday 12th October - we hope to see you there!
One Tree day is on Friday 13th October and we would like to invite all children to wear non uniform. We kindly ask for a donation of £1 which can go towards the planting of more trees
We have a vacancy for someone to run our breakfast club provision between 7.30 - 8.30am every weekday during term time. Part-time applications would be considered. Please contact the school office for further information.