Headteachers Update
Another busy week at Lingwood has flown by! The children are making us proud of their efforts every single day and have been keen to collect Dojo points as part of our positive rewards system.
It has also been lovely to see so many children enjoying our after-school clubs on offer now that these are up and running.
Thank you to those Reception parents who joined us for our phonics meeting this week. Hopefully this was useful in finding out how we teach phonics and how you can support your child at home.
Our next FOLPA Fundraising Committee meeting is next Tuesday 24th at 7.15pm, at Lingwood Village Hall. New members are always welcomed and any support you can give will be gratefully received.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Miss Laycock and the Lingwood Team
Year Group News
In Bishy Barney Bees class this week we are continuing to build confidence as we get used to the nursery environment. Children have been looking closely at their own features using mirrors to not only paint self-portraits, but also make self-portraits using paper plates and a whole array of craft materials. Their creative works of art are now brightening up the classroom! We have linked this to our new focus book, 'The Same But Different Too', building language around similarities and differences and celebrating the fact each one of us is unique!
This week in Reception we have focused our learning around the story ‘What Makes Me a Me!’ We thought about things we are good at and what we would like to get better at. In maths we have looked at matching and sorting items. Outside we have had lots of fun hunting for snails and we also found many more exciting insects. In PE we based our movements on emergency workers. We listened to instructions and responded with urgency when we needed to!
Year 1
This week year 1 have continued reading Beegu our reading lessons and have begun to explore poetry in our writing, finding out about syllables and patterns. In History we learnt about shops in our local area and will continue to find out about shops in the past. In Science we continued learning about seasons and in RE we have enjoyed finding out about Hindu shrines.
Year 2
We really enjoyed our music lesson this week. We learnt more about Samba music and what an ostinato is. We created a simple samba composition as a class.
We finished reading our core text Grandad's Island and really enjoyed making inferences about why the metal door was not in the attic anymore.
Year 3
This week Year 3 have enjoyed learning about cardinal points on a compass and exploring our school playground in relation to the 8 compass points. In art we have been learning about Van Gogh and exploring some of his artwork and techniques. We have also been learning about poetry in writing and begun to write some of our own poems about emotions.
Year 4
Otter class have enjoyed comparing and estimating up to 10,000 in Maths. Their place value knowledge is excellent. English lessons have been challenging and fun this week. Children enjoyed performing poems outside; exploring intonation, emphasis, volume and tone. Year 4 were thrilled to have their first ukelele lesson - all children took part and Mrs Brown joined in too! The children played along and sang 'Roar' by Katy Perry.
Year 5
This week, we have had a busy week in Year 5! We have launched our first CUSP writing unit, which is focusing on formal letters of application whereby the children have been writing a letter to apply for the position of school council. They have been trying hard to use persuasive techniques such as adverbials, precise noun phrases and the rule of three. In Art, we have been studying about the artist Hundertwasser and the children have produced art in the style of his work. During science, the children enjoyed experimenting with soluble and insoluble materials to see whether the substances form a solution or a mixture. They particularly enjoyed feeling the consistency and texture of cornflour and water!
Year 6
Year 6 have started their geography unit this week, learning about the layers of the Earth. In science, we continue to work with circuits in our electricity unit. Please remember homework is due in on Monday.
Rabbit Class - Jayda for being such a kind and caring friend and a great role model to her classmates.
Squirrel Class – Freya for always trying her best and sharing ideas about her learning.
Hares Class – Violet for great understanding of writing numbers to 100 in words.
Fawns Class – Harry for an excellent start to his poem.
Otter Class – Jessica B. for always being ready to answer questions and having valuable contributions to class discussions.
Badger Class – Rose for listening carefully in lessons and for using resources available to you.
Fox Class – Kye for making very good progress in his calculations this week - he has worked very hard to improve his place value.
Rabbit Class - Ruby for showing great listening during our learning time.
Squirrel Class – Poppy for always having a positive attitude to her learning.
Hares Class – Avery for amazing participation in our music lesson and showing amazing rhythm.
Fawns Class - Summer for fantastic focus and supporting peers to be ready.
Otter Class – Zamira for excellent focus and listening in all lessons.
Badger Class – Darcy for being a kind and caring friend and for being honest.
Fox Class – Evie for always being ready, working hard and being polite.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance
Our whole school attendance this week was 96.6%. In first place is Year 1 with 99%, in second place is Year 6 with 97.6% and in third place is Year 3 with 96%. Well done to all the children arriving at school on time, ready to learn!
A reminder that the school gates will continue to be open from 8.30 am. Registration is at 8.40 am and school finishes at 3.25 pm.
Please note that the DFE are making changes from August 2024 with regards to term-time holidays and fixed penalty notices. See link below for further information.
Fines for parents for taking children out of school: What you need to know
Remember that every day counts!
Reading at Lingwood
Our volunteers have continued to work very hard behind the scenes on our library this week. We are almost there! We appreciate your patience with this while we install the new books on the system and find them homes on our shelves.
Please remember to hear your child read at home, at least 3 times per week and to record this in their reading records. We want to give our children the best start in life and unlocking reading as a skill for all, is our passion. Teachers will be checking reading records and awarding Dojo points for children reading 3 times or more at home.
School Lunches
A polite reminder Lingwood Primary Academy promotes healthy eating and we are a NUT-FREE school so we do ask that children’s home-packed lunches do not contain the following:
Children in Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 automatically get free school meals. Children are also welcome to bring in their own packed lunch from home.
If your child is in KS2 and is entitled to free school meals please speak to our office, Mrs Tubby will be more than happy to support you or please see the government link https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals