This week, the children have certainly made the most of the sunny weather. It has been so lovely to see the playground pals and children using our new playground equipment. The sound speaker and pom poms have been a big hit! Fantastic idea school council. We love to hear pupil voice.
Today we all got involved in supporting Miss Long by wearing green and going outdoors to walk some steps. We wish her the best of luck tomorrow on her mighty hike.
Next week, we will be getting involved in the Mental Health awareness week. It will also be time for our Year 6 pupils to shine in their national curriculum tests.
Thank you to all the parents who came Wednesday evening. It was really positive meeting and we are looking forward to our next chapters to improve our school.
Have a lovely weekend. Enjoy the sunshine.
Miss Laycock
Year Group News
We have continued to learn about bees, and carrying on with our focus book 'Winnie-the-Pooh Helps the Bees!' We have been finishing off our posters about how we can help bees, as well as making our own bees using a range of resources at the creative table. Linked to the stripes on bees, we have been learning about repeating patterns as part of our maths games, while in phonics we are playing games to help identify the rhythm in spoken words and to hear rhyming words.
This week Reception shared the beautiful book and music 'Carnival of Animals'. The children LOVED the book and the accompanying music, each sharing which piece was their favourite. In English we wrote about what we would take through the secret door with us. In Maths we have been looking at odd and even numbers, identifying and comparing them. We were also pleased to have Mrs Finnie as our secret reader, it was lovely to be able to say goodbye to her.
Year 1
This week year 1 have been continuing practising their reading skills using 'There's a Rangtan in My Bedroom'. We have been playing lots of games in maths to practice our position and direction vocabulary and have been thinking about how to keep ourselves clean and healthy in PSHE. Today we have been walking or running around the track on our field to help Miss Long in preparation for her marathon tomorrow!
Year 2
This week year two have been retelling fairy stories and trying to include interesting adjectives and connectives. In science we planted sunflower seeds. We are hoping they will grow into big strong plants as we can use our expertise to care for them. In music we have been really enjoying singing songs about friendship and playing along with the xylophones.
Year 3
In English this week we have started to explore how to write formal letters to complain. We have been thinking about the intended audience and the purpose of our letters. In RE we have enjoyed creating 3D models to show the importance of the 5 pillars of Islam to Muslims. In Science, we got outside and learnt about how shadows are formed and even played a game of Shadow tag. In PSHE we have been learning about the impact of using screens before bed and have set ourselves challenges to reduce our screen time.
Year 4
This week year 4 have started their new topic in maths which is geometry - we have already begun looking at obtuse, acute and right angles. In writing, we have also started our new topic of first person diaries! So far, the children have been collecting idioms, colloquialisms and contractions ready for their own writing. In science we continue to revisit our topic from autumn, living things - the children relooked at the classification of animals creating their own key! Finally, in PSHE, they were put into groups and had the task of creating a theme park which was diverse - so there was something there for everyone to enjoy!
Year 5
Year 5 have been finalising their Myths and Legends narrative this week. They have considered how to create atmosphere when writing the action, as well as using relative clauses. In maths, we have focused on position and direction whereby the children have plotted coordinates, translated shapes and reflected shapes. Everybody persevered with translating shapes - well done! In DT, they designed and created a shelter inspired by an Anderson Shelter. The children safely used a hacksaw and glue gun to create their structural frame.
Year 6
The Year 6 students have been working so hard this week, I am so proud of the determination and perseverance they have shown towards their work as we continue to revise areas of the curriculum that they find difficult, to prepare for SATs next English, they are all really enjoying writing their fantasy stories and I can see the progress they are making in their vocabulary choices. Their art project on marbles finished this week with creating their marble design using textiles and dyes and they are all really eye-catching. We had a very interesting geography lesson about Poland, the children were in awe of the scenery that we saw in the video we watched and we were taught some Polish by Oliver.
This week Launchpad have been demonstrating their team work skills. In RE they have made 3D models of inside the Gurdwara. In Maths, we have finished our work on Fractions and we will be solving problems involving money. In PSHE we have been learning about a community and what this word means to us.
Rabbit Class - Bobby for working brilliantly with his partner during phonics and making excellent progress.
Squirrel Class – Elsie - for her participation and effort in phonics.
Hares Class – Harry for careful, cooperative work in art and making a great 3D sculpture of a fish.
Fawns Class – Erin for her excellent editing skills in English.
Otter Class – George K for his amazing use of cultural specific vocabulary used in his writing based in Ancient Egypt.
Badger Class – Evie - for designing a stable structure in DT. You carefully considered your joining techniques - well done!
Fox Class – Erin - fabulous progress with writing, being so determined to improve work.
Launchpad - Charlie-For his amazing swimming skills. He has impressed the adults each week with his determination.
Rabbit Class - Matthew, for working well with others, sharing with nursery children and being a brilliant role model.
Squirrel Class – Avery - for her kindness and support of others.
Hares Class – Malachi for great cooperation, teamwork and following instructions in art.
Fawns Class - Zac for being a real team player during our game of Shadow Tag.
Otter Class – Sam for always showing respect and kindness to others inside and outside of the classroom.
Badger Class – Noah - for being resilient and making the right choices.
Fox Class – Oliver B - for such a positive attitude towards all his work.
Launchpad - Zoey-for having such a great attitude towards her learning. She is always ready and has shown brilliant listening skills.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance
Our whole school attendance this week was 94.4%. In first place is Year 5 with 97%, then in joint second place is Year 3 and 2 with 96% and in joint third place is Year 1, and 4 with 95%. Well done to all the children arriving at school on time, ready to learn!
Please note that the DFE are making changes from August 2024 with regards to term-time holidays and fixed penalty notices. See link below for further information.
Fines for parents for taking children out of school: What you need to know
Remember that every day counts!
Raising Awareness
This week, all of the children were spoken to about Macmillan and Y1 had a special visit from a Macmillan nurse. All of the children were excited to join in with enjoyed the 'Lingwood Mighty Walk'. Miss Long says, 'Thank you all so much for your generosity and kindness. I am blown away with the support of everyone.'
Next week, we will be raising awareness to Mental Health Awareness Week.
Link -
Miss Long's Just Giving Page
Good Luck Y6
Next week, children in Year 6 will be sitting their national curriculum tests. This can be a nervous week for some of our pupils, so to support their mental wellbeing they have been invited in for a free breakfast club.
We would like to thank our year 6 parents for being so supportive this year. Picking children up later when needed to attend extra SATs sessions and supporting with homework. It has been a whole team effort. It is so important that all of our child are in on time next week. If your child is ill, please inform the office as soon as possible.
Year 6 you have worked so hard for this. Try your best, that is all we ask and remember they are a snapshot of who you truly are!