Miss Laycock
Year Group News
This week we have been learning more about boats as part of our transport topic, looking at the characteristics of boats and investigating the properties of different items that either float or sink. At the creative table we have been exploring a different technique for painting as we enjoy watercolours. Our story this week has been 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers, which has linked to our small world scene and is leading to fun with junk modelling as children make their own boats.
In Reception this week we have been sharing another Kate Milner book 'My Name is not Refugee'. We have talked about World Refugee week and thought about the feelings the young boy may have leaving his country. In English we wrote about the items we would put in our bag if we had to pack up our belongings and tried hard to use finger spaces within our writing. In maths this week we have looked at sorting items into categories. We have sorted items such as cars, minibeasts, monsters and houses. Lastly we have enjoyed a very active week with our regular PE session, our fitness session with Richard Potter and our Sports afternoon.
Year 1
Year one have had a very busy sports week! We have been practising our balancing in our PE lessons and then really enjoyed circuit training with our visiting athlete on Tuesday. Lots of fun was had by all at sports day on Wednesday. We have also been working on our presentation in our maths books and recapping on addition. In Reading we have been focusing on recalling information from the book 'The Proudest Blue'.
Year 2
Year 2 had a great time taking part in sports day, we were really proud of them for supporting each other and scoring so many points! This week we have also been learning about tally charts, tables and pictograms and have been finding out what everyone's favourite things are in our class and recording them on a bar chart.
Year 3
This week, Year 3 has been learning about angles in maths. We have enjoyed exploring different angles and using right angle finders. In PSHE we have learnt about the importance of first aid. In Science we were exploring the skeletons of different animals and identifying similarities and differences between them. We were particularly interested in the snake skeleton.
Year 4
This week Year 4 have had a fantastic time celebrating sportsmanship by taking part in Sports Day, our visit from the athlete and some wonderful sports activities throughout. In-between this busyness, we have started our unit on news reports in writing as well as continuing with our core text, Wind in the Willows. In History, we have begun learning about the Shang Dynasty - exploring what it was and how it was structured. In Geography, we have started our unit on map skills. We spent our first lesson looking at various climates - discussing why certain areas are better to live in than others.
Year 5
This week, we have finished our biography writing unit and the children have presented their biographies about David Attenborough. They have worked really hard making sure to use relative clauses, adverbials and have challenged themselves with using present perfect and past perfect tenses. In Maths, we have started our new unit of Negative Numbers. In Art, they have finished their block printing, where they etched a design into a polystyrene template. The children were extremely creative and carefully considered their designs.
Year 6
This week Year 6 have started learning the songs for their end of term play. They are full of enthusiasm and are sounding great. They have also been completing a maths project- designing their own theme park - which involves lots of maths around costs and profit and loss. They are continuing to enjoy the class book - Dare to be you which is giving them lots of advice which they can use at High School. There was a huge amount of excitement today about the arrival of their Year 6 hoodies which they were very proud of.
In Launchpad this week, we have started creating our own pirate shape poems. In art we made natural picture frames using sticks held together with wool, working on our fine motor skills to ensure that the wool was tight enough to hold the sticks together securely. We have continued looking at how to stay safe when out and about, and this week we have been looking at how we stay safe around train lines and how to safely use level crossings, learning what the signs we see around the railway mean. In science, we have continued to look at plants and what they need to be able to grow. Launchpad had a great time at sports day and ALL of the Launchpad team are super proud of each and every one of you.
Rabbit Class - Iris for showing resilience when starting a new phonics group. She has become more confident with her writing.
Squirrel Class – Grace - fantastic effort in her morning work.
Hares Class – Gene for doing great work in maths and really getting the hang of recording information in tally charts and tables.
Fawns Class – Freddie for asking questions to enhance his understanding in reading.
Otter Class – Esme - for the application of her reading skills when we read Wind in the Willows. You are able to give clear, concise summaries and character descriptions.
Badger Class – Amia for working incredibly hard in maths on negative numbers. Well done!
Fox Class – Harry L - for focusing so well on your Theme Park Maths - completing all of the tasks.
Launchpad - Noah for amazing similes describing a pirate which he then chose to type on his chromebook using clicker.
Rabbit Class - Bobby for helping support his friends and teachers during forest school sessions.
Squirrel Class – Brody - his positive, welcoming attitude and fantastic manners when speaking to our visiting athlete.
Hares Class – Charlie Brian for having a great attitude this week, completing his work and trying his best.
Fawns Class - Joshua, for being a kind and caring member of our class.
Otter Class – Freddie - for supporting your teammates in a game of rounders. You were constantly giving out positive feedback.
Badger Class – Kayden for persevering with tasks, despite nor wanting to always do them. A brilliant role model!
Fox Class – Chelsey for having such a positive attitude towards your learning this week resulting in your best piece of writing this year!
Launchpad - Fahren for always persevering and overcoming all “hurdles” he comes up against.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance
Our whole school attendance this week was 94.6%. In first place is 5 with 95.7%, then in joint second place is Year 3 and Year 2 with 95.5% and in third place is Year 1 with 94.8%. Well done to all the children arriving at school on time, ready to learn!
Please note that the DFE are making changes from August 2024 with regards to term-time holidays and fixed penalty notices. See link below for further information.
Fines for parents for taking children out of school: What you need to know
Remember that every day counts!
Enrichment - Sports Week
What a fantastic sports week we have had. The children have showcased tremendous efforts across the week. Whilst some of our children faced challenges the others supported and encouraged them along their way. We are so proud of every single one of our pupils.
A big thank you to the staffing team, who came in early, stayed late and gave up their lunchtimes to set up the school field in preparation. It has been highly complimented for being so organised this year - well done.
A big thank you to every single family member who came to support on Wednesday. Your support means everything to the children. It was also so lovely to see former Lingwood pupils and hear about their learning journeys.
Big thank you to those who have already returned sponsorships. Just a reminder, sponsorship forms and money need to be submitted by Friday 28th June. Rewards for children will then be requested after this date.
The money raised will be used by our school to support greater physical activity in school and to enable Sports for Schools to keep running and support & fund top athletes to compete and train at the highest level. Every penny counts.
Staying Safe in the Sun.
As the sunshine is finally saying hello. Polite reminder: please send your child in every day with a named hat and a water bottle.
Sun cream must be labeled and handed to the class teacher.
Thank you.