What another busy week making every moment count. We were thrilled to see so many children dressed up as their favourite book characters for World Book Day.
This week, Year 6 had a fantastic budgeting workshop delivered from the Natwest banking team. All of the children worked really hard to plan a birthday party.
Next week, we are looking forward to raising awareness for Comic Relief. School Council have planned some exciting activities - well done to those who have already bought their competition entries back.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Miss Laycock
Year Group News
This week we have continued our topic of Growing, learning about what plants need to help them grow and enjoying the story 'Jasper's Beanstalk'. We have also been getting ready for Mothering Sunday, as children made special cards and told us what they love about their mummies. We then had lots of fun on World Book Day! Children brought in their favourite books from home and read a range of fiction and non-fiction books.
Why didn't you know...? This week Reception has been learning all about The Gruffalo. We shared the story and designed our own Gruffalo's, labelling them with its new features. We created our own disgusting menus having been inspired by the story's 'owl ice cream' and 'roasted fox'. In maths we continued practising our number bonds to 10 using the song '10 green bottles'. We had so much fun on World Book Day. We shared stories with children from Launchpad, created our own Gruffalo paper plate faces and hunted for the hidden Gruffalo's in the Julia Donaldson books, what a lovely busy week.
Year 1
This week, year one have been working on describing settings using a range of adjectives in English and comparing and measuring length and height in Maths. In Science we have been recapping the features of mammals and RE we have been sequencing and retelling the Easter story. We had a fantastic World Book Day, sharing our books from home and making bookmarks. We especially enjoyed year 4 coming to read to us.
Year 2
In English we started a new unit 'Recount from Personal Experience'. We learned the pronouns we need to use to write in the first person and how to use words and phrases to show time to write in chronological order. In Maths, we learned how to measure in grams by using measuring scales and balance scales.
Year 3
Year 3 have had a challenging week with their learning! In maths, they have looked at equivalent fractions and have drawn fraction walls and number lines to help them with their learning. In English, they have completed their instructions about how to make a relief using gesso. Year 3 have also looked under a microscope in science to find the cells in a leaf ready for next week! Well done year 3.
Year 4
This week Year 4 finished their explanatory texts on the digestive system and started their new unit on 3rd person adventure stories. In Maths we continued with the unit of Decimals - they have been working extremely hard on this! In Science, we created our own circuits using wires, bulbs, batteries, buzzers and switches and then evaluated what we did by labelling the diagram in our books. We celebrated World Book Day on Thursday by dressing up as their favourite book character - we had some fantastic costumes from Oompa Loompas to Nicki Maxwell from the Dork Diaries! We celebrated by competing in a book quiz in groups, played guess the character and created our own story boards.
Year 5
n Year 5 this week, Badgers Class celebrated World Book Day. We had a fantastic time. Together we made bookmarks, wrote book reviews, did some shared reading with Year 2 children and recommended our books to others. Costumes looked brilliant. The books the children brought in were varied and interesting. Well done and thank you for putting in so much effort and for celebrating our love of reading. We also begun our Computing unit all about vector drawings and the class did so well with creating online images using shapes and lines!
Year 6
Fox class are continuing to make every moment count. This week in maths they continued their learning of perimeter, area with the addition of an engaging budgeting workshop delivered by the banking team at Natwest. The children were highly engaged and worked well in teams to budget a birthday party. In reading, we have continued to explore our core text, diving deeper into exploring and answering inference questions. It was so lovely to see Y6 celebrating their final primary school World Book Day. Well done to all.
This week we have been writing our own letters. In Maths, we have continued to learn about the time and displaying different times of the day on the clocks. In Science, we have been learning about the properties of a liquid.
Rabbit Class - Adona- For always trying super hard in phonics.
Squirrel Class – Rufus - for a fantastic explanation of his reasoning in maths
Hares Class – Ella, for completing all her work and the challenge for every lesson
Fawns Class – Max for reaching the challenges in maths and in reading all week!
Otter Class – Georgia for always showing role model behaviour to any adult in the school. Well done Georgia!
Badger Class – Bea for always trying your best and working to improve. You are a role-model pupil.
Fox Class – Zach - fantastic effort across the curriculum, making sensible choices.
Launchpad –Evelyn- For your fantastic work in English. You wrote a brilliant response letter to Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk.
Rabbit Class - Elio- For always being a valuable member of the class.
Squirrel Class – Alfie - for being focused and determined in all subjects.
Hares Class – Annabelle, for always following our class rules, listening so carefully to instructions and being a great role model to her classmates.
Fawns Class - Ivy for being resilient and conscientious with her instruction writing.
Otter Class – Esme for always being kind, helpful and polite inside and outside the classroom. You are a superstar Esme!
Badger Class – Harrison for being helpful and polite. You read wonderfully with the younger children for World Book Day, too.
Fox Class – Neave - for being such an amazing, supportive friend.
Launchpad - Skylar-For showing a brilliant attitude during her PE lesson this week. She listened carefully and made great choices.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance
Our whole school attendance this week was 94.2%. In first place is Year 3 with 95.5%,
then in second
place is Year 2 with 95.2%
and in third place is
Year 5 with 95.1%. Well done to all the children arriving at school on time, ready to learn!
Remember that every day counts!
World Book Day on
7th March 2024
Yesterday, we celebrated World Book Day!
Well done to every child who came to school dressed as their favourite book character. It was a fantastic day all round, the children really enjoyed pairing up with another year group to share stories and complete activities. We are looking forward to displaying all of the exciting work in the corridor.
Red Nose Day Fun!
Don't forget on Friday 15th March 2024 Lingwood Primary Academy will be raising money for Red Nose Day.
School Council have organised 2 activities:
● Non-school uniform - Wear red (if you like) Non-uniform for £1.
● Design a red nose competition - We will be sending home a red nose sheet to
design. 50p to enter. Please bring your entries in on the day.
Thank you for your support.
Daisy and Jessica on behalf of School Council