We can start to celebrate the festive period as classrooms have been decorated and advent has begun! All year groups are beginning to prepare for their Christmas performances - it has been wonderful to hear and see the children's excitement.
This week has been assessment week and all staff have praised the children's positive attitudes - trying their best. This information will allow teachers to adapt the planned learning to ensure all children are being challenged and making progress.
Please keep an eye on the diary dates for our upcoming events - Christmas Jumper Day and our Christmas lunch is next Wednesday 6th December.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Miss Laycock
Year Group News
We have been learning about other sources of light, including electricity and fire. Our book of the week is ‘A Dark, Dark Tale’, which starts out as a spooky story but has a funny twist at the end! We’ve been reading books in the dark by torch light, then talking about how the dark makes us feel. In maths we are building recognition of numerals 1, 2 and 3, carefully selecting the right number of items to match the numeral. In phonics we are having fun with a range of games to help with segmenting words into their separate sounds
This week Reception have been celebrating, National Tree week. We read the story, Leaf Man and went on another Autumn walk and discussed the trees we saw as well as the different types of leaves we found. We have labelled the parts of a tree and discussed why trees are so important to us. In maths the children used egg boxes to explore the composition of various numbers. We chose a number card at random and then added that number of items to the egg box. We then had to shake the box to see where the items landed and discussed the results. Finally, we have been busy practicing our Nativity play and are excited to share it with you!
Year 1
This week year 1 enjoyed a visit from Lorna from Lingwood Church. She told about how Christians prepare for Christmas in the church including the Advent wreath, nativity scene, Christingle and their Toys and Tins appeal for people in need. We have also been finishing off our instruction writing in English and continuing our Dance unit in PE.
Year 2
This week in our DT lesson, we made jam jar salads. We learned about healthy eating and processed food. We practised the claw, ribboning and bridging technique when cutting vegetables for our salads. We have also been practising our Christmas songs ready for our show and are getting very excited about performing in front of you all.
Year 3
Year 3 have written some amazing historical stories and have worked exceptionally hard on using speech correctly. They have also become more and more fluent with their 4 and 8 x tables. In music, year 3 have started to learn their Christmas songs (which are on Google Classroom if you would like to listen to them) and Christmas poem. Well done year 3!
Year 4
This week Year 4 they have started to look at a new core text called 'The girl who stole an elephant' - they have all enjoyed this story and are becoming hooked! They have continued to write their adventure stories, thinking about the content and structure of their work. In Science, they have learnt more about gases, liquids and solids - demonstrating how these molecules are different! Well done Year 4, you are working really hard!
Year 5
Year 5 have had another great week and I am so proud of how much progress they have made this term. Well done Badgers, keep it up! We enjoyed a very creative design and technology lesson! As part of Road Safety Week, we have been learning how to 'Be safe, be seen'. As a result, we have created our own road safety belts which are both fluorescent and reflective.
Year 6
Year 6 this week have started to look at sonnets and were very engaged with how these are written and the language used. In Science they have continued to look at the circulatory system and how this can be effected by other organs and external influences. They have also undertaken mock SATs this week and shown great focus. A very positive week in Year 6!
This week Launchpad have been using their puppets to create a new playscript. They have designed and created their own scenery too. We will be performing them next week during our English sessions. In Topic, we have been learning about the different Victorian jobs for children. Well done Launchpad!
Rabbit Class - Bobby for being a kind and caring friend to others. Well done!!
Squirrel Class – Alfie for his instruction writing.
Hares Class – Charlie Brooke for always getting to the challenge in maths and working hard to understand each new area of maths that we have been learning about.
Fawns Class – Finlay for listening well and developing your chopping skills in DT.
Otter Class – Erin for her fantastic times tables work this week - keep it up!
Badger Class – Bailey for working hard with his maths and being focused on his work.
Fox Class – L
Launchpad – Mason W for amazing effort and attitude this week especially in English.
Rabbit Class - Poppy for working so hard at home to learn your nativity play lines. Keep up the good work!
Squirrel Class – Brody for being helpful and kind to others.
Hares Class – Austin for having such a great attitude towards his learning. He is always ready and has shown great listening skills.
Fawns Class - Ramona for being a good team player in cricket, helping and encouraging your peers.
Otter Class – Freddie for listening well and being a good friend to all.
Badger Class – Hollie for trying her best with her learning and being enthusiastic with it
Fox Class –
Launchpad – Skylar for being a really helpful member of the class by helping your friends during English.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance 94.5%
Our whole school attendance this week was 94.6%. In first place is Year 3 with 97.2%
and in
second place is Year 5 with 95.9%
and in third place is
Year 4 with 95.6 %. Children at the end of term with 100% attendance will be awarded with a certificate. This will reset at the beginning of every half term
Remember that every day counts!
Christmas Jumper Day
Wednesday 6th December 2023
On Wednesday 6th December we will be supporting Save the Children's Christmas Jumper Day campaign and we are asking for a £1 donation.
We look forward to seeing your Christmas-tacular jumpers!
Thankyou for your support