Headteachers Update
Another brilliant week this week with children working hard and lots of children being brave during their winter health immunisations.
A big thank you to the parents who attended the parent cafe session on Tuesday, it really is useful to hear thoughts and opinions from different perspectives.
This week, with the snow and the children practising for their Christmas performances -it has certainly felt very christmassy.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Miss Laycock and the Lingwood Team
Year Group News
Following on from last week’s focus, we have continued to focus on nursery rhymes in our structured story times. This week we enjoyed ‘Incy Wincy Spider’ and ‘Humpty Dumpty’ - children have been learning actions to link to the words, including some makaton. We then linked these rhymes to learning more about spiders, and which animals lay eggs.
We have also enjoyed learning more about the seasons, and right on cue we had snow! Children joined in with building with the snow, using snowballs to aim at our number targets, and exploring the ice which had been forming in our outside area.
Reception enjoyed playing in the snow earlier in the week, they even managed to make a little snowman! This week we have been reading ‘Each, Peach, Pear, Plum’ and learning lots of new words to go with it, like ‘cellar’ and ‘spy’. In maths we have been thinking about different ways to make 4 and 5 using cubes and other objects.
Year 1
This week year 1 have been planning a story in a familiar setting, ready to write them next week. We have been studying the poem The Owl and the Pussycat in Reading and talking about the meaning of the trickier words.
In Science we were finding out about mammals and birds and learning their features.
Year 2
Year 2 has had a very busy week working on shape and geometry in maths. They have been working on their formal writing skills in English beginning their writing unit on invitations. This week, they have focussed on formal tone, organising devices, command sentences and looking specifically at language for impact. This week with Mrs Marjorams help and support they cooked tortilla quiches - they looked and smelt delicious.
Year 3
In Science this week, Year 3 have enjoyed starting our new unit on Animals including humans by exploring different food packaging to compare the nutritional information. We have also been using our DT skills to create nets in preparation for making our own boxes. In English we have finished writing our formal letters to complain.
Year 4
This week, Year 4 have begun exploring Third Person Adventure Stories - this will be our topic for the next 3 weeks. In Science, we have been exploring states of matter looking particularly at what happens to the molecules when an element is heated and then solidified again. In Maths, we continue with multiplication and division which is helping us make connections with our timetables. Finally, in Art, they used the techniques of artist Georgia O’Keefe to create floral paintings.
Year 5
This week, year 5 have been learning about puberty and what happens to our bodies. In addition to this, we have started a new unit of learning in maths, which focuses on fractions. The children can all confidently find equivalent fractions – well done! Within our English sessions, we have planned and written part of our myths and legends narratives.
Year 6
This week Year 6 have finished their explanatory text on the circulatory system. They have made very good progress with their understanding of equivalent fractions in maths as well. Finally, in art they made a collage in the style of cubism.
Rabbit Class - Otis, for working really hard in phonics this week and making great progress.
Squirrel Class – Poppy - for always getting her morning work finished and to a high standard.
Hares Class – Jaxson - For challenging himself in shape and geometry.
Fawns Class – Luna, for working hard to use the features of a formal letter to complain.
Otter Class – Finlay - for brainstorming in greater depth when looking at states of matter.
Badger Class – James – for working hard in maths and for asking for support when needed. Well done!
Fox Class - Noah for a big improvement in his understanding of equivalent fractions in maths
Rabbit Class - Chester, for his independence and effort in all areas of our learning.
Squirrel Class – Mia - for always doing her best.
Hares Class – Max - for always striving to achieve his best across the curriculum.
Fawns Class - Malia, for always supporting and encouraging others in the classroom.
Otter Class – Evelyn - for a fantastic start to Lingwood. You have settled in brilliantly following all of our expectations.
Badger Class – Alex – for working hard and asking sensible questions during lessons
Fox Class – Sienna for always being enthusiastic and participating in lessons
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance
Our whole school attendance decreased this week was 95.9%. In first place is Year 3 with 97.1%, in second place is Year 1 with 96.7% and in third place is Year 6 with 96.5%. Well done to all the children arriving at school on time, ready to learn lets see if we can increase it again next week!
A reminder that the school gates will continue to be open from 8.30 am. Registration is at 8.40 am and school finishes at 3.25 pm.
Please note that the DFE are making changes from August 2024 with regards to term-time holidays and fixed penalty notices. See link below for further information.
Fines for parents for taking children out of school: What you need to know
Remember that every day counts and we are in every day next week!
Dressing Warm
With the weather conditions worsening, please ensure that you take extra care and plan extra time for your journey to school.
Please ensure your child is coming to school everyday in appropriate school uniform or P.E kits.
Your child needs to bring in a warm coat and their school jumper everyday. They may wish to also bring in scarves, gloves and hats - please ensure these are named.
School Disco
Monday 9th December - FOLPA Christmas Discos Ticket price £3.50 each
Tickets will need to be purchased in advance from the school office. Tickets will be on sale from Monday 2nd December.
KS1 Disco 3.30 - 4:15pm
KS2 Disco 4.30 - 5.30pm
Children will be provided with a snack, drink and packet of sweets. Children with dietary requirements will be catered for, or additional snacks can be provided by parents.