Lingwood Primary Academy Newsletter 11th October 2024

ashley.coley • Oct 11, 2024

Headteachers Update

Eco Council launched the week with a Recycling Assembly to remind the school how we can best promote recycling. Over the last few years, we have made a numerous changes to ensure our school more eco-friendly, we are looking forward to our annual visit from Energy Sparks, alongside our CO safety workshops, and our 'Just One Tree' non-uniform day to raise awareness for Recycling Week.

Next Monday, we are also excited to have our first FOLPA event of the year. Please get your film night tickets from the school office.

Finally, I would like to thank Mr B for his dedication to his role at Lingwood, not only has he maintained/ taken care of our school site, he took a lead role in the community by being part of the FOLPA team. Sadly, he will be leaving us at the end of term to start a new job. Good luck Mr B, we wish you all the best and we will be sad to see you leave.

Thank you for your continuing support.

Miss Laycock and the Lingwood Team

Dates for the diary 

  • Monday 14th October- Recycle Week
  • Monday 14th October- FOLPA FILM NIGHT 3.25pm
  • Tuesday 15th October- Year 2/3 CO workshops
  • Tuesday 15th October - KS2 Black History Month Mide Naike Webinar
  • Wednesday 16th October- Year 5/6 CO workshops
  • Wednesday 16th October - Energy Sparks Eco Council Visit
  • Friday 18th October - Just One Tree non-uniform day £1 donation
  • Wednesday 23rd October -  EYFS Maths Meeting
  • Monday 28th October to Friday 8th November- Half-term holiday
  • Monday 11th November- Autumn Term 2 begins
  • Monday 11th November- Remembrance Day
  • Monday 11th November- Anti-bullying Week
  • Friday 15th November - Children In Need - Non uniform day £1 donation

Year Group News


This week in Bishy Barney Bees we have been introducing children to Black History Month through the story 'My Hair', which celebrates the fact that everyone has different hair and different styles and that's ok! They have learnt about different hairstyles linked to religions and cultures, using words like dreadlocks, bantu knots, braids, turbans, and afro. We opened up a hairdressers in the role play corner, and children have been having lots of fun acting out stories as they pretend to cut and style each other's hair. In phonics we have continued playing games that help us identify the initial sounds of familiar words - children used junk modelling to create a new class alien called Meep Moo Molly, who will be used as part of lots of our phonics games for the year ahead! And in maths we have continued exploring shape through inset puzzles and jigsaws.


This week Reception Rabbits have been making repeating patterns using objects, shapes and actions. They had fun clapping and bouncing to make a pattern around the class and also experimented with sound patterns. We have been reading 'Pumpkin Soup' and giving advice to the characters about how to work together without falling out.

Year 1

Year 1 have been thinking about the parts of a plant in Science. We went outside and gathered different leaves and sorted them by our own classifications. We then debated if a tree was a plant or not. In RE we have continued our work on Hindu worship and are looking forward to doing some drama to end our topic next week. In PE we worked as a team to remember and follow instructions.

Year 2   

This week, with Mrs Mera we enjoyed learning about physical features in our local area and deciding which features are more prevalent in our area. We also decided Lingwood is a rural area because it is in the countryside. In maths we learned how to add three 1 digit numbers and we did a fantastic job using ten frames and counters to help us find the total. With Miss Coley, the class started a new writing unit, looking closely at the fable 'Tortoise and the Hare.' the children really worked hard on using the third person. In Science, the children continued their unit on living things, this week we learnt what a food chain is. For behaviour, our class focus has been 'one voice' the children enjoyed their recognition reward time for getting all their hares.

Year 3

This week in Year 3, we have enjoyed learning about 'The Rock Cycle' in Science. In English, we have started planning our non-chronological reports about our hobbies.

Year 4

This week Year 4 have started their new unit in Writing - first person diaries. They have been exploring colloquialisms, contractions, informal language and the use of first person. In Reading, we continue with our core poem, 'The Raven', deciphering what the message is behind the poem. In Science with Miss Kemp, the children explored classification of animals, plants and fungi researching and organising these categories based on their features and characteristics. In Art, they practiced the use of wet on wet and the effect this can have on paint. Concluding that the colours, when mixed can change on the page!

Year 5

This week, Badger class have been writing the majority of their stories, which are set in the third person. They have carefully considered using dialogue correctly, making sure they remember to use the correct punctuation and new speaker, new line. In DT, we made flatbread and garlic butter - most of the children loved the flatbread but weren't keen on the garlic butter due to it being too garlicy! They all carefully thought about the safety measures, as well as their culinary skills - well done!

Year 6

Year 6 have been working very hard on assessments all week. We are really pleased with the progress they have made already and the class should be proud of how much they have learned so far.

Achievement Awards

Rabbit Class - Lois for thinking hard about repeating patterns and even making some at home!

Squirrel Class –Daisy for fantastic progress in phonics.

Hares Class – Charlie for being very responsible by reading consistently at home.

Fawns Class – Mason for working hard to make improvements in the classroom.


Otter Class – Aflie - for your fantastic persuasive writing poster about internet safety. 

Badger Class –  George K - for continuously trying to uplevel and improve your writing - well done!

Fox Class - Hollie for improving her multiplication methods.

Star Pupil Awards

Rabbit Class -  Hunter for great listening and taking part during our learning this week. 

Squirrel Class –  Nelly for always having a positive attitude to her learning.

Hares Class – Grace for always being ready to learn and taking pride in all of her work.

Fawns Class - Sienna for working hard to be a good role model for others.

Otter Class – Benjamin - for always being ready and following instructions with all teachers in the mornings and afternoons. 

Badger Class – Esme - for always being safe, ready and respectful. A brilliant role model to have in class - well done!

Fox Class – Harrison for making positive attempts to improve his focus and behaviour in class.

Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!

Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance


Our whole school attendance this week was 96.6%. In first place is Year 1 with 98%, in second place is Year 3,4 and 6 with 97% and in third place is Year 5 with 96%. Well done to all the children arriving at school on time, ready to learn!

A reminder that the school gates will continue to be open from 8.30 am. Registration is at 8.40 am and school finishes at 3.25 pm.

Please note that the DFE are making changes from August 2024 with regards to term-time holidays and fixed penalty notices. See link below for further information. 

Fines for parents for taking children out of school: What you need to know 

Remember that every day counts!

Harvest Festival

Thank you for the donations we have already received for our Harvest Festival collection for the Trussell Trust Food Bank.

This community charity provides emergency food and support to local people who are in crisis.  They work tirelessly to combat poverty and hunger all across the UK.

Currently the items urgently needed in Norwich are:

Tinned meat

Tinned tomatoes

Long life milk

Long life juice



Instant mash

Sponge pudding

Mens' shower gel and deoderant


Donations can be brought into school up until Wednesday 23rd October.

Many thanks for your support.

Just One Tree - Non Uniform Day

Polite reminders from the School Eco Council ahead of Recycling Week next week.

  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  • Check before you recycle
  • Make sure your recycling is clean, empty and dry
  • Turn off lights and equipment when not in use
  • Make your school lunches as eco friendly as possible.

Please bring in your £1 donation for Just One Tree Day. For every £1 we raise, the charity gets to plant a tree. Together, we can grow forests, regenerate oceans and educate current and future generations around the world.

By lorraine.long 04 Oct, 2024
Headteachers Update It has been a pleasure to see so many of you in school for parents' evening this week. Teachers enjoyed meeting with you to discuss how your children have been settling into their new classes. We have also finished updating our library with new books and are excited to let the children choose one to bring home. Ukulele lessons are going well in year 4, the children love their sessions and we are all enjoying listening to their work! Thank you to those parents who attended the Reception Curriculum meeting with Mrs Brighton this week. We hope it was informative.  Thank you for your continuing support. Miss Laycock and the Lingwood Team
By ashley.coley 27 Sep, 2024
Headteachers Update Another successful week at Lingwood. Thank you to the parents and carers who attended our anxiety workshop yesterday led by the mental health team, we hope it was informative and useful. Year 6 had their first transition to Acle Academy - it was a successful day for all. Year 2 went on a local walk, to explore their learning of human and physical features in geography. The FOLPA team also met to discuss future plans for the year ahead. We are excited to get these started. A reminder that your child needs to bring a coat to school everyday. Staff have also been extra busy this week, with a twilight CPD session and staff meeting focusing on the CUSP curriculum. Next week, we have parents evening, please ensure you make your appointment. We look forward to welcoming you. Thank you for your continuing support. Miss Laycock and the Lingwood Team
By Richard Nobes 20 Sep, 2024
Headteachers Update Another busy week at Lingwood has flown by! The children are making us proud of their efforts every single day and have been keen to collect Dojo points as part of our positive rewards system. It has also been lovely to see so many children enjoying our after-school clubs on offer now that these are up and running. Thank you to those Reception parents who joined us for our phonics meeting this week. Hopefully this was useful in finding out how we teach phonics and how you can support your child at home.  Our next FOLPA Fundraising Committee meeting is next Tuesday 24th at 7.15pm, at Lingwood Village Hall. New members are always welcomed and any support you can give will be gratefully received. Thank you for your continuing support. Miss Laycock and the Lingwood Team
By ashley.coley 13 Sep, 2024
Headteachers Update A great first full week at Lingwood. The children are fully embracing our CUSP curriculum with great enthusiasm and focus. After establishing it last year, we are thrilled with the outcomes it has already produced. It has been wonderful dropping into the engaging lessons being taught and being shown the high-quality work being produced. Thank you to all the Reception, Year 1 and 2 parents and carers that attended the first reading sessions this week - this was a great success and we look forward to introducing reading cafes into KS2 later this term. It was also lovely to have the FOLPA team in to join me today with the children for hot chocolate Friday. We are always grateful for your support, time, and dedication. Thank you for your continuing support. Miss Laycock and the Lingwood Team
By ashley.coley 06 Sep, 2024
Headteachers Update It has been wonderful seeing the pupils returning to school this term in smart uniform with smiles on their faces. We understand that returning to school can be challenging after the long summer break but we are all here to ensure the transition back can be as smooth as possible for us all. The children are settling well into their classes and showing great enthusiasm for all their new learning and topics. We are very proud of every pupil and their attitude towards learning. All class letters and learning content have been shared with you via MCAS email. If you have any questions around your child’s curriculum please speak directly to your class teacher. Thank you for your continuing support. We are excited to start the year as a UNITY partnership. It was lovely to see Tim Coulson CEO of our new trust greet the school community on our first day back. Miss Laycock and the Lingwood Team
By ashley.coley 19 Jul, 2024
Headteachers Update Wow, what a year it has been! We are so unbelievably proud of every single child. From developing confidence and belief to progressing academically - every single child in our school has made progress this year. Every child has shone, whether that be through our new curriculum or through the many enrichment opportunities we had on offer this year. I was delighted to announce the following top scores for this academic year, which were shared with you earlier this week in the September update letter. We could not have been any prouder of our children and their journeys of progress and accomplishments. This week, Year 4 gave an exemplary African drumming performance and Year 6 performed their hearts out at their leavers assembly. Last week, we had our school summer fete. Thank you to everyone who attended/supported the event. We raised a total of £1047.17. I would like to say a big thank you to the FOLPA team for all their hard work this year and we look forward to putting this towards opportunities for the children next year and sharing tea and cake with you next term to say thank you. Today we sadly say farewell to our year 6 pupils, Mrs Bray, Mr Minter, Ms Jones and Mrs Mehta.  We wish you all the best in your next endeavours. We hope you all have a lovely summer break. Take care and be safe. Miss Laycock and the Lingwood Team
By ashley.coley 12 Jul, 2024
Headteachers Update This week, the after-school performing arts club went to the MadderMarket Monday night to perform on stage. It was an extremely successful event, the children had a fantastic time. The whole school on Tuesday had a successful transition day. By lunchtime, the whole school was buzzing with enthusiasm and excitement about the next academic year. About Me/Transition packs have been given to support the children. The SENCOs and SLT will be working hard next year to ensure all pupils transition smoothly into their new classes and routings. Newsletters will be given at the beginning of September to inform you about routines and curriculum. This morning, Tess from Norfolk Libraries visited to launch the free Summer Reading Challenge. We hope as many of our pupils join in with this over the summer. This afternoon, we are looking forward to our school fete. We hope as many of you can attend. We look forward to seeing you there. Thank you for your continued support. Miss Laycock
By ashley.coley 05 Jul, 2024
Headteachers Update This week, our enrichment opportunities continued with two school trips and a cluster event. Year 2 attended Banham Zoo, Year 5 visited Exploring Science and a range of children from Reception to Year 6 visited the University of East Anglia Sports Park to take part in an athletics cluster event. Year 6 had two very successful transition days to Acle High School. Next week, we will be supporting the rest of our pupils transitioning to their new classes. We are all really looking forward to it alongside our school fete. Big thank you to the parents and carers who attended our coffee morning this week. These conversations are always useful to ensure we are reviewing our opportunities/provisions. I would also like to say we were blown away by the sports for schools sponsorship. In total, we raised £2804.30! We have £1447.08 to spend on sports equipment, and the rest of the money goes to charity. Today, the children received their rewards. What a fantastic achievement. Thank you for your continued support. Miss Laycock
By ashley.coley 28 Jun, 2024
Headteachers Update Another week has flown by, with Reception class visiting Thrigby Hall and Year 6 class have been out since Wednesday having tremendous amounts of fun at X Adventure. A big thank you to all staff who have attended to support this residential being a successful trip. A big thank you to every parent who has attended a reading session this year/term. Next academic year, we are already looking forward to evolving our parent sessions. Next week, we will be supporting the Year 6 pupils who will be attending their transition day, Year 2 and 5 are off on their class trips and we have another parent drop-in session on Tuesday 2nd July at 8.30 am. Another thank you to Miss Long and the FOLPA team, for meeting this week to discuss the final plans for our school fete on Friday 12th July - we hope to see you all there. Thank you for your continued support. Miss Laycock
By ashley.coley 21 Jun, 2024
Headteachers Update What a fantastic week of weather and sports! The children have excelled this week in behaviour and attitudes. On Tuesday, the children were greeted by GB athlete Richard Potter. He was a truly inspirational man and the children felt very lucky to train with him in their sponsored circuits. During his inspirational assembly, all the children listened carefully and asked thoughtful questions. On Wednesday, the children participated in their Sports Day. We were again so impressed with the attitudes and resilience of the children. The day was extremely well organised, a big thank you to staff and parents for making it such a positive experience for all. We have had some lovely feedback so thank you. At the beginning of the week in Monday's assembly children were told staff would be looking out for children who showcased great sport attitudes this week. These children also joined me alongisde our weekly star pupils for an extra special hot chocolate treat today.Next week, we are looking forward to the Year 6 residential, and staff will be begin preparing for successful transitions. Miss Laycock
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