This week, saw the children working extremely hard in their termly assessments. Every day, we ask the children to try their best and they did not disappoint.
We have had more trips, experiences and visitors - it has been a busy one but the children have greatly benefited from these wider curriculum experiences.
We also dressed in red and raised money for Comic Relief - thank you to Miss Long and the school council for organising.
Please don't forget that it is the parent cafe drop in next Tuesday morning. The team are looking forward to the event.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Miss Laycock
Year Group News
We have had a really busy week in Hedgehogs class! We have continued our topic of Growing, this week looking in more detail at spring flowers such as daffodils to try and identify the parts of a plant, learning words like 'stem' and 'petals'. Our book is 'The Tiny Seed', which has helped teach us about the seasons and the life cycle of a flower. On Monday we enjoyed our local walk, heading to the duck pond in the village. The walk helped us begin to understand some of the local geography, thinking about short routes we walk. We also loved spotting lots of signs of Spring!
On Wednesday we had a special event in the hall when 'Little City Norfolk' came and set up an amazing role play environment for children to explore. The session was fully child led, allowing each child to completely take control of their play. Children in nursery particularly loved the builders site, the hairdressers, and dressing up as superheroes and princesses!
This week we have been very busy making maps! We shared the story of Martha Maps It Out and made maps of our village, our school, our classroom and our houses. We went on a walk around the local area, walking to the duck pond and looking for local landmarks, signs and other interesting things to see. On Wednesday we had a visit from Little City Norfolk and we had the best time immersing ourselves into all the different role play stations. What a fun week in Reception.
Year 1
In History year one have been thinking about David Attenborough's legacy and answering quiz questions about him on our iPads. We have linked this learning to recapping on the features of birds in Science. In RE we have been learning that a cross reminds Christians about Jesus and the Easter story. We are continuing our karate sessions and also practising sending and receiving a ball in PE.
Year 2
This week year 2 have been learning how to use the past tense in their writing and adding adverbs to add interest. They have been revisiting materials in science and designed a shelter for a pet, thinking carefully about which materials would be best to use.
Year 3
Year 3 have had a great week and have finished their fractions unit in maths. In English, they have written some brilliant first person narratives about visiting a new place. Today, the children in Year 3 are excited because they are going on a school trip to learn about the Romans and the Celts in Britain - we can't wait to share our thoughts in the newsletter next week. Well done year 3!
Year 4
This week Year 4 have started their new writing unit on Adventure Stories! They have been learning the basic skills to compose a great narrative such as fronted adverbials, pronouns and personification. At the end of the unit, they would've written a short story. In Science, they explored what would happen in a circuit if there were 2 batteries instead of 1 and how this affects the lightbulb. In Geography, we revisited timezones, longitude and latitude as we come to the end of this unit. The children used a map to plan a Mediterranean cruise!
Year 5
This week, Year 5 enjoyed a visitor from the Norwich Astronomical society. He spoke with us all about the planets and their features, the stars and answered our questions!
Year 6
This week the Year 6s haven been completing practice SATs papers in preparation for the real thing in a few weeks time. They all made a brilliant effort and had a really positive attitude towards their tests. We have also been putting the final touches to our newspaper reports about natural disasters.
This week Launchpad have been using the information they collected about Norwich and wrote our own postcard or Letter to tell Star Ship class informing them. They also made sure they included all of the features too. The letters will be sent next week and we will be comparing the information they have found. Everyone has been working on their times tables and completed times table checks every morning. Everyone's scores have improved and this is great to see. In Science, we have completed a science experiment to explore how evaporation works and how water changes from liquid to gas.
Rabbit Class - Mollie. You have put so much effort into phonics this week and it is really showing. Well done.
Squirrel Class – Brody - for fantastic progress in phonics - amazing Fred talk!
Hares Class – Charlie P for making great progress in maths this term.
Fawns Class – Zac for working hard in RE and managing to compare two different religions.
Otter Class – Freddie for his fantastic explanatory text which was all about the digestive system!
Badger Class – Ziggie for working well both on his own and within a group this week.
Fox Class – Whole Class - They have all worked so hard this week and have all given their very best to their tests.
Launchpad –Barney - For excellent counting in two's, you have shown great determination to learn your two times tables.
Rabbit Class - Eddie. You always have such fun and interesting things to add to our carpet sessions. Thank you for being a wonderful member of our class.
Squirrel Class – Robin - for always putting her best efforts into her work.
Hares Class – Billy, for always taking so much care and thought over his work and presenting it so beautifully.
Fawns Class - Erin for challenging herself and encouraging others to do the same.
Otter Class – Arthur for his wonderful show and tell at the end of the day. Arthur brought in his swimming certificate for completing his 25m!
Badger Class – Sophie for always being enthusiastic with her learning and keen to impress.
Fox Class – Chelsey - for a really positive attitude this week, especially in science.
Launchpad - Kayden - For your perseverance with tough Maths questions, you used all of your strategies to solve them all by yourself. You have shown great resilience
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance
Our whole school attendance this week was 94.2%. In first place is Year 3 and 5 with 96%,
then in second
place is Year 4 and 2 with 95%
and in third place is
Year 1 with 94%. Well done to all the children arriving at school on time, ready to learn!
Remember that every day counts!
Little City Norfolk Visit
On Wednesday, Little City Norfolk set up a variety of role play stations in our school hall.
Nursery and Reception children had a blast immersing themselves into child led play. It was fantastic to see their imaginations come to light in joy and laughter.
Thank you to Mrs Brighton for organising.
Local Walks
To extend their learning from the classroom, this week Nursery and Reception children have been on local walks around the village spotting landmarks and elements of spring along the way. They particularly liked visiting the duck pond and seeing the daffodils.
A big thank you to the parents and carers who volunteered to support with these outings, especially the ones who came out in the rain.