It has been another busy week at Lingwood Primary Academy. The children are embracing the new CUSP curriculum with great enthusiasm and focus. We are excited to be on this learning journey and it has been wonderful dropping into the engaging lessons being taught and being shown the high quality work being produced.
Thank you to all the Reception parents and carers that attended the first reading session on Tuesday - this was a great success and we look forward to introducing this into our Key Stage One classes in the coming weeks.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Miss Laycock
Year Group News
This week in nursery we have been continuing our 'All About Me' topic, with a focus on our bodies and what they can do. We have enjoyed the book 'Funnybones' and singing the song 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes'. Children then had a go at drawing around each other using chalk, then adding features to faces. We have also continued to talk about feelings, making our own 'mood monsters' as we discussed different emotions like feeling happy, sad, scared, and angry.
It has been another fantastic week of fun and learning in Reception. We read the story, Owl Babies and drew pictures of the people in our own families and then had a go at labelling them. We have enjoyed discussing how we are the same but different and we have continued to build on our knowledge of numbers to 5, using concrete, pictorial and abstract ideas
Year 1
This week year 1 have been comparing numbers in maths using lots of mathematical vocabulary. In English we have enjoyed listening to the story of Beegu and making predictions about what we think will happen next. In History we thought about how we have changed since we were a baby and enjoyed looking at some of Miss Long's old toys from when she was little.
Year 2
Year 2 have worked so hard this week, they really enjoyed their walk around the village to look at their local area in Geography. They were looking out for human and physical features and made tally charts to record their results. Their behaviour was brilliant and we just missed the rain too! We have been learning and MRS GREN in Science - an acronym to remember the necessary features of living organisms. Ask your child to see if they can recall these!
Year 3
Year 3 have worked very hard this week. In English, they have learned about adjectives and adverbs and are creating some brilliant narrative descriptions. They have also come up with some brilliant responses to questions about the book 'Greta and the Giants'. Year 3 have also finished their first art block and have created some amazing mixed media artwork - will be moving onto DT next week!
Year 4
This week Year 4 have started their unit on persuasive writing in which we will have the end goal of writing an advert. This week we looked at catchy slogans - the children participated in a quiz where they had to guess the product! In maths we are continuing on place value and are looking at partitioning 4-digit numbers. In P.E. the children have been loving football - I saw some fantastic footwork on Tuesday as the children practised weaving and dribbling the ball in and out of other players.
Year 5
This week, Badgers Class have been learning all about mixtures and solutions in Science - using eggs to test out our predictions. We have also been practising our football skills in PE and have enjoyed learning about Ancient Greece in History.
Year 6
Year 6 have have had another busy week. They have continued to write their own autobiography's with a focus on a specific skill or talent. These have varied from football, to gymnastics and even baking! All the children had great fun in their swimming lesson this week where they developed their front crawl stroke - Lauren the swimming teacher was very impressed with their focus and determination.
In Launchpad we have been busy again this week. In Topic, we have been locating rainforests and using atlases to do this. In English, we have been using Clicker Writer to write sentences about one of the pictures from The Tin Forest. In Maths, some of us have been counting objects and others have been counting in 10s up to 100. In Science, we have been learning about habitats. We have been sorting animals into their habitats.
Squirrel Class – Henry W for fantastic improved handwriting, sitting his letters on the line in his English work
Hares Class – Harley for great writing in English, using lots of adjectives to describe his animal.
Fawns Class – Evie for putting a brilliant effort into every lesson every day.
Otter Class – Jacob for his fantastic work in place value as well as his exceptional still life drawing of a compositional arrangement.
Badger Class – Evie L for her lovely story writing.
Fox Class – Samuel for a massive improvement in his presentation of learning.
Launchpad – Zoey for amazing sentence writing and showing great determination.
Squirrel Class – Raeya for being a kind and caring friend to others in the class.
Hares Class – Dylan for resilience and being brave this week, we are proud of him
Fawns Class – Zhyron for having brilliant teamwork skills.
Otter Class – - Esme for always showing kindness and politeness to the adults and peers around her.
Badger Class – Alesha for being a kind friend to many members of the class.
Fox Class – Daisy for always being kind and considerate to other members of class.
Launchpad – Barney for always following instructions and being an excellent role model to his peers.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance 96.4 %
Leave in Term Time
As a school, we are no longer allowed to authorise any requests for children to be taken out of school for a holiday during term time.
Requests for leave can only be granted in exceptional circumstances, and a holiday would not be considered exceptional. Requests for leave must also be made to the school in advance. To do this please come into the school office to complete the necessary Leave in Term Time application.
Parents may receive a penalty notice if their child is absent from school without permission.
We appreciate the challenges that some parents face when booking holidays, particularly during the school holidays. However, regular attendance at school is vital in helping children and young people to achieve their full potential and get the best possible start in life.
Cycle to School Week
Another reminder that this fun event is coming up at the end of this month.
If you would like some support on how to cycle or scooter to school safely with your child then visit the website
We will be talking to the children about this upcoming event in assembly and about the positive impact that cycling and scootering to school can have on their health, the environment and even their learning!
This week, Lingwood Primary Academy's School Council and Eco-Council members met for the first time after being nominated by their peers and class teacher's. The council groups are being chaired by Miss Long and Miss Malkin.
These school representatives will think about ways in which we can improve our school and encourage the pupils voices of Lingwood Primary Academy to be heard. We can't wait to see what contributions and ideas they have for improving our school community!