It has been another busy week at Lingwood Primary Academy.
This week saw the Spring term after-school clubs starting up. All children who gained a place had great fun and the club leaders were impressed with their focus and enthusiasm.
Please can I remind you that we are a nut-free school this includes the use of hazelnut/nutella spread in packed lunch boxes. We need to ensure that we are keeping children and staff members safe.
With the weather being so cold, please ensure your child is coming to school with the appropriate outdoor clothing.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Miss Laycock
Year Group News
All nursery children have had a lovely return back to class following the Christmas holidays. We enjoyed sharing photos and talking about the things we did for Christmas, before welcoming new children into our class - they have all settled brilliantly and are enjoying making new friends. Our new topic is 'Nursery Rhymes', with a different nursery rhyme being learnt each week. We kicked off with 'Miss Polly had a Dolly' - children have been learning the words and some accompanying actions, and we have linked this to doctors and hospital role play.
Reception has had a great first, full week back! We started our new topic, Traditional Tales and our core text this week was, The Three Billy Goats Gruff! We read the story, joined in with the repeated phrases, created a story map and used it to help us retell the story. We have learnt about different bridges around the world and why they are important and we had many challenges building our own bridges. In maths we have continued to deepen our understanding of numbers to 10 and learnt the part-whole model. For example, the number 5- 2 is a part, 3 is a part and 5 is the whole. Finally, we enjoyed our first session back at forest school looking at all the signs of winter! Finally, it was our first day back at forest school and we had lots of fun creating pictures, exploring and then becoming superheroes!
Year 1
This week, year one have been enjoying reading Peter Rabbit, practising the reading skills of retrieval and inference. In maths we have begun looking at the place value of teen numbers and answering reasoning questions about these. We have also been learning about the Jewish creation story in RE, continuing dance in PE and also finding out who Mary Anning was in History. It was our first Bush Craft session this week which we all really enjoyed.
Year 2
This week in English, we have been learning how to perform a humorous poem and wrote our own humorous poems and performed them to the class. We have also been reading The Quangle Wangle's hat.
In DT, we are learning about Mechanisms and learned the difference between a fixed axle and a rotating axle
Year 3
Year 3 have had a brilliant and very creative start to the term! They have already done 2 art lessons in which they have done some tye-die and made some stamps ready for their final textiles piece. In English, they have come up with some fabulous vocabulary to help them with their setting descriptions. They have also managed to learn how to multiply a 2 digit and 1 digit number in 3 lessons.
Year 4
This week, we started our topic in writing, 'culture stories' where the children have been exploring what culture means to them and how it is celebrated in various countries. In reading, we continue with our core text, 'The Girl Who Stole an Elephant' which we have been enjoying so much! In science, we have been finding out all about digestion and where it starts - specifically the mouth and throat. In P.E. we started gymnastics and in music we have started our new song. We continue with multiplication and division in maths as well as our new focus times table this term which is the 11s. I am very proud of what an amazing start you have made to the spring term year 4 - you are doing great at gaining your otters too! Keep up the great work!
Year 5
Year 5 have had a fantastic start to the Spring Term. Badgers Class have been working hard to impress me with all of their work. We have begun to write our own adventure, third-person stories which are set in Egypt. The class have grown in confidence with methods for multiplying and dividing larger numbers too. Well done class, keep it up
Year 6
Year 6 have had a good start to the New Year. We are looking at adventures stories in English and will soon be planning our own. In Maths, we are learning about ratio and proportion including scale factors. We have started a new history unit about the Windrush Generation which links to our current reading book, 'All aboard the Empire Windrush'. In Art this week we were understanding the concept of perspective. The children drew some very impressive street scenes with the buildings and trees appearing smaller and smaller as they got closer to the vanishing point.
Welcome back Launchpad! We have been working hard to get all of our rockets onto the class recognition board by being kind to each other. Launchpad staff have been delighted to see so many acts of kindness happening. In English, we have started to identify the key features of an information text. In Maths, we have started looking at multiplication and equal groups. In Topic, we have been learning about the compass directions and have been using a compass to help us navigate around the classroom.
Rabbit Class - Matthew, for your new found love for writing! We have been so impressed with how hard you are working to improve your handwriting- keep up the good work, Matthew!
Squirrel Class – Oliver for being a kind and caring member of the class and trying his best.
Hares Class – Billy for always producing careful and thoughtful work in Science and thinking hard about the topics we are learning about
Fawns Class – Mason for writing an amazing setting description about a desert.
Otter Class – Erin - for her amazing efforts in maths and science. She is full of determination and focus! Well done Erin.
Badger Class – Zenouschka for consistently working hard and being a role-model to others. You are contributing more in class, too
Fox Class – Jude for a fantastic piece of art work on perspective. Your finished picture looked very impressive with the street disappearing into the distance.
Launchpad – Noah for amazing recall of past RE lessons remembering significant facts that linked to this weeks RE lesson.
Rabbit Class - Elsie, for trying so hard to write your name and for always doing it with a big smile on your face! Well done, Elsie.
Squirrel Class – Freddie for always making right choices and trying his best.
Hares Class – Summer for showing independence in English by challenging herself to write more than one humorous poem.
Fawns Class - Freddie for becoming more independent and resilient with his learning.
Otter Class – George S for being a wonderful and helpful partner not just to the person he sits next to but to all of his peers inside and outside of the classroom
Badger Class – Ziggie for trying his best, contributing in class and trying the challenge tasks.
Fox Class – Neave for being a polite and respectful member of the class. You always follow instructions quickly and sensibly and put your best effort into your learning. Well done!
Launchpad – Aoife for showing resilience, perseverance and independence in lessons this week.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance 97.2%
Our whole school attendance this week was 94.6%. In first place is Year 2 with 98%, then joint second Year 3 and Launchpad with 97.2%
. Well done to all the children arriving at school on time, ready to learn!
Remember that every day counts!
Visit by Broadland Mental Health Support Team on Monday 15th January
On Monday 15th January we are excited to welcome members of the Mental Health Support Team who will be delivering an anxiety presentation and drop-in for parents on how to support their children.
This will be held in the school hall at 2.30 - 3.15pm.
All parents are welcome.
We hope to see you there.
We have a vacancy for someone to run our breakfast club provision between 7.30 - 8.30am every weekday during term time. Part-time applications would be considered. Please contact the school office for further information.