What a fantastic week we have had. The children have loved being outside enjoying the beautiful weather.
We are so proud of the children's resilience and attitudes towards their learning.
Thank you to those who contributed today towards FOLPA donations for the school fete and your continuing support.
We wish you all a lovely bank holiday weekend.
Miss Laycock
Year Group News
This week for our minibeasts topic we have been learning about bees. Our book is 'Winnie-the-Pooh Helps the Bees!', which contains lots of facts about them and has taught us words such as 'pollen' and 'hive'. Children are having a go at making their own posters with pictures of things we can do to help bees, while exploring shapes like hexagons as we learn about honeycombs.
This week Reception has been learning all about ANIMALS! We have looked at mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and insects. We have shared many non-fiction books and created our own fact files on an animal of our choice to collate into a class book. Mrs Brighton was particularly impressed with how hard the children worked at home to complete research on their chosen animal. In maths we have continued focusing on numbers, particularly those between 10-20. We have practised identifying these numbers, finding them on a number line and making them using numicon plates. We have continued to develop our garden area and this week planted some flowers in the hanging pots.
Year 1
This week year one have been finding a half and a quarter of a shape or amount in maths. In English we have been writing setting descriptions about the rainforest, as well as reading There's a Rangtan in My Bedroom; a story about deforestation. In History we have been finding out about Neil Armstrong and why he is significant to us today and in Science we have continued with our lessons on plants, looking at those we might find in our gardens.
Year 2
This week year 2 have been working hard in maths, learning how to tell the time to half past and quarter to/past. They have been practising on clocks and trying to remember which way round the hands go. In science they have been learning what plants need to survive and designing their own greenhouses to give plants the best start.
Year 3
This week in Year 3 we have started our new Science topic on Light. We have enjoyed investigating which materials reflect the light most effectively. In Maths we have started our new unit on money and have explored how to make different amounts using pounds and pence. In English we have written some amazing animal stories using the third person narrative.
Year 4
This week Year 4 have been working extremely hard on their stories based on Ancient Egypt. As we come towards the end of the plot, they have shown that they can write a narrative with a clear plot, setting and characters - keep up the great work! On Wednesday, we had a surprise visitor who will be coming in every Wednesday to teach us African drumming. The children absolutely loved it and enjoyed the game of Simon Says at the end! We have finished our unit on sound in Science and have begun our new topic where we are revisiting Living Things.
Year 5
This week in Year 5, Badger Class have started their new maths unit on position and direction. They have shown that they are confident in reading and plotting coordinates on graphs. In English, we have started writing our Myths and Legends narrative - the children have considered incorporating expanded noun phrases, relative clauses and a combination of dialogue and description. In DT, the children have been exploring different joining techniques to create a stable structure. The children were extremely creative with their ideas - well done!
Year 6
This week Year 6 have been practising their arithmetic skills in maths, in particular multiplying and dividing including decimals. In history we learnt more about Henry VIII and explored things that he brought into England that we still have today.
In science with Miss Coley they conducted an experiment to try to extract DNA from strawberries - the classroom smelt lovely for days afterwards! In art we continued with our marble observations by using wax relief with watercolours - their sketchbooks are looking really lovely as they add and develop their work.
Launchpad have been continuing to work hard on their work all about fractions. In Art, we have been creating our own pop art comic pictures and they look fantastic. We have also been busy using our interview skills ready to write our own direct speech. In Topic, we have spoken about our differences and how we are unique.
Rabbit Class - Charlie for making brilliant progress in his reading, becoming clearer and more confident.
Squirrel Class – Jasmine - for her setting description in English, using a range of adjectives.
Hares Class – Emily for careful, thoughtful work in science.
Fawns Class – Brooke for challenging herself in maths this week.
Otter Class – Billy - for his amazing engagement and sportsmanship in P.E. He was cheering on others to support them and waited patiently for his turn when we played a tennis match, winner stays on.
Badger Class – Sienna for reading with fluency and expression - well done!
Fox Class – Henry for fantastic mathematical work and problem solving.
Launchpad - Sebastian - For an amazing pop art picture- lots of detail and fantastic use of colour.
Rabbit Class - Stanley- excellent participation in class discussions, sharing interesting ideas and many facts about animals.
Squirrel Class – Henry - for his positive attitude to learning.
Hares Class – Charlie Bro for working hard to finish all his work to a high standard.
Fawns Class - Ivy for her excellent explanations when answering questions this week.
Otter Class – Tamzin - for her fantastic attitude towards her peers. She has been giving out lots of positive affirmations to her classmates and teacher.
Badger Class – Zenouschka for always making the right choices and for being a great role model.
Fox Class – Lillie - for being such a kin and thoughtful member of the class.
Launchpad - Mason W- For a positive attitude in all of his lessons this week. His sense of humour has made all the staff smile this week.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance
Our whole school attendance this week was 94.5%. In first place is Year 5 with 97%, then in second place is Year 3 with 96% and in third place is joint Year 1, 2 and 4 with 95%. Well done to all the children arriving at school on time, ready to learn!
Please note that the DFE are making changes from August 2024 with regards to term-time holidays and fixed penalty notices. See link below for further information.
Fines for parents for taking children out of school: What you need to know
Remember that every day counts!
Raising Awareness
Next week, on Friday 10th May we will be supporting Miss Long to help raise awareness for Macmillan Cancer Support by wearing green. Thank you so much to those who have already sponsored Miss Long for her marathon walk, she is so grateful. Every penny counts for this great charity.
Link -
Miss Long's Just Giving Page
Healthy Lunches
Research shows children who stay a healthy weight tend to be fitter, healthier, better able to learn, and more self-confident. At Lingwood we always promote healthy eating, but we would like to support parents with healthier food swap ideas to help cut down on sugar, salt and fat. Below please find a link for some quick and easy healthier lunch-box ideas and tips.
NHS Healthier Lunch Box Recipes