Headteachers Update
An utterly brilliant first week back, lots of children returning refreshed and looking smart for their school photos this week.
We have another jam-packed term ahead with curriculum, trips, visitors and festive fun! This week, Year 5 began their swimming lessons and Year 2 adventured to Strangers Hall.
This week, we also raised awareness for anti-bullying week, the poppy appeal and Children in Need. Thank you to all that contributed and paid respect.
Christmas dates have been set. Next Tuesday, we have our regular parent cafe drop in session from 8.40am. We hope to see you there.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Miss Laycock and the Lingwood Team
Year Group News
The children in Bishy's were all excited to be back, seeing their friends and sharing stories about celebrations for Halloween and Bonfire Night. We have been talking about how fireworks make us feel while making our own fireworks paintings using a range of tools and techniques. Children have been getting outside to look at how the trees and environment around us is changing as we move further into autumn, making collages using leaves and exploring the autumn objects in our sensory tray. We have also been celebrating World Nursery Rhyme Week with a focus on '5 Currant Buns' and 'Miss Polly had a Dolly', learning actions to accompany them while talking about how rhymes such as these help us understand elements of the past.
This week for World Nursery Rhyme Week, we have been learning nursery rhymes, singing along with actions and choosing our favourites. The children have enjoyed making Incey Wincey Spiders, currant buns out of playdough and playing musical instruments to perform their favourite songs. We have also been looking out for triangles and circles and thinking about positional language, the children especially enjoyed putting toys ‘on’, ‘in’, ‘beside’, ‘under’ and ‘behind’ different places in our outside area
Year 1
This week, year 1 has been learning about what shops were like in the past in our History lessons. They were amazed that you couldn’t order things online in 1950! We have been practising our addition in maths and have been producing excellent number sentences. In Science we started our new topic on animals and were captivated by what criteria makes an animal.
Year 2
Year 2 has had a very exciting trip to Strangers’ Hall this week! We participated in a carousel of activities. We explored real museum objects which date back to the 17th century and earlier, we met someone who was in London at the time the Great Fire broke out and we found out more about what it was like in London at that time and we pretended to be fire inspectors and saw what a room looks like by candlelight and explored some of the upstairs rooms in the museum looking for fire risks. The children also had their first DT cooking session with Ms Lal where they used chopping skills to create their own healthy noodle salad.
Year 3
Year 3 has had an excellent first week back. In writing, they have begun planning their formal letters to complain and have engaged really well with the topic. In PE we had our first lesson of netball. We have completed our assessments this week and I am really proud of the children’s resilience and determination to do their best. Well done everyone.
Year 4
What a fantastic week back Year 4! They have begun writing their critical poetry analysis of the poem Brother and Sister by Lewis Carroll. As well as, continuing with their core text, The Girl Who Stole an Elephant. In Science, we started our new topic of States of Matter where we looked at what the 3 main states are and how they fit into our daily lives. In P.E., the children enjoyed their first lesson on Hockey with Miss Lal and sunk their teeth into their new topic of Vikings in History with Miss Brown. Well Done Year 4! Keep up the great work!
Year 5
Year 5 have now finished their multiplication unit and the class have carefully considered how to partition numbers to help them multiply them. In Reading, we have started reading Secrets of a Sun King by
Emma Carroll, which the children are really enjoying. In Science, we have launched our new unit of Animals, Including Humans and the children learnt about the lifecycle of a human. In PE, year 5 have started swimming.
Year 6
Year 6 have had a good start to the term and are continuing to learn about WW2 in history, mountains, earthquakes and volcanoes in geography and the circulatory system in science. They have also finished swimming and are now learning about invasion games in PE.
Rabbit Class - Rory - for using lots of great positional language during his independent learning.
Squirrel Class – Nelly - for fantastic sentences using adjectives to describe a setting.
Hares Class – Robin- showing fantastic knowledge of the The Great Fire of London during our trip to Strangers’ Hall.
Fawns Class – Summer, for working hard to apply her learning in maths this week.
Otter Class – Mason - for trying your best during writing when drafting your critical analysis of poetry.
Badger Class – Amelie - for working consistently hard in maths and for challenging yourself. I am very proud of you. Well done!
Fox Class - Alicia B for really strong improvements in her fraction work this week.
Rabbit Class - Beren - for following all our golden rules during learning time.
Squirrel Class – Lewie - for always linking our prior learning to new ideas.
Hares Class – Aurora- having a great first week back by have a great attitude towards learning this week.
Fawns Class - Austin - for an excellent attitude to learning in all lessons which week.
Otter Class – Evelyn - for a fantastic start to Lingwood. You have settled in brilliantly following all of our expectations.
Badger Class – Sam - for always making the right choices and for being a kind and supportive friend. Well done!
Fox Class – Esme D for a brilliant start to Lingwood. She has followed the expectations perfectly.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance
Our whole school attendance this week was 96.2%. In first place is Year 1 and 3 with 97.2%, in second place is Year 6 with 96.2% and in third place is Year 5 with 95.6%. Well done to all the children arriving at school on time, ready to learn!
A reminder that the school gates will continue to be open from 8.30 am. Registration is at 8.40 am and school finishes at 3.25 pm.
Please note that the DFE are making changes from August 2024 with regards to term-time holidays and fixed penalty notices. See link below for further information.
Fines for parents for taking children out of school: What you need to know
Remember that every day counts and we are in every day next week!
Year 2 Trip to Strangers Hall
In addition to our current CUSP history topic, Year 2 had a very exciting trip to Strangers’ Hall this week!
They participated in a carousel of activities. The class explored real museum objects which date back to the 17th century and earlier, and met someone who was in London at the time the Great Fire broke out. Year 2 found out more about what it was like in London at that time and they pretended to be fire inspectors and saw what a room looks like by candlelight and explored some of the upstairs rooms in the museum looking for fire risks. They had a fantastic time, it was a great immersive trip which bought their learning to life.
Raising Awareness
This week, we raised awareness to two charities.
- British Royal Legion
- Children in Need
A big thank you to any one who has donated to these charities this week, Miss Ward and the School Council for organising competitions and activities. Final totals are currently being calculated.Later this term, we will be raising awareness for the following charity.
Save the Children
Children will be invited to wear their favourite xmas jumper on Thursday 12th December.