This week, we have been so proud seeing each child create their own self-portrait to celebrate mental health wellbeing week.
Year 6 have shown pure determination and perseverance with their national tests. It was so lovely to have them in for breakfast club and see so many smiles throughout the week.
Massive congratulations to Miss Long who completed her 26 mile mighty hike and raised a staggering £1,199!
Big thank you to the FOLPA team who had a successful meeting this week to plan a successful school fete. If you can support, please let them know.
As always, we have lots to be proud of. Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Laycock
Year Group News
We have been continuing our topic on minibeasts, with a focus this week on ladybirds. We have been looking at the features of ladybirds, and in our artwork and maths games we have been building our understanding of doubles and symmetry. Our books this week are ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ and ‘The Bad Tempered Ladybird’, and in phonics we have been playing 'Fred Talk' games to hear how words segment into their individual sounds, while older children are being introduced to the last group of 'Set 1' sounds.
This week Reception has been learning all about DINOSAURS! We have had a fabulous week, learning all about these prehistoric creatures, learning dinosaur poems and sharing many dinosaur books. A big thank you to the children who so kindly lent us their books to share this week. In English we have written about our favourite dinosaur and looked at the words herbivore, carnivore, extinct, gnashing, sludgy and perching. In Maths we have been doubling numbers using dice, numicon and our fingers. We have also enjoyed playing dinosaur snap, exploring dinosaur fossils and exploring floating and sinking outside.
Year 1
This week year one have been working with numbers up to 100 in maths, writing a setting description in English and enjoying our new text 'And Tango Makes Three' in Reading lessons. We created fantastic self-portraits using pastels and talked about the things we enjoy doing as part of Mental Health Week. The children enjoyed sharing their hobbies and interests with each other. In Geography we started our new unit on maps and looked at a range of different types of map.
Year 2
In DT, we began our new Food and Nutrition unit and started learning about how healthy the food that we eat can be. We learned the meaning of processed food and the benefits of eating fresh food. We made overnight oats and got to try it and practise the bridging method by cutting soft fruits to add to our overnight oats.
Year 3
This week Year 3 have started learning about time in maths. We have enjoyed learning about Roman numerals and linking it to our topic in History. In Science we conducted an experiment to investigate how moving an object away from a light source affected the size of its shadow. The class were brilliant at asking questions and thinking about why results may differ.
Year 4
This week Year 4 have begun writing their diaries all about something unexpected that's happened to them! In maths, we come towards the end of our unit on geometry by looking at angles, polygons and quadrilaterals. Bushcraft was a muddy one this week! But the children made dens, chopped wood for the fires next week and even made a friend - Gary the snail! In geography we have been studying the water cycle and the 5 steps it takes - this week the children have reviewed various cycles and selected which ones are the best diagrams to use as examples for when they then created their own. Lastly, today as part of Mental Health Week, we designed portraits of ourselves with examples of the things which make us feel positive during hard times.
Year 5
This week in Badger class, we have started our new maths unit of Decimals. The children have understood the importance of setting out their calculations neatly to avoid making calculation errors. In English, we have been writing a poem about losing a game, where we have been exploring metaphors, syllables and homophones to make our poems effective. In PE, the children worked hard whilst focusing on Shot Put. They carefully considered their stance and their throwing technique.
Year 6
Year 6 have been completing their SATs this week. They have been amazing- calm and collected and have tried so hard, approaching every test with determination. We are so proud of all of them and they should feel very proud of themselves.
Today we celebrate this achievement- they definitely deserve it!
Next week we return to our normal curriculum which we continue next term, alongside lots of enrichment activities, as we prepare them for their transition to High School. Well done Year 6- you are stars!
Launchpad have drawn fantastic self portraits of themselves for Mental Health Week, they have really worked hard and they look amazing. In Maths we have been solving problems involving money. In Science we have been continuing to find out about famous scientists.
Rabbit Class - Elio, for making a fantastic effort to improve his handwriting.
Squirrel Class – Max for your fantastic self-portrait for mental health week.
Hares Class – Alfie, for really thinking hard about problem solving in maths and getting the hang of the new ideas we have been learning about really quickly.
Fawns Class – Evie, for asking for support in an area she was finding more challenging. Well done, Evie.
Otter Class – Louis for his fantastic diagram of the life cycle of a conifer. You included detailed images and thorough labels.
Badger Class – Ellie for writing an amazing poem in English. You carefully considered and selected good vocabulary, well done.
Fox Class – Whole class - for being so calm and doing their very best throughout the week
Launchpad - Year 6s - for fantastic effort in their assessments this week. They worked so hard and we are all so proud.
Rabbit Class - Nelly, for excellent use of capital letters and finger spaces.
Squirrel Class – Hunter - for showing resilience when completing your self-portrait for mental health week.
Hares Class – Esme for listening so carefully during learning time and being a great role model to her classmates.
Fawns Class - Benjamin for being focussed during lessons and always offering to help out in the classroom.
Otter Class – Arthur for helping Miss Walker around the classroom, offering to do jobs but still remembering to put his work as a priority.
Badger Class – Harrison for being a considerate and helpful learning partner, well done!
Fox Class – Taylor for determination and perseverance through the week facing all the week’s challenges with a smile.
Launchpad - Evelyn - for working hard in all lessons and being a fantastic role model to her peers.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance
Our whole school attendance this week was 94.4%. In first place is Year 5 with 97%, then in joint second place is Year 3 with 96% and in joint third place is Year 1, 2 and 4 with 95%. Well done to all the children arriving at school on time, ready to learn!
Please note that the DFE are making changes from August 2024 with regards to term-time holidays and fixed penalty notices. See link below for further information.
Fines for parents for taking children out of school: What you need to know
Remember that every day counts!
Micro Scooters
We are delighted to have received a donation of scooter accessories from Micro Scooters. Renowned for revolutionising the school run with their iconic 3 wheel scooters, Micro make getting from A-B quicker, cleaner, greener, healthier, and more fun.
We can not wait for these to arrive and the children to have fun. Big thank you to the FOLPA team for organising.
We need your help!
Behind the scenes, members of the FOLPA team are continuously working hard to fundraise for our school.In order for the school fete to go ahead we need volunteers to help out on the day manning stalls and setting up/clearing away!
Please help us to raise funds for our children and have fun at the fete in the process! If you can support please sign up at the school office or by emailing us. Thank you - FOLPA Team