We had a wonderful Christmas lunch on Wednesday -
it was enjoyed by over 120 children and many staff members. A huge thank you to FOLPA for providing every child with a cracker - this was a great success!
We continue to enjoy the run up to the festive period and are enjoying hearing Christmas songs being sung. Our Nursery and Reception children have had a very successful dress rehearsal for their nativity and it was amazing! We look forward to inviting parents and carers into school to watch this performance next week.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Miss Laycock
Year Group News
This week we linked our topics of light and dark and celebrations by learning all about Hanukkah. Children have been hearing about how Hanukkah is celebrated, and making some fun crafts linked to this celebration. Our book of the week is ‘Sammy Spider’s First Hanukkah’, which is a lovely story that helps introduce some of the ways Hanukkah is celebrated, all through the eyes of a spider! It’s also great for helping children with colour and number recognition. In maths we have been building our skills in counting past 5, and in phonics we are doing some games to help hear initial sounds of words.
We have had a very busy week in Reception and have enjoyed some of the Christmas festivities, such as the delicious Christmas dinner we had on Wednesday! We have read the nativity story, discussed why it is important to Christians and then labelled the main characters from the story. In maths we have been counting back each day using our Christmas advent calendar. We have also ordered numbers from the smallest to the largest. We really enjoyed our visit from Chloe the dentist who talked to us about healthy and unhealthy foods and demonstrated how to effectively brush our teeth. Another super week of learning- well done Reception Rabbits
Year 1
This week year 1 have been comparing animals in Science, revisiting fact families in maths and writing calligrams in English. We have also been busy rehearsing our Christmas songs ready to perform to you next week!
Year 2
In our DT lesson this week, we learned about free range food and its benefits. We made tortilla quiche using free range eggs. In our Computing lesson this week, we learned how IT helps us. We pretended to be a supermarket till by scanning a barcode and finding the price of an item to make a receipt.
Year 3
Year 3 have had an exceptional week! They have made some delicious potato wedges to finish their cooking lessons and played an amazing cricket game in PE. In music, year 3 have started to practice their song and poem for the performance and have revisited their learning on fossils.
Year 4
This week Year 4 have continued to look at states of matter in their Science lessons - understanding how these can change. They have loved their cricket sessions with a professional coach and have continued to develop the skill of bowling and batting. The coach was very impressed with the children's attitude and focus. Well done Year 4!
Year 5
This week in Year 5, Badgers Class have completed their video productions for Computing. They edited and evaluated their own as well as each other's performances and considered what went well and what could have gone better. The class have also completed their Power Maths book for this term and have learned so much around Maths so far already this year. Well done Badgers!
Year 6
This week, Year 6 have completed their sonnets, applying the language features they have learnt. They have now finished reading Pig Heart Boy and have discussed the morals behind this story. In maths, they have continued to learn how to calculate, reason and solve problems involving fractions. In Science, they have explored what we can do to stay healthy, including understanding the importance of exercise and a healthy diet.
We have had a visit from the dental team and the nurse reminded us about the importance of brushing our teeth. In Bushcraft this week we have been learning about first aid and what to do if we get hurt. We have also been making brown bread ice-cream-a recipe from the Victorian era.
Rabbit Class - Michaela for working so hard during phonics and with your letter formation. Keep up the hard work Michaela!
Squirrel Class – Freddie for his brilliant calligrams in English.
Hares Class – Anabelle for writing a fantastic introduction to her cultural story by using adverbs, adjectives and expanded noun phrases.
Fawns Class – Emme for challenging herself more and more in lessons.
Otter Class – Alfie for his excellent Science work this week. Well done Alfie!
Badger Class – Harrison for creating an engaging video production with a partner and for participating in class discussions.
Fox Class – Gina for her excellent poetry performance!
Launchpad – Kayden for growing in confidence in the classroom, especially in his writing. Keep up the good work!
Rabbit Class - Josh for being such a kind and caring friend and brilliant role model to all of your classmates. Keep shining Josh!
Squirrel Class – Benjamin for settling so well into Squirrels class.
Hares Class – Alfie for always being a good friend and setting a great example to his classmates.
Fawns Class - Zamira for becoming more independent in class and outside.
Otter Class – Erin for her positive approach to her work.
Badger Class – Amia for working hard and trying her best throughout subjects and for being a positive member of the class.
Fox Class – Jessie for being helpful and supportive in class.
Launchpad – Kelsey-Bo for always doing the right thing, following our class rules and being a great role model to her classmates
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance 94.6%
Our whole school attendance this week was 94.6%. In first place is Year 3 with 97%
and in
second place is Year 5 with 96.1%
and in third place is
Year 4 with 95.2%. Children at the end of term with 100% attendance will be awarded with a certificate. This will reset at the beginning of every half term
Remember that every day counts!
Christmas Jumper Day
Wednesday 6th December 2023
Thank you so much for your kind contributions to the Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day. We raised a brilliant £96.00!
Thank you for your generous contributions.
Letters have been sent home today for the after-school clubs that will commence in the Spring Term. These have also been sent via Bromcom.
We will be offering Cheerleading, Bushcraft and Futsal clubs with no charge for places.
Places will be offered on a first come first served basis, with children who have not had a place in a club during the Autumn term being prioritised.
Please return the completed forms to the school office by Tuesday 12th December.