It has been a great week at Lingwood Primary Academy.
It was wonderful to hear about the children's achievements in our weekly celebration assembly. It is such a positive way to end the school week!
Thank you to all parents/carers and children who have visited the Scholastic Book Fair this week. A huge thank you to Mrs Tubby for organising this as the school community has thoroughly enjoyed this event.
Thank you for your continuing support and have a restful weekend.
Miss Laycock
Year Group News
This week we have been learning some nursery rhymes linked to teddy bears, including 'Round and Round the Garden'. Children have enjoyed role-playing teddy bear picnics, and using natural resources in our construction area to think about where bears live. We have also been continuing to link to children's interests around nursery rhymes and games from previous weeks - this meant lots of excitement as we play 'What's the Time Mr Wolf?' outside!
It has been a busy week in Reception and all the children have been working hard. The children were very excited to continue with the story of the Gingerbread Man and had great fun making gingerbread men and woman in the classroom this week. Miss Yeoman's helped the children follow the instructions to make and decorate their very own gingerbread biscuit which smelt wonderful and the children were very excited to eat!
Year 1
This week year one have created fantastic chalk drawings of the plesiosaur fossil discovered by Mary Anning! We have been testing materials in science to see if they are waterproof and exploring stencilling in art. In Bush Craft we toasted marshmallows on the fire whilst learning about the fire triangle and how to keep ourselves safe
Year 2
In English, we have been learning about formal invitations and using formal language and language that will interest the reader to write our own invitations. In PE, we started a new unit called 'Invasion Games'. We learned what an attacker and defender is and had a go at being both while playing fun games with different equipment.
Year 3
Year 3 have had a lovely week. In science they have continued their learning about forces and experimented with magnetism and gravity. They have begun to learn about measuring and have measured almost everything in the classroom. In English year 3 have been starting to write non-chronological reports about Norfolk towns which ties into their geography learning about countries, regions and counties. Well done!
Year 4
This week year 4 have started their persuasive writing unit and have begun learning about adverts. They are inventing their own piece of high tech equipment which helps them at school. In Reading, we are finishing The Girl Who Stole the Elephant and are moving onto The Boy at the Back of the Class. In Science, we continued to look at the digestive system and moved onto the middle/end section of the process - there was a lot of groaning when we got to the end of the process!! In RE we continued to look at Hindu beliefs and how these compare with Christianity. A fantastic week Year 4 - as always, I am immensely proud of everything you are achieving. Here’s to another great week ahead!
Year 5
This week Year 5 have been learning all about various fabrics and their properties in our Design and Technology lesson for our Textiles unit. We have also begun writing formal letters to persuade others to buy a product. As well as this, Badgers Class have completed their fractions unit of work in Maths. We had our final History lesson in our unit all about the life of the Ancient Greeks.
Year 6
We have been very impressed with the Year 6's this week as they have started their mock SATs sensibly and confidently. We have completed all the English papers and will be doing the Maths papers next week. Well done to everyone. In Art, we have looked at some examples of batik artwork and started to create our own batik piece on some fabric. On Monday, we had a fun Science lesson using torches to answer the question, 'how does light travel?' All in all, a busy and varied week!
This week Launchpad have completed their information texts and have included lots of features. In Science, we have been looking at gravity and how quickly things fall to the ground. In Topic, we were comparing where we live with others in the classroom.
Rabbit Class - Elsie for trying hard in her daily phonics lesson.
Squirrel Class – Grace for fantastic addition and subtraction work in maths
Hares Class – Luna has been trying really hard to focus in all her lessons and has shown good progress in learning how to make equal groups by sharing and grouping.
Fawns Class – Jessica S for working so hard in every lesson this week.
Otter Class – Alexander for his fantastic recalling in R.E. He was able to explain the definitions to all of our key vocabulary.
Badger Class – Kayden for working hard in all areas of his learning and showing enthusiasm to participate in class
Fox Class – To all in Year 6 for approaching the mock SATS with confidence and a 'can do' attitude. Well done!
Launchpad – Aoife for always showing interest and enthusiasm during Launchpad's Musical keys sessions with Mr Southgate.
Rabbit Class - Charlie for always following instructions and being a positive role model.
Squirrel Class – Elsie for showing patience and determination in all that she does, including when she is supporting others.
Hares Class – Maggie for showing great active listening during all lessons and being a role model to the rest of the class.
Fawns Class - Benjamin for being so kind and welcoming.
Otter Class –.Darcy for her fantastic partner work during our fraction work. She will explain to her partner rather than just telling them the answer.
Badger Class – Zenouschka for consistently working hard, always being a role-model to her peers and trying her best
Fox Class –Tyler for being respectful and kind to all.
Launchpad –Fahren for always having a positive, "I can" attitude and tackling any tasks with a smile on his face.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance 94.3%
Our whole school attendance this week was 94.4%. In first place is Year 3 with 95.7%,
then in second
place is Year 2 with 95.2%
and in third place is
Years 5 with 95%. Well done to all the children arriving at school on time, ready to learn!
Remember that every day counts!
Travelling Scholastic Book Fair
A huge thank you to everyone who attended the Scholastic Book Fair that has been held in the school library this week. It has been wonderful to see so many children and their family's being excited by the wonderful selection of books available.
Due to the success of this event, the school was able to purchase £100 worth of books for the school.
A huge thank you to Mrs Tubby for organising this successful event for our school.
Payment for the FOLPA (Friends Of Lingwood Primary Academy) Valentines Day disco on Monday 12th February (after-school) is available at the school office. Further details will follow regarding times for different year groups. Payment of £3.50p to be made in cash only please.