What a whirlwind of a second week.
Amongst the children working hard across the curriculum, we have had the Norfolk County Council mental health team visit to deliver workshops to Year 6.
The Bikeability team were in to provide enrichment opportunities for Years 3 and 4 and Mrs Walker took the Year 4s to Norwich Theatre Royal to watch their core text performed live on stage.
We also had our summer term parent's evening. Thank you to those who attended, it was great to hear feedback. If you missed out on a meeting - please contact the class teacher so they can arrange an appointment with you.
Miss Laycock
Year Group News
This week in nursery we have continued our topic of minibeasts and have focused on caterpillars! Our book is a childhood favourite – The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Linked to the book we have been singing songs around the days of the week, while also practising our counting of small groups of objects and matching the amount to the numeral. We have also read fact books linked to the life cycle of a butterfly, while at the creative table we have been using egg boxes to cut out and then paint our own long caterpillars.
This week we shared the story of Tad, a tiny tadpole who follows her tadbrothers and tadsisters through their journey of becoming a frog. In the story we have looked closely at the words murky, glide, shallow, gulp and hope. We have also completed our own frog life cycles using the language of first, next, then and finally. In maths we have been focusing on counting back from various numbers, ensuring we are only going back one number each time. Now we have our planters and soil, we have also been enjoying lots of gardening. We have planted beans, peas, sweetcorn, peppers, tomatoes, carrots, parsnips and cucumbers. We cannot wait for them to grow! A big thank you to Brundall Home Hardware store for giving us a discount on the soil and donating lots of seeds, we are very grateful.
Year 1
This week we have been learning about wild plants in science. We went out into the school grounds to find some and talked about their features. In computing we began learning about the QWERTY keyboard and will be using this to do some typing in the coming weeks. In English we have been reading There's a Rang-Tan in my Bedroom and discussing deforestation.
Year 2
This week year 2 have been continuing with their fractions work in maths, learning to recognise halves, quarters and thirds. We have been finding out more about plants by writing a non chronological report about them in English and learning about how seeds and bulbs grow in science.
Year 3
Year three has had a lovely week this week. In reading we are continuing to read Dancing Bear and have been thinking about which animals we would adopt. In Science we have enjoyed learning about the importance of bees and have been thinking of ways we can help at school. In Maths we have been working really hard learning about how to find non-unit fractions of objects. We have also taken part in Bikeability this week, all pupils who took part worked really hard and passed - Well done.
Year 4
This week year 4 have started writing their story based in Ancient Egypt! These ties in nicely with our History lessons as we have been exploring all about the achievements of pharaohs and kings. In Science, we continued to learn about sound such as pitch, tone and volume and what this means by conducting small experiments. In P.E., we began learning the skill of the backhand and then incorporated this into a match. Finally, we had a very exciting Thursday! We went to the theatre to see The Boy at the Back of the Class which was fantastic! Then, we came back and had our bikeability course which the children absolutely loved - a very fun packed day!
Year 5
This week in Year 5, Badger Class have started reading The Explorer in our reading sessions. As a class we predicted what personality traits the characters have, as well as explaining how the author would describe ourselves if we were passengers on the aeroplane. In Maths, Badger class have worked incredibly hard on calculating angles around a point and identifying parallel lines. I have been really proud of their hard work!
Year 6
This week, Year 6 have been working incredibly hard, revising all sorts of areas of maths so that they feel confident in their abilities, ready for SATs in a couple of weeks time.
In geography we are comparing different places - Jamaica, the Lake District and Poland. We have continued our observational drawings in art, this week using pastels to look at shading and merging of colours. In English we have been exploring Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens and looking at language choices and discussing how life was for children in Victorian times. On Monday we had a workshop discussing mental health, which gave the children lots of ideas for dealing with anxiety.
This week Launchpad has been looking at pop art and have created their own doughnut pop art pictures. Everyone took their time and thought carefully about which complimentary colours to use. In Topic, we have been researching various inventors and inventions, gathering lots of information ready for our next lesson. In Science we learnt about astronaut, Mae Jemison..
Rabbit Class - Elsie works so hard in every activity she does. She has been trying particularly hard with writing her name.
Squirrel Class – Avery for fantastic word reading in phonics.
Hares Class – Talulah G for great report writing in English.
Fawns Class – Finlay for his excellent recall of last week's Science lesson.
Otter Class – Alexander for his fantastic backhand serve in tennis!
Badger Class – Luca - for working hard when calculating angles around a point. Well done!
Fox Class – Layla - producing work of a consistently high standard across the whole curriculum.
Launchpad -Jordan for his fantastic maths work on both his fractions and his times tables.
Rabbit Class - Jakob has made lots of great choices this week and has been extra helpful in the class.
Squirrel Class – Charlie for supporting others with their learning.
Hares Class – Donnie, for listening carefully, working hard and trying his best.
Fawns Class - Travis for always being ready to listen and learn.
Otter Class – Chloe for her amazing behaviour and curiosity on the trip and during bikeability.
Badger Class – Kye - for being polite and for being focused and on task. Well done!
Fox Class – Neave - exceptional work in reading - giving answers of complexity about our texts.
Launchpad - Kelsey-Bo for always being organised and ready to learn.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance
Our whole school attendance this week was 94.5%. In first place is Year 5 with 97%, then in second place is Year 3 with 96% and in third place is joint Year 1, 2 and 4 with 95%. Well done to all the children arriving at school on time, ready to learn!
Remember that every day counts!
Raising Awareness
This week, you have received a letter to inform you that on Friday 10th May we will be supporting Miss Long to help raise awareness for Macmillan Cancer Support. Thank you so much to those who have already sponsored Miss Long for her marathon walk, she is so grateful. Every penny counts for this great charity.
Link -
Miss Long's Just Giving Page
Level 1 Bikeability
We are so proud of the pupils in years 3 and 4 who successfully completed their level 1 bikeability. Each child who completed level 1 was awarded with a certificate in celebration assembly today.
Maintain your cycle: make sure your ride is in tip-top condition and make simple repairs
Glide: smooth, calm and collected
Control your bike: including setting off, cruising, slowing down, braking and stopping. You’ll even learn to pedal one handed!
Pedal: without feeling wobbly or out of control
Be aware of your surroundings: looking behind and turning around obstacles.
The feedback from the bikeability team was excellent! We are really looking forward to Years 5 and 6 completing level 2 next half term.