Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community. Next week, we are looking forward to sports week! Reminder children will need to be in P.E attire Tuesday and Wednesday.
Miss Laycock
Year Group News
This week we moved the focus of transport onto construction sites and farms. We have been using small world vehicles such as bulldozers and diggers to push, lift and tip - building language around these actions as they play. In our construction area, children have been challenged to build tall skyscrapers using building blocks. And in our small world tray we have been using a farm scene to help learn about the types of vehicles you might see there, and why they are used. This has led to talk about the differences between construction and farm vehicles, with children choosing their favourite vehicle and trying to explain what they like about it. We have also made lovely cards for Father's Day, working on scissor control to cut circles for a 'Best Dad' medal while talking about what we love about them.
This week in Reception we have been sharing the story 'It's a No Money Day'. This story tackles the conversation of poverty and helps children to understand why food banks exist. The children have shown amazing compassion whilst reading the story and have collected a vast amount of food to give to the Norwich Food Bank. We have designed posters, encouraging others to donate to food banks. We have also looked at the vocabulary; charity shop, cereal, piece, practise and donation etc. In maths this week we have been looking at money and have practised recognising the coins as well as adding them together to make other quantities. We shared the story 'The Great Pet Sale' and made our own shops to sell various items. Lastly, we were so pleased to have an invite to the assembly with the rap author Karl Nova. Having read 'The Rapping Princess' the week before the children LOVED meeting him and sharing with him the story we had read. He was brilliant.
Year 1
On Wednesday, year 1 enjoyed a trip to the Sealife Centre in Great Yarmouth. We had a guided tour and learnt lots of amazing facts about the animals there. We also got the opportunity to stroke some huge starfish, a hissing cockroach and a millipede! We loved seeing Noah the sea turtle, the penguins and also the sharks and rays. A big thank you again to you all for your support which meant the trip could go ahead. In maths this week we have started telling the time to the hour and half hour on an analogue clock. This would be a good skill to keep practising at home!
Year 2
This week year 2 have been learning the words clockwise and anticlockwise and using them to give directions. In history we have been learning about Norwich and how it first came to be a city. We have been looking at some of our important buildings like the castle and the cathedral.
Year 3
This week year 3 have been planning their narratives. We have enjoyed thinking about the dialogue and how we can use it to show what different characters are like. In Maths we have started a new unit on Shape and have been learning about angles and turns. We also enjoyed a poetry workshop with our visitor this week.
Year 4
What an amazing week we have had! On Monday, the sun came out only for our hours of P.E. which meant we got to practice our bowling and fielding skills. Then, we finished with a game of rounders! We began applying our skills learnt last week and started writing our poetry critical analysis. In Geography, we explored factors that contribute to causing the water cycle to be disrupted - this included pollution and acid rain. On Wednesday, we had our African drumming session with Samantha from Norfolk Music Hub - she is very impressed with how our skills are coming along. As well as, our author visit from Karl Nova which the children thoroughly enjoyed. Finally, on Thursday, Year 4 had their first Reading Cafe and they loved reading with their adults, showing them what we are doing in class and completed an activity with their adult.
Year 5
On Wednesday 12th June, Year 5 were fortunate to be joined by Karl Nova, who delivered a workshop to the children. He started the session allowing the children to ask questions after his whole school assembly. After this, he delivered a session on poetry, outlining different types of poems such as acrostic and haiku, as well as exploring poetic features. Karl Nova asked the children to write their own haiku poems, making sure to use the 5-7-5 syllable rule. The children were really inspired by this and published their own poems, where their peers had to guess what they were describing! In maths, we have been multiplying and dividing decimals by 10, 100 and 1,000. The children have been using place value charts extremely well to move their digits along.
Year 6
It's been an exciting week this week, Year 6 were completely engrossed in the workshop that Karl Nova did in the class, he managed to get every child enthused about writing poetry and they were all talking about it after he had left us. We had our first Bushcraft session this week when everyone was successful in lighting a (very small) fire. We have been finishing off our Newspaper reports about VE Day and so many children have been telling stories that have been passed down from the Grandparents about their feats in the war. We have been doing a little bit of work around the Euros which start this week and everyone has been allotted one of the countries taking part to make an information sheet about.
This week in Launchpad we have continued with our lengths and heights topic in maths. In English we have made a wordbank of words to describe a pirate and spent time looking at shape poems. In science, we have started to look at the different parts of plants, labelling and identifying the parts of the plants in the school grounds. We have continued looking at staying safe when out and moved onto water safety this week, concentrating on when we spend time around rivers and lakes. In Bushcraft, we had a go at creating our own spark to make a fire.
Rabbit Class - Daisy, for making brilliant contributions to our class carpet sessions.
Squirrel Class – Aurora - for fantastic improvement in her phonics.
Hares Class – Maggie for always completing all tasks to the best of her ability and taking care over how she presents her work.
Fawns Class – Scarlett for her hard work and perseverance in Maths this week.
Otter Class – Esme - for the application of her reading skills when we read Wind in the Willows. You are able to give clear, concise summaries and character descriptions.
Badger Class – Bailey – for confidently recognising halves in fractions – well done!
Fox Class – Tom - for being focused and determined to improve his writing by acting on feedback given.
Launchpad - Mason G for showing more independence when completing his maths work this week.
Rabbit Class - Joshua, for being such a kind and caring member of our class.
Squirrel Class – Raeya - for her consistent hard work and effort in all of her learning.
Hares Class – Luna for being a great role model and trying hard to follow our class rules at all times.
Fawns Class - Alfie for working hard on his presentation this week.
Otter Class – Freddie - for supporting your teammates in a game of rounders. You were constantly giving out positive feedback.
Badger Class – Bea – for being a brilliant role model and for always helping your peers!
Fox Class – Rory - for being so determined to complete all of his work even though he has lost his left hand which is his writing hand! he hasn't complained once!
Launchpad - Oliver M for always being kind, helpful and supporting everyone in Launchpad.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance
Our whole school attendance this week was 94.6%. In first place is 5 with 95.6%, then in joint second place is Year 3 with 95.5% and in third place is Year 2 with 95.4%. Well done to all the children arriving at school on time, ready to learn!
Please note that the DFE are making changes from August 2024 with regards to term-time holidays and fixed penalty notices. See link below for further information.
Fines for parents for taking children out of school: What you need to know
Remember that every day counts!
Enrichment - Sports Week
Next week, we are super excited to have our GB athlete visit our school for Sports Week. On the playground and in classrooms the children have been regularly updating support staff and teachers about their amazing fundraising.
Next Tuesday, children from Reception to Year 6 will take part in a sponsored workshop with GB Athlete Richard Potter.
Sponsorship forms and money need to be submitted by Friday 28th June. Rewards for children will then be requested after this date.
The money raised will be used by our school to support greater physical activity in school and to enable Sports for Schools to keep running and support & fund top athletes to compete and train at the highest level. Every penny counts.
Karl Nova Visit and Y1 Visit to the Sea Life Centre
On Wednesday the children had a busy day. Children in year 1 enjoyed a trip to the Sealife Centre in Great Yarmouth with Miss Long, Mrs Hutchings, Mrs Yeomans and some volunteer parents.
There they had a guided tour and learnt lots of amazing facts about the animals there. They also got the opportunity to stroke some creatures! They loved seeing Noah the sea turtle, the penguins and also the sharks and rays. Thank you Miss Long for organising.
Whilst they were there, the rest of the school had a visit from Karl Nova, they enjoyed listening to the poetry and singing along with him in assembly. Reception even got him to sign their book 'Rapping Princess.' He then spent time in KS2 delivering different workshops - ALL of the children and staff were captivated by his enthusiasm and passion to his career.