Hope you all had a restful half term.
It has been a really positive start to the term, the children returned enthusiastic to learn and looking extremely smart.
In assembly this week, we focussed on how we would make sure every moment of the next 23 days of term count.
Next week, we are really looking forward to celebrating World Book Day 2024. Please don't forget to use your token for a free book! Thank you for your continuing support.
Miss Laycock
Year Group News
Following the half term holiday we are starting our new topic, which is all about Growing. As we move into Spring there will be lots of opportunities for the children to do fun, practical activities which help them understand more about living things and growing. Our book of the week is Jack and the Beanstalk. We have been using lots of language around size and particularly height when talking about the beanstalk and the giant, measuring each other's heights and measuring our own beanstalks.
This week Reception has been thinking all about Spring. We have watched our class daffodils bloom and used poster paints to create observational paintings of these flowers. In English we have labelled the parts of a daffodil and looked at non-fiction books on Spring. In Maths we have continued working on our number bonds to 10, we discovered we can use our fingers to work these out as our hands are always with us! We have also been on a Spring walk around the school grounds where we looked for signs of Spring.
Year 1
This week year 1 have really enjoyed learning about David Attenborough and how he has shaped what we know about our world today. We have been exploring place value in maths and on using annotations in a text to make inferences in reading. We ended the week with our first karate lesson, which we loved!
Year 2
This week we started a new book called 'The Rhythm of the Rain.' We have been learning about illustrations and how we can also retrieve information from them to understand what we've read. In Geography, we started a new unit called 'Field and mapwork skills'. We learned what an aerial view is and looked at some aerial maps to describe the physical and human features of a place.
Year 3
Year 3 have had a brilliant first week back! In maths, they have been learning about fractions and many more have reached the challenge! In English, they have been learning about instruction writing and have been instructing other children about how to feed giraffes and how to take their jumpers off. In History, year 3 have started learning about the Romans and built their own Empire in the classroom! Well done year 3.
Year 4
Welcome back year 4! You've had a great first week back! We have started our new writing unit on explanatory texts and we continue with our core text, The Boy at the Back of the Class. We had our first swimming session which went very well and I know you are looking forward to the others to come! We have begun learning about electricity in Science by looking at the difference between mains and batteries. Well done for a wonderful week!
Year 5
This week, Year 5 have come back after the half term and begun some new topics such as the Mayans in History and Space in Science. We even had a Zoom call with Mrs Luck's Dad to ask all of our Space questions as it is a topic he is very knowledgeable about! We have enjoyed our writing unit all around A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare. We have completed our learning block in Maths all about decimals, fractions and percentages. Well done Badgers Class and keep up the good work!
Year 6
Fox class have already made their first 5 days count! Alongside a larger percentage attending after school SATs Club on top! We are so proud of the efforts our year 6s are putting into their learning. In maths this week we have been focusing on area and perimeter of shapes including compound shapes and triangles. In Literacy, we are exploring the features of newspaper reports ready to plan and write our own.
Well done Launchpad for a great first week back at school. We have discussed the different features of a letter and shown that we can recognise them. In Maths we have started on our time unit. We have been learning to tell the time on an analogue clock.In Topic we have begun learning about the history of Norwich and compared some of the places in the city now.
Rabbit Class - Mia- for working well with her talking partner during carpet sessions.
Squirrel Class – Hunter - for fantastic phonics - always being focused and ready to learn.
Hares Class – Tallulah has shown fantastic reasoning skills in measuring
in cm and m.
Fawns Class – Finlay for writing several brilliant sets of instructions this week.
Otter Class – Everleigh for her extra curricular activities outside of school. During the half term she competed in a cheerleading competition in London and won! We are so proud of you Everleigh!
Badger Class – Amia for trying your best when writing your Shakespearean synopsis.
Fox Class – Layla for fantastic attitude towards her learning across the curriculum - always producing her best work.
Launchpad – Kayden-For working hard learning his times tables this week. He has shown great determination too.
Rabbit Class - Malakai- for being really sensible within his friendships.
Squirrel Class – Jaxson - for being a supportive friend to others on the playground.
Hares Class – Gene has been making great choices, listening carefully and focusing on doing his best.
Fawns Class - Joshua for challenging himself more in class and working well with new partners.
Otter Class – Jacob for his leadership and continued kindness in being a playleader. He is always first to step up if someone is absent for their playleader time.
Badger Class – Evie H for consistently working hard, both on your own and with others.
Fox Class – Sam for being a kind and thoughtful member of the class, always offering to help out without being asked.
Launchpad - Sebastian- For being really helpful by tidying up the area outside Miss Hatch's room without being asked by an adult.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance 95.4%
Our whole school attendance this week was 95.4%. In first place is Year 3 with 98.5%,
then in second
place is Year 5 with 97.1%
and in third place is
Year 1 with 95.2%. Well done to all the children arriving at school on time, ready to learn!
Remember that every day counts!
World Book Day on
7th March 2024
On Thursday 7th March we are excited to be celebrating World Book Day at Lingwood Primary.
We invite children to dress up as their favourite fictional character from a book.
Please see letter sent home with further details.
Happy reading !
Red Nose Day Fun!
On Friday 15th March 2024 Lingwood Primary Academy will be raising money for Red Nose Day.
School Council have organised 2 activities:
● Non-school uniform - Wear red (if you like) Non-uniform for £1.
● Design a red nose competition - We will be sending home a red nose sheet to
design. 50p to enter. Please bring your entries in on the day.
Thank you for your support.
Daisy and Jessica on behalf of School Council