Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community. Your dedication to our students is greatly appreciated.
Miss Laycock
Year Group News
This week we started a new topic, linking our inside and outside learning to transport. We have been learning names of various types of vehicles, exploring how they are different and what makes them move. Our small world and construction areas have been built around cars and buses, leading to lots of fun stories around journeys. We have been exploring patterns in a variety of ways, looking at repeating patterns and the patterns different tyres make when we roll them across paint, sand and mud!
This week Reception shared the story of The Rapping Princess. We looked at the vocabulary words; divine, voice, unique, rap, awe, kingdom courage, mental strength and bravery. We talked about our favourite music and wrote about our favourite songs. Many of the children in Reception have enjoyed performing on our new stage outside. Thank you Mr B for building it! In maths we looked at 2D and 3D shapes. We found out how to tell the difference, practised naming the different shapes and looked at their properties. We even took part in a shape hunt in our outside area, we couldn't believe how many rectangles we found! Mrs Brighton was particularly proud of how the children shone this week, demonstrating excellent listening and a continued enthusiasm for learning.
Year 1
This week year one have been learning about Tim Peake in History, finding out about his space mission and his work in schools. We have been learning about money in maths, recognising different coins and notes and starting to make amounts. In English we have been reading The Lion Inside, sorting the adjectives used to describe appearance and characteristics of the lion and the mouse and learning lots of new vocabulary!
Year 2
Year two have been working hard on problem solving this week in maths. They have been using all four maths operations to find the answer and deciding whether to use a numberline, bar model or counters to help solve the problem. In English we have been writing recounts about something we have done recently and trying to use adverbs to make our writing more interesting.
Year 3
Year 3 has had a brilliant start to the new half term. This week we have continued to work hard learning about time in maths. In Reading we have started our new text: The Magician's Nephew, which we are really enjoying. We have also been exploring food groups in Science and have been investigating how to make healthy food choices.
Year 4
What a great first week back! We began our new text, The Wind in the Willows which the children are thoroughly enjoying. They have started to explore their narrative poetry unit looking at the elements of each poem and how the poet uses poetic devices to convey mood and atmosphere. In P.E., we practiced our throwing and catching technique as part of our unit on Rounders. We continued to look at statistics such as line graphs by collecting data and drawing our own. So far, a really strong, positive start to the term Year 4.
Year 5
This week, Year 5 have been working incredibly hard when solving problems with decimals. They have been carefully considering the value of digits in calculations to avoid making calculation errors. During English, we have started our new unit of biographies. We have been focusing on adverbs and pronouns to build cohesion within our writing. Well done Badger class!
Year 6
This week Year 6 have started their new text - Good to be Me, they have also been thinking about the future in their PSHE lessons and had some brilliant advice for each other and themselves to help them reach their goals - believe in yourself, never give up, don't listen to the doubters. They have also started thinking about writing newspaper reports about the Battle of Britain and had a very in depth discussion about democracy and the constitution. In maths they have been revisiting geometry and the rules around internal and opposite angles. They were most excited by starting to make and paint the props we will need for our end of term play - Cinderella and Rockerfella.
Launchpad has had a great first week back. In maths, we have started looking at lengths and heights, comparing and measuring. In English we have started looking at Pirate Poetry, reading and adding actions to the poems. In art, we looked at how indigenous people painted images onto rocks and then made our rock art pets. In PSHE we are looking at how we stay safe when out and about starting with road safety.
Rabbit Class - Nelly, for trying so hard to remember finger spaces within her writing.
Squirrel Class – Oliver - making £1 using different coins, exploring different possibilities.
Hares Class – Florence for always presenting her work beautifully and making sure everything she does is to the best of her ability.
Fawns Class – Mason, for his excellent focus in Maths.
Otter Class – George S for his amazing explanations of each hexagon in History - we were looking at the life and discovery of Tutankhamun.
Badger Class – Jack for working incredibly hard in English - using adverbials and pronouns to build cohesion. Well done!
Fox Class – Henry - for great focus in all his learning.
Launchpad - Aoife - for her amazing maths work this week comparing heights and lengths.
Rabbit Class - Harry, for always being ready to learn and demonstrating excellent listening skills.
Squirrel Class – Rufus - for supporting his peers with their learning in maths.
Hares Class – Autumn for always trying her best and persevering even when a task is tricky.
Fawns Class - Ramona, for always being polite and respectful.
Otter Class – Sam for always being organised and punctual. You arrive at school on time, everyday, ready to learn! You take sole responsibility for your own equipment and ensure that tasks are completed within a timely manner.
Badger Class – Ziggie for being resilient with your work, especially handwriting!
Fox Class –Daisy - for being a star all of the time - kind, thoughtful and supportive.
Launchpad - Kayden - for always giving 100% in all tasks.
Congratulations to you all - we are very proud of you!
Attendance Update
This week's whole school attendance
Our whole school attendance this week was 94.5%. In joint first place is Year 3 and 5 with 96%, then in joint second place is Year 1, 4 and 2 with 95% and in third place is Year 6 with 93%. Well done to all the children arriving at school on time, ready to learn!
Please note that the DFE are making changes from August 2024 with regards to term-time holidays and fixed penalty notices. See link below for further information.
Fines for parents for taking children out of school: What you need to know
Remember that every day counts!
Enrichment at
Enrichment is something the senior leadership team have worked extremely hard on alongside the teachers to ensure children have purposeful enrichment opportunities and trips that run alongside our new curriculum.
Just this week, some children in Years 5 and 6 have completed their level 2 bikeability. A group of children in key stage 2 went with Mr. Nash and Mr. B to take part in a LEGO STEM project at Carrow Road, Year 4 and Launchpad children continued their music lessons and some of the Y6 children continued their Norwich County Council YES project which is closely linked to supporting the transition to high school.
Over the next half term, we are looking forward to the visitors we have coming into school. Karl Nova (Rap Author) and Richard Potter (GB athlete) are just two coming up which the children are really excited about.
Book Author Visit
Wednesday 12th June
Reminder, next Wednesday we have RAP author Karl Nova visiting our school to give a whole school assembly and class writing workshops to children.
Should you wish your child to have a signed copy of one/both of his books please see the letter reminders sent via MCAS.
We are all really looking forward to it!